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Archive through January 2, 2000

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ABDFOOLAH is one retarded muslim moron, who has yet to post something worth discusing besides his rantings and ravings .Why don't you apply for job as parking lot attendant.

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to serb:
u r a total joke!! first, if you are bothered by the "news" i am posting, well, guess what; it is damn too bad for you. second, it is so outragous that u still call the war criminals like mladic, karadic and milosevic "presidents"!!!
u r saying that the serb generals are already in russia helping the russian generals? helping them in what?? killing innocent civilians and raping women? what else can the serbs do??? on the front lines they run like chickens and especially the chetnicks. whethere it is in sanski most, bihac, ozren,...
Serbs are just like their russian brothers: chickens!!!! oh yeah, i forgot about your white eagles!!! it is so funny when they came to bihac and sanski most to help the other criminals, but, o well they were slaughtered just like the other "eagles"... They were eagles on the helpless civilians, on the from lines they were ••••• cats...
any questions?

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This one is personally for balalaika (don't tell me you don't like these too!):

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hey, look who's back - bosna-the-doggie! bosna, do you wont to share with the world how you cope with the loss of your buddy arbi?

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bosna, shut up •••• up. You have lost the war.

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yeah, really. bosna sux..

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Thats why these morons have nothing to say because its all over but the whinning. Can't wait to see what new toys Russia will use on these muslim pigs. I'd go for more aerosol bombs that way all the shite will burn and there will nothing to clean up after. Hey BOSNA where are the states they don't care about you pigs.

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More aerosol and concrete piercing stuff. Napalm and termit would also do a good job. Pesticides could be helpful in the hills. But we, Armenians, asked Russians not to use special chemicals in the mountains because we can find good use for that land. After all, according to kavkaz.o-g, all Chechens will be displaced north. Much north. Deep north. What a pity.

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PUTIN will be next President= trouble for all you terrorists. He is going to be one tough cookie, spells trouble for all who want to screw around with Russia. I guess that means all you Abdulls and camel-jockeys.

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STAY TUNED ABFOOL AND BONZA are looking for something to post .However the end is near and they must be feeling depressed. Maybe Prozac will help, but if you can not take it no more ,just kill yourself.hahahahahahahahaha

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Interesting observation. When I come to this board, all Abduls immediately hide their tennis-ball-sized heads in a limbo. Leaking the wounds Abduls? I feel sorry for you!

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you know its funny, if you believed all the russian crap, s far as how many chechen fighters they say theyve killed, the number would be like 10,000, and there arent that many--idiots
the la times posted an article on the front page in 1994/1995 about the war back then and quoted Russian---read that RUSSIAN TROOPS, stating that they say men with long white beards on horses shooting arrows at russian tanks and the tanks exploded---now this is a miracle that the atheist enemy would admit something like this and it would be printed on the front page of the times....this is exactly as the Quran states about sending forces in the form of angels to fight with true believers, as they did during the time of the Prophet Muhammad....i will look for this article this week and post it for you rusky's who think that the russians will be victorious, whether or not they win the war they are already condemned to hell.....
when will you people learn that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is His Messenger

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"The NTV report said Interior Ministry troops had suffered 1,500 injured in the three weeks since the military first surrounded Grozny, also the site of fierce battles in Russia's disastrous 1994-96 war against Chechen separatists."

O My God! 1500 INJURED just in Grozny!!! Propaganda-plagued NTV Admitting 1500 INJURED!! I Wonder how many DEAD???

There is now more reason to believe

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To Igor, Armenian, Caucasian and the ancestors of pigs and monkeys.

You looked so happy when you heard that Arabi bayav has died. you are fool, all the Mujaheedeen are like him. We had one guy who destroyed a tank while he was walking on his foot. Do not you feel shame that you are about 200000 solider and can not face 2000-5000 solider. I swear if I were you, I would not have the courage to post one letter here. One of you asked if we like the scud missiles, we ask did you like the defeat in Afgainstan and the defeat in Chechneya 3 years ago ? The result is based on conclusion idiots. Even if you killed all the Mujahadeen, it does not mean you won. The coming gerneration will continue the Jihad.

To this idiot who claims that jews are smart, there is a great difference between smartness and crookedness. Go and ask your father- if you know him- about Youm Kabour - October war, 1973- If you do not get an answer, just tell me. I like to tell you that those jews who are moving and settling in Palastine, we like that, we want all the eggs to be in one basket, did you get it ?
Those jews who are living in the north american society managing and owning brothels and strip clubs will be saved, we know that you can not live without such pleasures.

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