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Archive through January 2, 2001

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"talk about putting things in a nutshell..."

...and the brains of you and BACON fit nicely into
that one "nutshell", correct?


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[LOL] SS excels:
* I must have the patience of Aristotle...
No, dear, the one of a donkey.
* What ur saying is that there are two forms of conquering? (I stressed the results, dear, results. Don't twist it, as usual.) And: and just for the record... u started the war. A memory refreshment for You on these quotes:

Armed with Soviet tanks and planes, Nasser claimed his option under the 1956 accord to demand withdrawal [to cross it into Israel] of UN peacekeeping forces from the Sinai. Secretary-General U Thant complied on May 19, 1967. Four days later Nasser closed the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping. The Soviets apparently urged Nasser to show moderation, while President Johnson told Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban to remain calm: "Israel will not be alone unless it decides to go alone." Neither superpower, however, was able to restrain its client. When Egyptian and Iraqi troops arrived in Jordan, giving every sign of an imminent pan-Arab attack, the Israeli Cabinet decided on a preemptive strike. The Israeli air force destroyed Nasser's planes on the ground, and in six days of fighting (June 5-10) the Israeli army overran the Sinai, the West Bank of the Jordan, including the Old City of Jerusalem, and the strategic Golan Heights in Syria. The UN Security Council arranged a cease-fire and passed Resolution 242, calling for a withdrawal from all occupied regions. The Israelis were willing to view their conquests (except Jerusalem) as bargaining chips but insisted on Arab recognition of the right of Israel to exist and firm guarantees against future attack. The so-called frontline Arab states were neither able (for domestic reasons) nor willing to give such guarantees. Hence Israel remained both greatly enlarged and possessed of shorter, more defensible borders, although it did acquire the problem of administering more than a million Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank.
And all in six days. Classic!

The record on it at Your neighbourhood mullah's needs updating.

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The A-rabs don't know how to conduct military warfare... even more so with Russian hardware... lol.

Since then M.E. countries have been a major market for U.S. weapons benefiting our economy to great lenghts.

Thx for proving my point furthur;
"the Israeli Cabinet decided on a preemptive strike"...

proves my point bagel girl. u fired first to start the war!

thx again! lol...

It's good how u just sort of scirted the issue of terrorrism agianst the United States. did they teach that in jew elementary school - "admitt nothing, deny everything"

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SS, eternally lost for facts and pretending he is an American, grabs at a straw:
* Israel torpedoed a U.S. reconaisance ship. killing all crewmen aboard.
"On 08 June 1967 Israel attacked the American intelligence-gathering ship USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 171 others. The US 6th Fleet twice launched jets to aid the Liberty but they never appeared at the site of the ship. The ship was in international waters the entire time, and had done nothing to provoke any incident. Israel quickly apologized for the tragedy. The US State Department accepted the apology but not Israel's explanation of faulty identification and inadequate ship markings."
Factual inaccuracy, oversimplification, omission, distortion and downright lies. (Like Since then M.E. countries have been a major market for U.S. weapons benefiting our economy to great lenghts.) Common errors include getting dates of events wrong, blaming Israel for wars, that it didn't start, perpetuating the myth of Islamic tolerance of Jews, apologizing for Arab autocrats, refusing to label terrorism as terrorism and suggesting that Israel is the obstacle to peace. That's all in oneSS.

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SS forgets the preceding:
* "the Israeli Cabinet decided on a preemptive strike"...
proves my point bagel girl. ...

While When Egyptian and Iraqi troops arrived in Jordan, giving every sign of an imminent pan-Arab attack, the Israeli Cabinet decided on a preemptive strike.
Factual inaccuracy, oversimplification, omission, distortion and downright lies. ... etc., as usual.

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Cuba has been threatening the U.S. for about 40 years now! do u see us starting a war and occupying their land bec. of what we see as instigations? if u want a reason to do something then there are millions of excuses to do it! lol...

Give it a rest Bagel girl... ur Delusions are driving u mad.

So not all the crewmen died. 34 and 171 other (that crew men bagel girl) are still considered Humans. Does there have to be 6 million exterminated for u to get it through ur thick hairy skull that one American life is worth all ur smelly species.

Try again Bagel girl. ur argument is weak.

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* The U.S. can sent out its army and 'physically' conqure the world... would that make it ok?
Your attitude on Kosovo showed, that it would be OK, if it suits the Arabs.

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SS goes genocidal:

* ... 34 and 171 other (that crew men bagel girl) are still considered Humans.
Does there have to be 6 million exterminated for u to get it through ur thick hairy skull that one American life is worth all ur smelly species.

