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Archive through January 2, 2001

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...never true at all, FAKE AMERICAN FARIS HOMOUD,
not to mention the spelling was miserably wrong; but clearly that wouldnt matter much to an illiterate GROSS PIG such as you.

so, BACON, you'll have to talk to the FAKE AMERICAN as to how i got his real name...he was busy acting like a schoolgirl at the time. aint that right, FAKE?
i've communicated w/Kisako for a year now, 'on-group' and 'off-group'. that being so, i am her ally against CREEPS like you and the FAKE.
phrases like 'lap dog' are relevant only to you and the FAKE, since allies, much less _friends_, are alien concepts to you CREEPS. -_-

Kisako is my friend. and she has gone into some detail for your benefit; far more than you deserve,
because it's already understood that her efforts have been for naught.

the palestinians do a rotten job of protecting their children, dontcha think? i wonder why; because they've all been programmed to believe that HEAVEN AWAITS?
alas, what a CROCK. a CROCK brimming full of PAIN and SHAME and ILLUSION.
and BACON says:
"unlike you, i do not have a good knowledge of the mid-east".
yes, we knew that from the start.
your point being that one doesnt _need_ a good knowledge of the 'mid-east', if one's intentions go no further than an endless attack upon one specific jewish woman, using cliches pounded into the ground many decades ago.
it is understood that you fear any genuine interaction with reality, hence your one-trick song-and-dance attack here at DMS.
too bad your writing was wasted on these peurile*, tragically-ignorant imbeciles; clearly, it went sailing over their heads.
*really, BACON, i couldnt leave w/o deploying your favorite 20-cent word, now could i?

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Extremist Kahane movement enjoys revival amid violence
Binyamin Zeev Kahane, 34, killed in an ambush with his wife Talia on a West Bank road Sunday, championed his late father Rabbi Meir Kahane's extremist political movement Kakh, which advocated the creation of a theocratic state and the expulsion of all Arabs from Israel and the occupied territories.

Kakh was founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane when his family migrated to Israel from New York in 1971.

In July 1984, Rabbi Kahane was elected to the Knesset, but in 1988, Israel's supreme court banned his party from politics, branding its ideology undemocratic.

Rabbi Kahane was assassinated at a reception in New York in 1990.

Kakh split in half after Rabbi Kahane's death, with one faction keeping the Kakh name and the others forming Kahane Hai (Kahane Lives) built around Binyamin, who presented himself as his father's spiritual heir.

The Israeli government outlawed both groups in 1994, labelling them "terrorist" and "outside the law" after a Kakh militant Baruch Goldstein gunned down 29 Palestinians praying at the Cave of the Patriarchs, a holy site to both Muslims and Jews, in Hebron.

The Kahane movement, whose symbol is a black fist emblazoned on a Star of David, resisted the ban, operating under different names with heavy support from Jewish settlers in Hebron, who live alongside 120,000 Palestinians.

Binyamin, a rabbi like his father, ran Talmudic schools or yeshivas in Kfar Tapouakh, his home settlement near Nablus, and also in Jerusalem. He edited a weekly newsletter, featuring his Torah and political commentaries, that was distributed in Israeli synagogues.

Binyamin ran into regular trouble with Israeli authorities. According to his supporters, in November, the Israeli courts handed him a suspended sentence on nine-year-old sedition charges while the government padlocked The Center of the Jewish Idea, one of Binyamin's two yeshivas in Jerusalem.

His followers estimate that he was arrested at least eight or nine times since 1990.

"I think many people today believe that... the thoughts of Rabbi Meir Kahane were right and that he was very much ahead of his time," said David Wilder, the spokesman for Hebron's Jewish settler community, commenting on the Kahane legacy.

Since the start of the intifada, or Palestinian uprising, on September 28, the Kahane movement has experienced a second wind. More than 1,000 Jewish extremists held a 10th anniversary memorial rally for Meir Kahane last month in Jerusalem, with some of them shouting and carrying posters which said: "Kahane was right."

