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Archive through January 19, 2000

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A woman's face with Nature's own hand painted
Hast thou, the master-mistress of my passion;
A woman's gentle heart, but not acquainted
With shifting change, as is false women's fashion;
An eye more bright than theirs, less false in rolling,
Gilding the object whereupon it gazeth;
A man in hue, all 'hues' in his controlling,
Much steals men's eyes and women's souls amazeth.
And for a woman wert thou first created;
Till Nature, as she wrought thee, fell a-doting,
And by addition me of thee defeated,
By adding one thing to my purpose nothing.
But since she prick'd thee out for women's pleasure,
Mine be thy love and thy love's use their treasure.

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My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground.
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.


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Basaev's reported to sustain three abdominal pistol-shot wounds after "duelling" with another warlord over the Dagestani invasion relevance argument. Why didn't they use rocket launchers instead?

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2 Kissie,

The news about basaev wound is quite likely to be another gossip from the russian kgb, as was the news that basaev is encircled by russians, or that baraev is killed. let's wait a bit, and then we will see ....

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zdorov balabol(ka)...kak dela? Vse tselyem jzopi i nashim i vashim..poniatnenko..ti Ia vijzy vse scish nazvat' svoe mesto prebivania, daje kogda teb'a po-xoroshemy UltraRussian sprosil? Ladnen'ko..da, kstati, y men'ia k tebe tojze "hinto" est' - kakoi mydak radi teb'ia bydet napriagat'sa i perexodit v Cyrillic Windows???

Da, esche, tebe privet s Odessi-mami

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Hello everyone,

I am officially back from Odessa...what can I tell ya - some things don't change 🙂

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is it a week or two?? may be three? lt's try four.

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2 dimitri,

>>> kakoi mydak radi teb'ia bydet napriagat'sa i perexodit v Cyrillic Windows???

ne hochesh - i ne nadobno, nikto ne zastavlyaet ...

>>> Da, esche, tebe privet s Odessi-mami

S etoi "mami" ya ne znakom.

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every time you opend that shithole you call 'mouth' it smells here..really 🙁

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Posts: 553

>>> I am officially back from Odessa...

Tak ty eseichas v Odesse ili v Lombarde?

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Tuesday 18 January 2000:Announcement from the Mujahideen Command with Regards to the Latest Events in Chechnya

First: We thank Allah Most High and praise Him for the victory He has bestowed upon the Mujahideen in the face of the Russian atheists. Since the day of Eid, victorious operations have been undertaken against enemy fortifications in the towns of Argun, Shali, MaskurYurt and the vicinity of Shatoi. We relied on none other than Allah first, and then our military plans to hit the enemy hard in their fortifications. The strategy of attacking the enemy using hit and run tactics has caused great confusion in the ranks of the Russian Army. The military leadership is now at odds with itself and their rank and file have been badly shaken. We give Praise to Allah and implore Him to sustain the Mujahideen on the correct path.

Second: Russian forces are attempting to establish control over the mountainous areas on the border between Chechnya and Georgia. In their attempts to succeed, Russian military engineers have commenced work on an easterly-heading road from the valley of Jiryagh in southern Ingushetia, and a westerly-headed road from the Dagestani region of Shatila and from there to Utam-Kale. The two roads are scheduled to meet in Shatoi. The enemy is using seven giant Japanese-made bulldozers for this task, and is calling upon the services of a full strength infantry division for protection. The aim of the Russians in taking control of the mountainous border with Georgia is to keep Chechnya an "internal" issue and to cut the Republic off from the rest of the world.

Despite these elaborate plans, Russian troops have met fierce resistance in the rugged terrain near the village of Shaharakun. This has forced the enemy to focus their efforts on preparing military positions in Western Chechnya, near Utam-Kale, where they hope to re-launch this effort in the summer. The reason for this postponement is attributed to the resistance of the Mujahideen and the bitter winter conditions that has left Russian troops suffering from freezing cold. Their misery is compounded by the lack of nutritional supplies - Russian morale is low, and enemy troops are suffering from fear, cold and hunger. May Allah increase their suffering and destitution.

Third: We say with confidence that the Russian actions in the mountains are tantamount to them digging their own graves. The legend of the Russian Army will end in these regions, for the Mujahideen have prepared themselves for a long fight that can only be won with special preparations. The Mujahideen have concluded these preparations and are about to surprise the Russians with operations that will annihilate Russian forces on the mountain tops and in the valleys, just as they were crushed in the very cities they were fortifying themselves in, insha-Allah.

Fourth: The acting President of Russia, Putin the failure, and his band of loser generals, pinned high hopes on their offensive in the mountains. However, they were stunned by the preparations undertaken by the Mujahideen who had positioned themselves effectively throughout the region. A testimony to this preparedness was the capturing of a map from a dead Russian officer. The map indicated the positions of the Mujahideen that were scheduled to be attacked by the Russians.

We also praise Allah who enabled us to defeat two groups of Russian forces that were commissioned to carry out these attacks. The first group included the special "Desant" unit and the second was comprised of Special Forces and snipers who were ordered to capture the peaks of the mountain ranges. Both "special" units were completely annihilated. The commanding officers of the two units, a Major and a high-ranking commander respectively, were both killed in the fighting. We can say with confidence that Putin's first grand military plan has resulted in a dismal failure that echoes the likeness of its planner.

Fifth: We would like to whisper in the ears of all Muslims who are closely following these events a few words of reminder that Allah most High supports His soldiers and bestows upon them victory over their enemies, even if they were few in number: "How many a little company hath overcome a mighty host by Allah's leave! Indeed Allah is with the steadfast " [Quran 2:249] So often during Ramadan we sensed the blessings of the supplications of Muslims around the world. Indeed Allah answered their prayers and extended His support to the Mujahideen, keeping them steadfast and granting them victory, whilst planting fear in the hearts of His enemy and scattering them in defeat and destitution.

In the name of Allah! We call upon you all to shoulder the effort of this Jihad with us, and to stand by the Mujahideen by supporting them in every way possible, financially, through Dua, or by other direct means. Victory will be for Islam and the Muslims. We ask Allah to give glory and victory to His religion, and to support those who raise the Word of Allah, while humiliating His enemies, and may the peace of Allah and His blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad and His companions.

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dimitri, the Filthy Russian Pig (FRP):

actually the board up to this morning has been having a rosey smell, will you came back from your pig house, or it may be coming from your buddy arkan:

The London Sunday Times has reported that the foul creature Zeljko Raznatovic,
also known as terrorist Arkan was shot and killed in the Hotel Intercontinental, Belgrade.
The fowl smelling Arkan was shot 3 times in the face.
An unconfirmed report also states that Arkan make strange squealing noises similar
to that of a pig as he died.
Apart from blood on the floor of the hotel lobby, there are also exrecment stains,
as Arkan dirtied his pants (like many serbs) when he died.

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v Lombarde??????????????????
I'm a looooong way from Illinois.

try again..

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It was just a tentative guess - i do not want to elaborate further ('cause i am not like armenian).

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say "gav", "gav" 😉

I missed you, you little biaaatch (suchka)

Let me quote ya: "actually the board up to this morning has been having a rosey smell"

Rosey smell, huh?..fag..hehe

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