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Archive through January 2, 2000

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>> By Everest

>> Arbi Barayev is alive!!!

It looks like so. Russian idiotic propaganda was screwed up again. With such cheap tricks about Baraev, Russian military advance maybbe heading for troubles, this time - real ones.

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to start with, RIGHT ON K-SAN, yet again.
other than that, it's humorous to read statements
(sic)....obviously from someone who's never seen
the western world to know there are several
different components comprising the "western
how (expletive) dare you speak for what i 'value'
and what i dont.
well, actually, i'd have to be taking you
seriously to respond like that, and you've already
made it impossible to take you seriously, because
you're a dork.
as for the TALIBAN, simply knowing of public
executions of women in stadiums is all i need to
oh, and how typical of you to slam the "dirty
jewish media" too.
ps> sure is nice to see that yesterday's ancient
biblical RUBBISH has been taken off this page.

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A new Kremlin face, but "family" keeps the real power

MOSCOW, Jan 2 (AFP) -

There's a new man in the Kremlin, but it is the fabulously rich and equally elusive "family" that once surrounded Boris Yeltsin that remains the power behind the throne in Russia, insiders say.

"What has happened here can be held up as an orderly and legal transfer of executive power," explained a well-informed Russian political source.

"What it is in reality is a textbook palace coup d'etat," commented the source, who asked not to be named.

"The decision for Yeltsin to step aside and for Putin to take over was taken not in the interests of the country but in the interests of the family."

Those interests center on monopolistic control of major wealth-generating sectors of the Russian economy -- public utilities, media, oil, factories -- and this control rests with not more than 40 people, several experts said.

Among the most well-known members of "The Family" are the billionaire businessman Boris Berezovsky, former privatization guru Anatoly Chubais, Yeltsin's daughter Tatiana Dyachenko and financier Roman Abramovich.

Although he did not manage it single-handedly, it is Chubais who is credited with "inviting" Putin to Moscow from St. Petersburg and placing him immediately in a powerful Kremlin post two years ago.

Under the family's guidance, the 47-year-old Putin rose with extraordinary speed up through the ranks of the Yeltsin administration and was named prime minister last summer as the Kremlin sought a no-nonsense political sentry.

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Listen to Russian soilder Hary,
From the desk of a reporter,

Harry and the other officers I encountered knew exactly what they wanted out of the war. "We lost it last time," he said bluntly.

"I just do this for the money," one of them, Nicolai, told me as I struggled to understand the rules of a card game, appropriately named "Russian Fool". His wage of 1,500 roubles (£37.50) a month was considered a reasonable pay packet by Russian standards, though it barely kept his wife and six-month-old son, who lived in Moscow. He was aged 24 and had been in the army since he was 18, first as a paratrooper, then in two subsequent anti-terrorist special units.

"Russia is stuck halfway between the old communist system and capitalism," he explained, "so our economy is totally screwed up. It is not a question of wanting to be a soldier or not, it is a question of doing whatever you can to have enough money to get by."

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Tuesday 28 December 1999 Today is The Day of Massacre.

The All-Mighty said: “…And heal the hearts of a believing people.”… Good news for the people of faith.

The death of the head of the hypocrites and the leader of the betrayers General Sullim, and a group from his allies.

Fierce fighting in Istenji and Grozny consecutively with more than 200 killed and a great number of the enemy injured.

Destruction of 11 vehicles from Tanks, BMB and Fuel Tanks.

The Mujahideen capture 8 vehicles, 15 Lerinjak Grenade-launchers and 5 RPG weapons.

The daring Mujahideen established control over one of the cells, by killing the head of hypocrisy, the General Sulim, the former governor of the city of Qadrimis, as well as a group from amongst his main allies in a successful ambush that lead to a violent explosion in his car. Without any benefit, one of the special helicopters descended to rescue this agent, about whom Yeltsin, the President of Russia said in his statement to the Russian News Agency: “If in the land of Chechnya, there were four likes of the General Sullim, peace will be established in the country.”

Fierce battles took place on the outskirts of Istenji under the leadership of Chechen commander Urbi. The result was 84 killed and the destruction of 5 vehicles and the Mujahideen captured 15 Lerinjak grenade launchers, 5 RPGs, 4 PK machine guns and 27 Klashnikov rifles. Likewise, fierce battles took place around the capital, Grozny. Allah honoured the Mujahideen with the killing of 130 Russians and the destruction of 6 vehicles. The Mujahideen captured 8 intact vehicles. The fierce battles do not cease to continue even during the authoring of this news report.