Binyamin addressed the rally, urging Jews "to take their destiny into their own hands".

Noam Federman, a Jewish settler in Hebron and a Kahane advocate, vowed the movement would survive Binyamin's slaying as it did his father's. He said he hoped for revenge and that Kahane "would want people to understand the only thing... is for Arabs to get out of Israel."

Kahane's death shocked his supporters in the United States, where a vigil was planned for noon outside the Israeli consulate in New York. The Jewish Defense League, founded by Rabbi Kahane, left an angry message on its answering machine in Los Angeles, calling Binyamin "a remarkable young man" and warned "the Arabs must go. This is one further sign we cannot live with them... We must do it now."

Speaking from New York City, Michael Guzofsky, Binyamin's representative in the US and Kahane Hai's co-founder, called his friend's death ironic. Two weeks ago during a US speaking tour, Kahane had called for the creation of Jewish militias to protect roads in the West Bank from Arab snipers, Guzofsky said.

He predicted the slaying would win Kahane new followers. "I think this murder will bring people to his writings and program," Guzovsky, who counts himself among 15 to 20 active group leaders, said.

But Guzovsky claimed the loss would be deeply felt. "He was not a bitter man like his father was towards the end. Young Kahane was more sarcastic, witty and deep, yet he had the ability to put things in a simple way," he said.

He predicted the murder would be answered. "I hope his blood is avenged. I don't think it will be any of our people but will come from some one we don't know about," he said. "The Kahane movement will win. If the Kahane way loses, there is no Israel."

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Hi and thanks, L'-san. It is a New Year here! Happy New Year!

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* Sorry but I can't shed any tears for Kahane.It was people like his father who made peace impossible.
Chorny Volk, I was just about to ask You, but now Your view seems more or less clarified. The article might have added that, Binyamin had been even legally denied to posses any firearms. But, taken out of context, the article misleads people.
There is/was not a single rep. of this org., that takes/took part in these infamous peace talks. They, sure, are against the talks, but noone askes or asked them. So, Your presumption - It was people like his father who made peace impossible. - is flawed, and this is proved by this article. The opposition to talks comes from the general public, ordinary folks, tired of watching Arafat, BSing about "peace-peace" and promoting more boom. Noone wants a "modified" Kosovo. Do You imagine peace in the environment of constant shooting? Keep in mind also that, there are the "Palestinian Authority" Palestinians and the Israeli Palestinians. The former deserve the "Palestinian Authority" they have, and that's it.
The State of Israel was created by UN in 47. The original plan included partitioning of the area into two states - Jews and Arabs. Well, the latter preferred war - 1948 - and were beaten. Since then - wars and wars. And now ...
Tanzim. A number of agreements (The Declaration of Principles, the Gaza and Jericho Agreement and the Interim Agreement) stipulate the establishment of a police force which will be solely responsible for the enforcement of law and order within the PA. The very existence of the Tanzim as an unofficial security force is forbidden by these agreements. The Tanzim possesses firearms and does as it pleases, acting as an armed militia - with the encouragement and support of senior PA figures. In both the Wye Agreement and earlier agreements, the Palestinians promised to confiscate all illegal weapons. The fact that the Tanzim have so many weapons is a blatant violation of these agreements. Moreover, the PA itself has in its possession quantities and types of weapons exceeding those permitted by the agreements.
Attacks on Holy Sites. The security of a number of holy sites is mentioned in the Interim Agreements as being the responsibility of the PA. The agreements ensure that the PA will be responsible for the security of these sites, and that Jewish worshipers will be allowed unhindered access to them. The Palestinians have not upheld this written agreement, have not enabled Jewish worshipers to visit the sites and have allowed mobs to destroy Joseph's Tomb in Nablus and to burn the "Peace for Israel" synagogue in Jericho. In violating the agreements, the Palestinians have proven that they cannot be trusted to protect holy sites.
Detention of Israelis. For some time a serious phenomenon has been taking place, in which Israelis are apprehended by the Palestinians. The Interim Agreement expressly forbids the detention of Israelis and the confiscation of their firearms. During the lynching incident in Ramallah, the Palestinian policemen did not protect the safety of the Israelis. The very fact that they were arrested constitutes an illegal act, and their being taken to Ramallah for interrogation was an even more serious violation of agreements.
Palestinian Media Incitement. In all of the agreements (the Interim Agreement, the Wye Agreement and the Sharm Agreement) there is mention of the prevention of incitement to violence against Israel. The Palestinians have committed to prevent incitement to violence and terrorism. In recent weeks we have seen that the Palestinian Authority has been using all of its official channels to disseminate inciting material - incitement to injure Jews, to damage holy Jewish sites, to kill Jews (and Americans) and to carry out acts of terror.
Release of Terrorists. In all of the agreements (a letter from Arafat to Rabin in September 1993, the Interim Agreement, the Wye Agreement and the Sharm Agreement), the most important Israeli demand on the PA was to combat terrorism. The Palestinians took responsibility for the territories based on a commitment to combat terrorism, knowing that without this commitment, there would be no continuation of the agreements. Contrary to all of these commitments, the PA released the most notorious terrorists it was holding, who have murdered Israelis, and in so doing gave a "green light" to terror.
The Palestinian Police. The Palestinian Police force is supposed to uphold law and order within the PA, and having not carried out these duties, has violated all of the agreements (the Declaration of Principles, the Gaza and Jericho Agreement and the Interim Agreement). The Palestinian policemen have disappeared from the flashpoints, and allowed extremists to set the tone. In many instances they even joined the Tanzim and fired on Israeli soldiers and civilians. This gunfire was not carried out in self-defense, but rather was intended to hit and kill. Again, this is a blatant violation of all the agreements, and the PA is essentially participating in warfare against Israel.