Obviously, Jews are not humans. It comes as no surprise, - whereas, Nazi War criminals world-wide were brought to justice in every civilized country, the Arabs warmly welcomed them. "Dr." Heinrich Willerman, who experimented with live human beings in Dachau, became Nasser's consultant and bodyguard, the notorious Alois Brunner spent decades as guest in Damascus. Plus, El-Husseini ... .
It is a normal mainstream Arab attitude.

* Cuba has been threatening the U.S. for about 40 years now! do u see us starting a war and occupying their land bec. of what we see as instigations?

One more instance of SS's trick of posing as an American on the presumption that Americans are more "believable".
Then he uses a false analogy to add "weight" to his BS. Dear, Cuba never massed an Army/Navy for a first strike on the US as opposed to the Arab states against us.

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Instigations don't have to be in the form of Army/military. The mass migration of Cuban immigrants to S. Florida remains a major "instigating" factor... or it could be perceived as such by those bent and raised in blood thirst Aushwitz style like the Jew.

I think it's safe to say and history shows that if Israel was in the same position the U.S. finds itself with Cuba - they would have long ago resorted to war in such circumstances. Thank the lord ur not. we have no room for ur blood thirsty filth! TERROR IS AN Aphrodisiac FOR THIS JEW!

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""""Your attitude on Kosovo showed, that it would be OK, if it suits the Arabs""""

If American Politics was dictated by the A-rab, ud be vaporized by now!!! lol...

Don't make it any easier for me - stop with the assinine comments. lol

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A forever lost SS weaseling out ... as usual ... repeating BS ... lies ... the more the better, repeating the false facts, and repeating them in connection to unrelated facts, false, or not ... , but, better, false [LOL], switching away from the theme, where he is beaten ... . Their whole "peace" negotiations and reports on it in their "press" are just like that.

* If American Politics was dictated by the A-rab, ud be vaporized by now!!! lol...
What's an A-rab? A diagnosis?
Good, sanity prevailed, then.

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Typical of the jew to deny everything admitt nothing.

Bagel girl thinks she's blindsiding me with this crap, trust me I know the Jew. and if the Jew ever gets an opportunity to backstab u , be sure he will do it & show no sign of remorse.

My university was full of them. One was caught on Camera at our Frat house lifting some goods (which were worthless BTW) Even after he was presented with the tape, he still denied doing it.... f*kin Jackas5

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"trust me, i know the jew"

trust me, FAKE, you are SCUM.

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A-rab "aristotle" "muses":
* I think it's safe to say and history shows that if Israel was in the same position the U.S. finds itself with Cuba - they would have long ago resorted to war in such circumstances.
if Israel was in the same position the U.S. finds itself with Cuba - there would have been peace already. A-rab wanted a war then, - he was served. And that's it.

Israel expressed desire to negotiate. In an address to the UN Gen. Assembly on October 10, 1960, FM Golda Meir challenged Arab leaders to meet with PM David Ben-Gurion to negotiate a peace settlement. Nasser (October 15) said that Israel was trying to deceive world opinion, and reiterated that his country would never recognize the Jewish State.1)Encyclopedia Americana Annual 1961, (NY: Americana Corporation, 1961), p. 387.
Syria used the Heights, which tower 3,000 feet above the Galilee, to shell Israeli farms and villages. Syria's attacks grew more frequent in 1965 and 1966, while Nasser's blah became increased: "We shall not enter Palestine with its soil covered in sand," he said on March 8, 1965. "We shall enter it with its soil saturated in blood."
While Nasser continued to make speeches threatening war, Arab terrorist attacks grew more frequent. In 1965, 35 raids were conducted against Israel. In 1966, the number increased to 41. In just the first four months of 1967, 37 attacks were launched.
Syria's attacks on Israeli kibbutzim from the Heights provoked a retaliatory strike on April 7, 1967, during which Israeli planes shot down six Syrian MIGs.
On May 15, Israel's Independence Day, Egyptian troops began moving into the Sinai and massing near the Israeli border. By May 18, Syrian troops were prepared for battle along the Heights. ...

The rest of their armies is history, as history shows.

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Wrong Bagel Girl, if it were Israel in America's place there would have been a war with Cuba long time ago during which u would have stolen the land and pretended like it was urs... lol.. just like that thief back in school.

""""FM Golda Meir challenged Arab leaders to meet with PM David Ben-Gurion to negotiate a peace settlement"""

No different than the one ur trying to negotiate now, Im sure; "MINE, MINE & MINE" lol...

Hey Bagel Girl what comes around goes around. just ask grandpa.

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