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Putin is finally coming to his senses in regard to time limit for taking Grozny; did'nt we all including filthy russian pigs on this board, get tired and got lost keeping the dates as to when putin will take Grozny???? sure we all did. Now he saying:

``No Time Limit''

Acting President Vladimir Putin, who paid a surprise visit to the Russian-controlled Chechen town of Gudermes late on New Year's Eve hours after the resignation of Boris Yeltsin, said there was no time limit for the troops to take Grozny.

``We have no intention of liberating anything by acting hastily,'' Putin, who was the little-known boss of the FSB domestic security service before becoming prime minister in August, said in televised comments on Saturday.

``We plan to act in the best possible way, which means as few losses as possible among our servicemen and no losses among the civilian population,'' he added.


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fresh news:

Friday 31 December 1999

The Mujahideen fortified their positions in Dab-Yurt, which is 15 km away from the city of Shatoi, and is considered to be a meaningful way to Georgia. After fortification of their positions, they began to wage attacks upon the Russian enemies from two directions. A fierce battle occurred with the enemies, in which 2 vehicles were destroyed along with whoever was in it. One of the brothers, made a record of his brave stance, as he faced a tank on foot and shot at it with a RPG rocket, and destroyed the tank and whoever was in it. During his clash with the Forces, he was hit by a sniper bullet in his chest which killed him. He moved from the battlefield to the eternal gardens, Insha`Allah, so congratulations to him.

“I have come to you with massacring …”(Sahih)

On the southern-front, the Mujahideen gradually lead a number from the Russian Infantry to a mountainous district, and after they entered it, the Mujahideen surrounded the place and then close quarter combat began. The Infantry Forces were destroyed so they chose to search for a way to escape. Some of the Mujahideen were able to meet up with about 10 soldiers, so the Mujahideen opened fire on them, caught them and then slaughtered them with knives. After the escape of Russian Forces, 4 of the soldiers lost their way due to the severity of fear, so they ran towards the direction of the Mujahideen and fortified themselves at the peak of a mountain. Now they are surrounded, waiting for the knives (to slit their throats). The Mujahideen captured a number of light and medium weapons in this operation and a quantity of reserves.

more news to come, stay tuned pigs...

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Just for laugh:

How a great pauper Russia considers itself a "global power" (from

Russia's stand in Chechnya's crisis has a far-reaching implication: either this country will accept America-imposed rules of the game and agree to the role of a second-rate state one can speak with from the position of strength and interfere in its internal affairs, or Russia will make it clear that it remains a GREAT POWER despite (sic!) all current economic hardships. Moscow stands for the latter.

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Russia paves the way for the destruction of the civilisation of mankind....

As the world observes, The Moscow broadcast announced that the "Mujahideen” who are defending the capital, Grozny, set out today by firing a number of missiles, containing chemical gasses, on the Russian Forces surrounding the capital, which instigated the Russian Forces to retreat a bit, and to be wary of such strikes, by the usage of protective gas masks. The leadership of the Russian Forces announced that it warned the “Mujahideen” if such type of internationally prohibited missiles are used again, then the capital will have to face a total annihilation!!! We have no commentaries for this report more than that the patience of the Russian Forces has come to an end, and now they are determined to go to the next stage of their attacks on the capital, supported by chemical weapons. From what confirms this is the fact that the American Government ordered all of the journalists to leave Chechnya, fearing kidnapping, whereas the reality is not so…!

The Mujahideen are contracting transactions of weapons with the delegations of Russian generals

The war of accusations increased due to corruption amongst the Russian ground military leadership in Chechnya. As many of the Russian generals strove invest in this war in order to increase their available funds. They did not find a way simpler and faster than selling weapons and information to the Mujahideen. When the higher leadership sought to take account of the ground troops, the commanders revealed some information with them, that confirms the involvement of the higher military leadership in such transactions. A news report like such proves to us two matters. The first matter, proves the statement of the Messenger of Allah – may the Salaah of Allah and Salaam be upon him – which says: “… My provision has been made under the shade of my spear, and humiliation and disgrace has been made for the one who disobeys my order…” However much the Russians try to cut off the supply route for Mujahideen, they will not be able to do so, as Allah split open a way for Musa (Moses) in the sea, after his companions said to him, “We are sure to be overtaken” (al-Qur`aan 26:61). Also, the Messenger of Allah – may the Salaah of Allah and Salaam be upon him – guaranteed, that the one who fights in order to make the word of Allah high, then Allah will provide him with provision, either by the booty, or by a way a person can never imagine. As Allah says: “Whoever fears Allah, He makes for him an exit, and provides him from where he could not imagine” (al-Qur`aan 65:2-3). The second matter, that this news makes clear to us is the spreading of corruption amongst the Russian leadership, and the emptiness of this war from any meaning for Russia, with the exception of wealth and business with the blood of the innocent.

