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Archive through January 2, 2001

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f*cking DOLT!
you're doing your own typing, again, BACON.
you apparently havent noticed there's only 4 people here...if you count FAKE as one entire person.
and that's debatable. he doesnt even know how to eat with utensils.
oooh, but _now_ you presume to discuss NATO'S destruction of yugoslavia and the SHAFTING of the serbs?
and western media LIES about the fictional "ethnic cleansing"?
lolol...DMS yugo is where kisako and i met.
if your knowledge of that situation is as pitiable as your knowledge of the mideast situation....let's not even go there, okay?
so you think i'm peter pan?
and who does that make you...TINKERBELL?

[4 daniela 1000/1]

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oh, kisako,
chula, gotta love it when BACON feeds me such a
delicious straight line like that...


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* These women have character, integrity and courage, and unlike you they are RESPECTED!
No character, no integrity and no courage, lots of ego, though.
During a visit to Kosovo, some of the journalists were taken on a orientation flight along the border between Kosovo and Albania by helicopter and were advised to wear flak jackets for the flight, because of possible ground fire. When the flight returned, Ms. Amanpour, wearing a flak jacket, taped her report for the CNN audience with scenes, photographed from the helicopter in the background ... really dramatic stuff. The only problem is, she had not accompanied her camerman on the flight. The flak jacket and the taped film of the flight were all for effect.

Another big CNN story early in the Bosnian conflict was the killing, allegedly by Serb snipers of two "Muslim babies" on a bus. Who could not have been horrified by the tragic sight of the funeral service for those innocent Muslim babies? Where were Ms. Amanpour and CNN to set the record straight? If it had not been for French 2 TV that covered the funeral, this writer would never have known that the babies were Serbian (not Muslim) killed by a Muslim sniper, as was made painfully clear by the presence of a Serbian Orthodox priest conducting the funeral service.

Respected ... LOL

* Your specious proganda would be rejected by most seven year olds.
It is an approach of Ages-long, - when the factual material doesn't fit/disprove the established idea, - kill the messenger. You are not new. If You want Your blabbering be heard - use brains, You know, brains, not "parrotism".

* The only person who defends you is an aging Peter Pan drummer.
Thanks to him.

* I also respect the wonderful Jewish organizations, and Jews in the US State Dept who insisted and pushed for bombing ...
It was pathetic, bamboozled by "genocide" BS and used, like idiots.

"One of the most disturbing aspects of the present [terrorism] crisis is that it may have been triggered by our own inept foreign policy in Bosnia and Kosovo. There, beyond all common sense, we find ourselves championing Muslim factions who draw support from the very Islamic fundamentalist terrorist groups who are our mortal enemies elsewhere" [Col. Harry G. Summers (USA-Ret.), Distinguished Fellow, U.S. Army War College.]
And don't You dare call the US Senate document, I quoted, my propaganda! Heh.
We, sober Israelis here clearly saw it through (and a lot more, that those idiots didn't) and didn't endorse the NATO "adventure", and provided the Serb TV with an Amos-1 satellite beam, driving Albright mad.

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We, sober Israelis here clearly saw it through (and a lot more, that those idiots didn't) and didn't endorse the NATO "adventure", and provided the Serb TV with an Amos-1 satellite beam, driving Albright mad.

Sober Israelis ?I take it you you mean the minority of "chosen people" fanatical terrorist jews who did not support bombing genocidal serbs.
Obviously these fanatical jews supported their terrorist serb buddies, birds of a feather...

How many of your serb butchers are wanted by the Hague Tribunal?

Bottom Line: You animals lost!

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BOTTOM LINE: the serbs got FUKT by NATO destruction and western media BULLSHITE! if you'd prefer to support the Albanian muslims.

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Maybe Bacon is really a muslim

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i guess you've noticed that the USC CREEP SQUADRON
has returned in full force over there...

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* Sober Israelis ?
What is that, what surprises You? The fact, that we don't get infected with a mad rave virus, that You seem to catch every time and expect anyone else to? Those cheap operetta "dramatic" epithets ... serb butchers ... genocidal ... animals ... chosen people ... is the sign, that the one using them, doesn't know, what he's talking about, but wants to push it all the same.
And You shout, You know?

* I take it you you mean the minority ... who did not support ...
It's the shards of the British Imperial past to think, that the World, its events and their perception should be universal, and the BBC is the "truth and nothing, but the truth". Luckily enough, there still are people with independent views and sound logic, that are not a minority.

* ... bombing ... serbs.
Even this obscenely degraded BBC aired W. Walker's Racak blah, in which he claimed no communication with Holbrooke and Corp. Clark over a cellphone, with those two having sold him off by admitting having had received a call from him.
Gentlemen, sort your lies first. LOL

* ... of "chosen people" fanatical terrorist jews ...
I know, I know ... dump it all in one pile. BTH, You know, the more You continue with this from-under-the-rock hissing, - the more inferior You paint Yourself by Yourself.

* How many of ... are wanted by the Hague Tribunal?
This Kangaroo Court of Hague? It lacks the legal basis.

* Bottom Line: You ... lost!
And what a war it was! Windbags fought windmills on the NATO briefings, RAF missing targets by tens of miles, USAF busting Albanian tractors, hundreds of microwave ovens, as radar decoys, polyethylene bridges, rubber tanks, 13 real tanks - beginner's luck, maybe; bravely smoking a hapless tobacco factory, a power grid, maternity ward, a TV station, a Chinese Embassy. LOL!
It seems to me, that any Serb, that fled, wouldn't miss uranium ammo leftovers of a great "moral combat" of "humanitarian" care from the Big Brother, eh? What do You think?
BTH, it has a half-life of 4.5 mln. years.