The PA police was armed (60.000) by Israel in good faith to promote Oslo further. A flop.
This is a "Rais phenomenon" - the more you give the more weak you seem.
Peace ... peace ... , a buzzword empty of contents.
P.S. BTH, Happy New Year!

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And Stars & Stripes (S&S, for short) moron plows on ...
* Thats a pretty 6 pm news sound bite! lol
Plus six hours - will be You. You make a shitty American, but a damn good Arab, in case You didn't know.
* I'm not an expert on the mid east but I do know that "far reaching proposals" did not include Jerusalem into the equation. the nucleas issue of the whole matter. lol.
Is that what Your local mullah said? (nucleas - LOL- You are the nucleas, feel free to add the ending "s".)
* Clinton new the "far reaching proposals" were bogus and basically gave up on the summit. So try again Bagel Girl.
Liar-liar. Your Arafat said himself, that the Camp David was better, than what he got this time. Greed killed a cat. LOL. Care to aplly for a career BSnik with the PA? Eh? Say, an aide to Hannan Ashrawi.;o))) You both seem to be alike ... .
BTH, just picture Arafat running away, chased by Albright!
* She billows like a babbon in heat"...
You insulted tens of thousands of Your brethren and should offer them an apology (and, insh'Allah, a bagel).

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Delenne I can't dispute what you say as you are more knowledgable about the situation.As far as the eloder Kahane goes I dislike him as mush as I dislike Sharon.I heard both of them speak before. With people like them and likewise on the Palestinian side it is apparent why peace is far off.If they were more like Rabin then I could see a possibility of an accord ans some kind of settlement.

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The silly half Nazi Bagel girl refuses to answer the question, she instead points out typos... lol

"She billows like a babbon in heat"... lol.

Far reaching Proposals up your hairy AZZZZzzzsss, ya smelly C U N T.