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i love the great spirit of your soldiers:

"Russia is stuck halfway between the old communist system and capitalism," he explained, "so our economy is totally screwed up. It is not a question of wanting to be a soldier or not, it is a question of doing whatever you can to have enough money to get by." by a russian soldier.

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cont.: the graet spirit of russian soldiers!!!

January 1, 2000

Russian Troops Are Edgy as They Prepare to Go 'Clean' Grozny
ROZNY, Russia, Dec. 31 -- After Dmitri Baidanov's legs had been shattered by mortar fire, he crawled for three days through the streets of Grozny until he reached the Russian lines.
Today Private Baidanov, 19, was splayed on his stomach, unconscious in a field hospital on the western outskirts of Grozny, the Chechen capital. He may be one of the lucky ones. Six bodies lay in a row in the muddy field nearby, wrapped in shiny foil.

"We had more than 10 wounded yesterday, and there will be more wounded today," said a hospital orderly, Pvt. Dmitri Turkov. "They are fighting less than two miles away."

-->>>This is a side of the war that most Russians are rarely shown, patching up the wounded and the grisly task of disposing the dead.<

When the Russian military began its campaign against the separatist rebels, its generals vowed to win a speedy victory and hold down Russian losses. But as Russia begins the new year, its troops are mired in urban warfare, and the still popular war is claiming a higher toll.

Dear Muslims: I hope you are enjoying the above.

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More news to enjoy: Continuing the same report from michael Gordon:

"Going up the hill, the reporters passed a soldier who had just been shot through the neck and was being tended by paramedics. By the time the reporters marched down 40 minutes later, he was dead and his comrade was torn by grief.

The mood among the soldiers was edgy. Dec. 31 is the fifth anniversary of the disastrous attack on Grozny, when Russian armored columns rushed into the center of the city only to be annihilated by rebels.

The troops were worried that the militants might commemorate the date by mounting a counteroffensive. Some monitored a tactical radio, trying to intercept communications. As the soldiers tried to make out the chatter, trucks full of fresh troops drove toward Grozny for a chance to "clean" the city.

Certainly there seemed to be little respite from the war at the hospital. Rumors of ghastly setbacks have circulated among the members of the medical team. Private Turkov said he had heard that the fighting in the city had been intense and that the bodies of troops had been taken out by the truckload."


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* And after reading of this preamble who can counter the idea, that it's pestilence in a bad need to be wiped off/away/out.
Putin is finally coming to his senses in regard to time limit for taking Grozny; ... .
* Bosna is BSing again. He knows, that he has nothing, so, any idea, suitable for corruption by a deliberate twist will/would do.

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... either this country will accept America-imposed rules of the game and agree to the role of a second-rate state one can speak with from the position of strength and interfere in its internal affairs, ...
* A description of Japan, it seems ...

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READ Y ALL ATHEIEST// from communist CZK

Coming to Islam Despite Muslims

I spent the first twenty-two years of my life in communist Czechoslovakia. I used to be an atheist for most of my life, truly convinced that God did not exist. An important reason for my rejection of God's possible existence was the irrational nature of Christianity's concept of God as Trinity.

I still vividly remember my grandmother, telling me stories about God when I was a child, and about Jesus and His mother Mary, and how illogical these stories seemed to me even then (“Well, Grandma, if God is One, how can He be three at the same time?”, “And Grandma, if Mary was His mother, who was God before He was born?”...etc.). I remember how mercilessly I teased my poor grandma, and how she could never provide a satisfactory answer.

I also remember well how amused I was, in my mid-twenties and a graduate student at the University of Minnesota, and how heartily I laughed when I found out that one of my colleagues believed in God and prayed regularly, and how incredulous I was that anyone intelligent enough to be studying for a Master's Degree in Business could be at the same time dumb enough to believe in God and the Hereafter.

It was only in my thirties, when, through my interest in science, all-of-a-sudden it dawned on me that even a brick wall cannot happen by accident. So, if all of the natural laws in the universe fit together so amazingly precisely, it cannot be a product of chance but it must have been created by God. And God must be only ONE.

I went from certainty that there isn't, and cannot be, God, to certainty that there must be God in what seems like an instant, without any period of uncertainty in-between.

I now knew that there is God, and I knew that He is One.  And I was sure that all religions had it wrong.  I already knew this about Christianity, and my impression of Judaism was that it says that God is only for Jews and that it teaches other things not compatible with an All-Knowing God.  From what little I knew about Islam (from the newspapers, of course), I did not think that it had much in common with faith in God and submission to His will either.  My bad impression was only re-enforced when I encountered my first Muslims.