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"""This Kangaroo Court of Hague? It lacks the legal basis"""

Ofcourse it lacks legal basis, You must have seen that one comming Conrad!!! They all lack legal basis. Except... You guessed it ; The Nuremberg Trials. lol....


"""And what a war it was! Windbags fought windmills on the NATO briefings, RAF missing targets by tens of miles, USAF busting Albanian tractors, hundreds of microwave ovens, as radar decoys, polyethylene bridges, rubber tanks, 13 real tanks - beginner's luck, maybe; bravely smoking a hapless tobacco factory, a power grid, maternity ward, a TV station, a Chinese Embassy. LOL"""

If NATO bombing wasn't so effective why did it stop the civil war in Bosnia? And why did it stop the genocide in Kosovo? hum....

The actions are justified by the results.

Ask Milo how effective our F16s and Apache War machines were... surely he will have a different opinion than Bagel Girl. lol...

have no doubts. What was witnessed in the Balkans from a military stand point was exemplary Strategic Air Warfare.

As for the Chinese Embassy bombings; that was done on purpose. You see, Americans at times needs to remind the rest of the world just who is BOSS. it's unfortunate but its necessary.

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Listen Chorney, nice try, but if Russia as a nation aren't mature enough to take responsability for their own role in creating the shite they find themselves in, and continue to blame everything on the West, not to mention minority groups in the Balkans,they are never going to hoist themselves off their petards!

You sound like someone nicely tucked away in a big house in Canada, exploiting the very system you are knocking! Yes sure wouldn't it be nice if we could actually share out the power and prosperity equally in this world, but their are too many ••••••• cynics on all sides. In the meantime I'd rather be us than them, thank you!
To claim any different, would be pure hypocracy!

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Hum, shame that appeared just after Allam's sabre rattling, seems the same applies to those at the other extreme!

What end did poluting the dammed place with depleted uranium achieve, exactly?

The difference being that some of us have already accepted that shite goes on on our behalf and that it isn't right - only to come up against complete self-victimisation from those whose countries share the responsibility for the way things are!

Where do you go from there????

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Chorny doesn't live in a big house... trust me I know his type exactly. Canadian Borders have been opened for the less fortunate. unfortunately with that comes one of the best Social weflare programs ever! Chorny collects 600/month from the welfare program doing nothing. if he has a family he gets more! he gets housing, plus heating. his education is totally free until college (and there it's almost free), he gets to cash in all his beer bottles/cans for a dime each. he gets free trasportation on public transport and gets one free lunch every thanksgiving & Xmass. yet the dumb Rooskie still complains!

What can u do? I say send him back to moscow to freeze his as5... lol...

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I am living at the beach you camel pumpimg moron dumb fock aaarab.You wish you had a house like mine.You can but you will have suck a lot of guys to afford it you fuucking towelhead.

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Salam, you returned, A-rab!
And, as usual, brought a knife to a gunfight. LOL.

* You must have seen that one comming Conrad!!!
He (and You) couldn't have seen it. A futile attempt to scare me into acceptance with a loud name. Both of you are ridiculously ineffectual polemists, stumbling on the same rake all the time. While I operate info from huge databases and can come out even with a military material, you both bring either former British Def. Minster-style (who exibited difficulties in composing a simple sentence without using of "Serbian thugs") blah-blah, or excerpts from the neighbourhood mullah's incoherent ravings to be slapped for later.
May 1993 - the ICTY was established by Sec.C. Res. 827, Article 29 - "subsidiary bodies" necessary to fulfill its peacekeeping tasks. It is more than doubtful, that a criminal tribunal was in mind, and many jurists consider 827 an "usurpation of legislative and judicial powers by the Sec. C.". "In fact, this act went contrary to over forty years of study, within the framework of the UN, of the possibilities for setting up an international penal tribunal, whose jurisdiction would be established by international treaty allowing states to transfer part of their sovereign rights to the tribunal. The ... ICTY went over the heads of the states concerned and simply imposed its authority on them, without their consent."
The ICT's location (The Hague) confusess people into believing, that the ICT is, in fact, the International Court of Justice, or, at least the same truly independent and impartial judicial body.
Bankrolled by the US, the ICT cannot be the judge, a tribal judge - maybe.

* If NATO bombing wasn't so effective why did it stop the civil war in Bosnia?
(Quite symptomatic: the civil war in Bosnia! Are we learning yet?) Sure, a bully taking a side, which was as guilty (even more) as the other.
Don't oversimplify, though. - Between 1992 and 1994 five peace plans were proposed. Milosevic supported all of them, and the US torpedoed all of them. The Dayton was merely a rehash of the Contact Group plan.

* And why did it stop the genocide in Kosovo?
In effect it promoted "ethnic cleansing". German courts rejected an Albanian "genocide" claim.
Instead it was an agression in violation of NATO's own Charter, with no consent from the UN (and we are supposed to trust it!) against a country, that was not at war with any European country.

* Ask Milo how effective our F16s and Apache War machines were... surely he will have a different opinion than Bagel Girl. lol...
Same as mine. LOL. And their, dear, - not your (how can one go and go on lying so?) Apaches were so effective, that they spent the entire war, bravely grounded in Albania out of fear of being shot down, since Serbia is/was not Iraq. F-16s were so "good", that the observers looked like halibuts watching intact Serb military pullout. They kissed a Serb tank exaust pipe.
* You see, Americans at times needs to remind the rest of the world just who is BOSS.
Know thy place, then. LOL

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"living at the beach... You wish you had a house like mine"... LMAO...

He lives in Toronto... the closest thing they have to a beach is Polluted Lake Ontario... lol. Anyone living within 20 miles of it has already died of water pollution.

Try another lie u dumb

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