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to answer any questions =what a surprise!=

and twas _moi_ correcting the spelling, idiot!
not k-san.
the sideshow freak of DMS,
prepares for a coming year
of being scorned by everyone here but BACON.
boy, it must really be a drag to be you -_-

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Lmxe ur stupidity astonishes everyone. You are just dumb! Going around correcting typos just goes to show what a dimwitted side show u are. It must be tough to run all msgs through Word and wait for those red lines to show u a mistake. You simple minded moron. lol...

think it's time u take one of your bus trips - LENNY!

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Chorny Volk, Kahane was banned out by Israely Govt. itself - speaks a lot. Not my type too, but his predictions come true now just now, and this is gaining drive.
Sharon? Tell me, what is about Arik You don't like, because I do not know what to tell You about him?
* If they were more like Rabin then I could see a possibility of an accord ans some kind of settlement.
That is a flaw. The Oslo was doomed from the beginning. Rabin, zichrono, was pushing a plan, a nice one in theory (based on a European perception of the treaty - meaning - signed and it's over; it is the Middle East, where a strong attacks a weak immediately, and to hell with any treaty, if any, and concessions are perceived as a sign of weakness.), but a failure in practice. Arafat is not interested in peace, besides there are other Arab states and orgs., that influence his moves, - he cannot come to peace without risking even a possible assassination. Oslo provisions, like the organizing and arming in good Oslo faith of his police, backfired, like this - our guns are used against us, and this inflames the general (not rights or lefts) public (which one-two years ago was emracing the peace idea), which suddenly remebered, that no matter how hard you feed a wolf it is still a wolf. BTH, the stinking PLO Charter, calling for the destruction of Israel whole, was not amended since Oslo, though it was supposed to, according to Oslo.
The processs of talks now resembles Chechniya, when Maskhadov said he was opened to talks, and the gangs happily continued their "business". One cannot negotiate peace by blowing it up.
P.S. Please, be a little specific in Your points, because all is tangled in here (and baffles foreign press), and even a little clarification can drag in pages.
P.S.S. In 1249 the Moslem Sultan al-Kamil thought so little of Jerusalem that he gave it away as a "gift" to the Roman Emperor, Fredrick II as thanks for an alliance against the competing Moslem ruler al-Malik. Frederick was excommunicated by Pope for accepting Jerusalem, proving that the Church had no real interest in Jerusalem. Islam gave away nothing it valued to the Christians and the Holy See of Christianity rejected it as a gift of no value.

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And Stars & Stripes (SS, for short) moron keeps ramming the wall head on ...
* The silly half Nazi Bagel girl refuses to answer the question, she instead points out typos...
Well, I have not seen any question in Your BS (silly prop. and bunking, - yes, and full of typos, can't help it, You go on with Your education), just in case You did not know.
I advise that, You book a visit to Your local Suleiman Fakeeh optometrist.
* "She billows like a babbon in heat"...
I repeat. You insulted tens of thousands of Your Infantifada brethren and should offer them an apology (and, insh'Allah, a bagel).
* Far reaching Proposals up your hairy AZZZZzzzsss,
Was that what You told Arafat, and he ran away?
* ya smelly C U N T
Poor boy, I feel sorry for You. But the cultures differ, You know, You cannot apply the results of Your sniffing experience to every woman just like that.

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"far reaching proposals" that did not include anything on Jerusalem, Ya smelly rape victim... and try not to billow like a babbon in heat...

It's so typical of the Jew to try and manipulate events by painting themselves as the "victims". Just look at WWII, Hitler didn't have any of it and fish fried you slimey C0CKSUCKERS.

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well, FAKE, should we start the year with some new

i'll see what i can do.

boy, it must _really_ be a drag to be you. -_-


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SS's classic:
* It must be tough to run all msgs through Word and wait for those red lines to show u a mistake.

So, You decided to dump it on board unchecked and uncorrected.
Is that that Word is difficult for You, or the "red lines" act on You like a red cloth?

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that's right bagel girl. lol...

what a victim you are... Breaking NEWS:

another 3 bombs explode inside Isreal..

Good riddance!

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