These were Lebanese and Syrian traders in Ivory Coast and Liberia, whom I met in the course of my business trips to West Africa.  From what I could see, they were not very honest, they drank alcohol, they did not pray and they treated the Africans as slaves.  When I suggested that all of this was inconsistent with God’s commandments, they agreed but said this did not worry them.  They told me that this was the advantage of Islam over other religions, because “In Islam, one can have a good time and sin as much as one pleases, and then, when he is too old for sin, he only needs to make a Hajj to Makkah, and all of his sins will be washed away.”  I thought “What a bunch of baloney, and the further from this religion, the better!”

So, for a while, I was convinced that I had my own, private religion, just me and my faith in God and submission to His will, until I got into a discussion of our mutual religious beliefs with a Lebanese student, who was visiting his relatives in Ivory Coast.  He was surprised that I had not read the Quran, and suggested that I definitely read it.  He was convinced that I would like it, and told me that I would find in there a lot of what I was telling him about my beliefs.  When I asked him about some of the other “Muslims,” he told me not to judge Islam by these people, because they were ignorant

I was quite impressed by him and bought shortly an English translation of the Quran (by N.J. Dawood, which in fact isn't the best).  I must confess that it sat unopened on my bookshelf for about 3 years.  I think my reluctance to read it stemmed from my several attempts to read the Bible cover-to-cover, which were never successful, because I found too many contradictions and much of the material too dry.  I thought the Quran would probably be much the same.  But then, out of curiosity, I started reading it one day.  By the time I reached about a third, I was very impressed and commented to my wife about how smart Muhammad must have been.  It was all so very logical, with no contradictions.  After that, I came suddenly across some scientific facts which took my breath away.  I knew for sure that these were only discovered during the 20th century.  As Muhammad could not have known them, he must have been a prophet and a messenger, as it was instantly clear to me that the Quran could only come from God.

This was about 17-18 years ago and I never looked back.  My family and friends could not believe at first that I was serious and, for a long time, they thought that this was some sort of a put-on or a practical joke.  Even now, when they have gotten used to it and know that I am serious, they still can't understand why I chose Islam and I still get asked, from time to time  “Can't I see how they are terrorists who kill innocent people?  Can't I see how badly they treat women? Can't I see how they would like the whole world to go back in the Middle Ages?  And if I already wish to believe in God, OK, why not, but then why do I have to believe in their Allah?  Why not believe in our God instead?  Why?”

To my children (23, 14, 12, 10) Islam comes naturally.  However, my wife of 27 years, who believes in one God, rejects the concept of Trinity and of the divinity of Christ, and who rejects any intercessors between God and the human, nevertheless forcefully disagrees if I tell her that her beliefs are Islamic.  In her mind, she cannot divorce Islam, as defined by God in the Quran, from the "Islam" as "practiced" by the majority of "Muslims" around the world.  She has met many of my Muslim friends and considers them nice people, but does not consider them representative but rather the exceptions to the rule.
The sad part about many of today’s Muslims is that, rather than being supporters of God and rejecting anything and anybody who contravenes God's commandments, even if the perpetrator claims to be a Muslim, many are supporters of anyone and anything claiming to be "Islamic" and feel they have to rally around him, even if what the concerned practices is in direct contravention of what God has commended. So they fear people instead of God, and compromise God's commandments to be with such people, forgetting that they won't be of any help to each other on the Day of Judgment, or in the Hereafter.

I left Czechoslovakia for the West in 1968, just after the Russian occupation crushed the "Prague Spring."  By bribing a passport official with a valuable stamp collection, I was able to get my parents and brother to Switzerland about 3 months later, just a short while before the Czech government cancelled all permissions for private travel to the West.  In 1969 I was granted financial assistance by the University of Minnesota and spent the following 5 years studying in the States.

My father died in Switzerland in 1972, and I don't know if he ever found his way to God or not. He used to be a convinced atheist before, but in his last years he apparently started wondering about whether God is or not.  According to my mother's recollection, he did find his way. My brother, who was 17 at the time of my father's death, is unsure. He says that during my father's last days, a Christian priest used to come visit him in the hospital and they discussed religion a lot.  But my father was a logical person and he could not accept the idea of the Trinity.  I don't know if he ever made the mental leap to discover that God is not as the Christians describe Him.  It is possible that he still may have rejected God in the end, because the Christian God was the only concept of God he was familiar with, and could not accept.

My brother nearly laughed his head off when he saw me reading the Quran at first, and when I told him that I came to believe in God.  Now both he and his wife, also a former atheist, say they believe in God, but they still haven't read the Quran that I gave them several years ago, and they still look at "Islam" askance.  They both say that what they see of "Muslims" turns them off - they see many as hypocrites who do not respect God's commandments and many others as opposed to any intellectual discussion, and unfortunately they judge the whole Islam by this.

My mother (also a former atheist) has found her way to God some years back, but also has not read the Quran yet, for similar reasons as my brother and his wife.

I continue to pray for them, for God to show them His straight path and guide them to it.

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