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Archive through January 19, 2000

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Down with the commie Russians!!!!

The Chechnian freedom fighters will kick the commie Russians out of their country.

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Down with the commie Russians!!!!

The Chechnian freedom fighters will kick the commie Russians out of their country.

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British: they already kicked their asses. they are already beaten.

igor: why, are you afraid of me or what 🙂

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"The Chechnian freedom fighters will kick the commie Russians out of their country."

And leave other 72% to stay? Not a bright idea, probably. Though those capable "chechnians" would be of a great help currently in the Duma.

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Pick up your choice:


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As I said before, One of four factors that presents the challenge for russian troops against "wolves of Islam" is a Human Shield factor:

Chechen rebels have been accused of executing
prisoners of war and using civilians as "human
shields" in a report issued by the Human Rights
Watch (HRW) organisation.

HRW also pointed out that the execution of
prisoners of war runs contrary to the Geneva
Convention and constitutes a war crime.

Full article about human shield factor:


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by Ultra Russian Nationalist: "I cannot wait, Communism!!!"
WOW, Can't wait, go to Cuba. 🙂

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Is 88 your year of birth? It certainly looked like 89.

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This is really hilarious....a fukkin' free humour page!

Eighteen were martyred (We ask Allah to accept them from the martyrs) and a number were
wounded in the ranks of the Mujahideen.

The Dagestani Commander Shamil Alouri was martyred; we ask Allah to accept him from the

Ok, I accept them. Don't forget to offer me some more later.


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Putins party today announced that they are siding with the Communists. In reaction, 140 democratic members of Duma, got up and walked out. Communism will live! I cant wait until Putin gives his reflection on this! Watch the news, read your newspapers, etc etc. Everyone should know about this. WWW. FACE="SYMBOL">KPRF.RU

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By Armenian+ ( - on Wednesday, January 19, 2000 - 02:19 am:

Is 88 your year of birth? It certainly looked like 89.

"88" stands for Heil Hitler (as H is 8th number of alphabet).

There are obviously some loosers who like to close their eyes real tight and rub their ••••• real hard so that they can picture a Hitler's •••• between their buttocks


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It's hilarious to see these phony reports from noone knows what or something.

As they even have cohones to deny the Grozni takeover by russian troops (even reputable CNN reported long time ago). I wonder what they'd say in 3 days or so. Letr's watch....

Show No Mercy, Slayer 1983

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"Putins party today announced that they are siding with the Communists. In reaction, 140 democratic members of Duma, got up and walked out. Communism will live! I cant wait until Putin gives his reflection on this!"

Don't take a simple politics and make a big fuss out of it. It's not to keep KPRF in as much as to keep Mr. Primakov out. Besides, Mr. Seleznyov was very loyal previously and having his job entirely dependent on the Unity brass will hardly make him willing to play hardball.

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last one for today,

Here are some "wolves of islam" who are about the request Allah to enter heavens after martired (LOL!!!) for jihad. Keep it up.

Good night and cheers


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culto: NAZI RULEZ !!!!!!!


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