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Archive through January 2, 2001

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Bagel Girl delusional as ever.

I think the rabid rabbi bit her in the ass today.

The sad part is u actually believe the garbage u spew.

""""Between 1992 and 1994 five peace plans were proposed. Milosevic supported all of them, and the US torpedoed all of them."""


Conrad, do u suppose that the only reason Bagel Girl refuses to accept the genocide in serbia is bec. the victims are Islamic?

That might have something to do with her "admitt nothing deny everything" Aushwitz education.

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"The sad part is you actually believe the garbage you spew"

yep, pretty sad, FAKE, pretty sad.

...the GROSS PIG looks in the mirror, wanking as he types with one hand,talking about himself, with a 100 foot extension cord trailing into his shed. -_-


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A-rab, Your weaseling is most exemplary.
* ... that the only reason Bagel Girl refuses to accept the genocide in serbia is bec. the victims are Islamic?
No, dear, the reason being that, You seem to like courts. LOL.
Opinion of the Upper Administrative Court at Munster, February 24, 1999:
"There is no sufficient actual proof of a secret program, or an unspoken consensus on the Serbian side, to liquidate the Albanian people, to drive it out or otherwise to persecute it in the extreme manner presently described. ... "Events since February and March 1998 do not evidence a persecution program based on Albanian identity. The measures taken by the armed Serbian forces are in the first instance directed toward combatting the KLA and its supposed adherents and supporters."
Intelligence report from the Foreign Office, January 12, 1999 to the Administrative Court of Trier:
"Even in Kosovo, an explicit political persecution linked to Albanian ethnicity is not yet verifiable. The East of Kosovo is still not involved in armed conflict. Public life in cities like Pristina, Urosevac, Grjilan, etc. has, in the entire conflict period, continued on a relatively normal basis. The "actions of the security forces (were) not directed against the Kosovo-Albanians as an ethnically defined group, but against the military opponent and its actual or alledged supporters."
Opinion of the Bavarian Administrative Court, October 29, 1998:
"The Foreign Office's status reports of May 6, June 8 and July 13, 1998, given to the plaintiffs ... do not allow the conclusion that there is group persecution of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo. Not even regional group persecution, applied to all ethnic Albanians from a specific part of Kosovo, can be observed with sufficient certainty. The violent actions of the Yugoslav military and police since February 1998 were aimed at separatist activities and are no proof of a persecution of the whole Albanian ethnic group in Kosovo or a part of it. A state program or persecution aimed at the whole ethnic group of Albanians exists neither now nor earlier."
P.S. Does Your concentration camp obsession have anything to do with that, the SS Hanjar Div. flag was "consecrated" by El-Husseini? [LOL] What was that ... birds of a feather ... ?

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Okay Okay you win. All those scenes of Serb genocide and Albanian refugees were faked by CNN in collaboration with Hollywood.

Before you pontificate about the British Imperial past, just remember it was was the British Imperial past that gave you that grubby piece of wasteland in the Middle East. Unfortunately.

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no such scenes of "serb genocide."

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"Wag the Dogs tail" ...

Classic Bagle Girl.

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* "Wag the Dogs tail"

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There were no genocide in Kosovo by the Serbs.

The Nato political heads failed to get the right informations on what was going on there.

Do we need to reinvite Dimitri and ChornyVolk-Igor
to demonstrate?

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m'sieu ledingue:

nice to see toi here.

it's been a dreary, banal cesspool all week; it's
Kisako and i vs. BACON and the FAKE, with a little
Igor on the side.

and BACON seems to have expanded into
impersonating me at another site.

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"The sad part is you actually believe the garbage you spew"

yep, pretty sad, FAKE, pretty sad.


What about the garbage that your cyber lover spews? or more appropriately bellows out, like a steam boiler ready to explode. Her devious ability to distort facts. A deliciously Jewish characteristic.

She's low on facts, heavy on cheap opinion. Spurious Propaganda so puerile that most seven year olds would feel insulted. Thats exactly why it appeals to YOU!

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and BACON seems to have expanded into
impersonating me at another site.

Hello? Whats this?

I have neither the desire nor inclination to 'impersonate' YOU. Its quite apparent to me that being subject to Kisse's posts, your brain has been disinfranchised of what few cells it had to begin with. Stop bathing in the semantic sewer created by kissie.

Months and months ago I did see some posts by you. Nothing since. I suggest you disclaim any responsibilty from the impersonator, instead of leaping about accusing others.

I've off the dinner in Leicester Square.

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* All those scenes of Serb genocide ...
Fun is, Conrad, "genocide" is a legal term, for a crime, which should not be used without evidence. And refugees are not genocide.
"NATO, has backed away from the term completely. "Utilization of this term [genocide] has been avoided by NATO for some time now," said one official, "because it contains very specific legal ramifications."
BTH, the justification for the existence of NATO ended in 1991, at the end of the cold war.

* ... and Albanian refugees were faked by CNN in collaboration with Hollywood.
Don't exaggerate, Conrad.
There was the case of a refugee camp at the Macedonian border, that drew all the media vultures, and then disappeared overnight.
Still, the talk is exclusively about "outbound" refugees. There were "inbound" ones as well.
Several reasons for both: hostilities between the Serb military & police and the KLA, harassment by various gangs of no particular "affiliation" and of both ethnic groups, KLA's forced reqruitment ( BTH, KLA is also a paramilitary gang), the KLA usage of "exodus" for propaganda and ... absolutely noone wanted to be the collateral damage to the "great humanitarian war".
BTH, now "according to a report about to be released by the International Crisis Group, the number of killings now in Kosovo is comparable to the levels reported before the NATO intervention, when the Serbs were struggling to defeat the Kosovo Liberation Army. The figure is roughly 30 people killed a week in a province with a current estimated population of 1.4 million."

* ... it was was the British Imperial past that gave you that grubby piece of wasteland in the Middle East.
What do they want of us then?!
Well, not quite, Conrad, and the British imposed restrictions on Jewish immigration, Jewish land purchases, etc.. I don't want to "settle scores" with You on it.

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kisako is "low on facts"?

compared to those with no facts at all, such as
yourself, ..... what do you have but your PEURILE*

*lolololol...dont hold your breath waiting for
royalties...pince cabron -_- !

the simple fact of the matter is, you CANNOT DEAL
WITH AN INTELLIGENT WOMAN. story of your life, eh?
as for impersonations...i post the link here a few
days ago, and today, someone IMPERSONATING moi is
rambling on with that 'god's chosen people' shwa,
just like you were the other night.
helluva coincidence, eh?
kisako, i sent you an mp3

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Lmx is such a dimwitt! lol...

What exactly is he impersonating of urs? ur dimwittedness? I think u do a good job of showing that all on ur own. lmao at ur dumba5s.

impersonating???? what a clown.

Bagel girl.. Good stuff on ur army splattered all over the news. After shooting & killing a 23 Palestinian boy, Jewish soldiers hastely run across the line of fire and savagely drag the boys lifeless body across to their part.

They looked like blood thirsty animals fighting over a cadaver.

The body was probably savagely mutilated once in hands of the Jew! Why else would they chase after a carcass?

It looked exactly like SS soldiers draggin a burnt Jew corps out of the ovens of Aushwitz except this was in color!

Savages of the worst kind - Aushwitz style savagery.

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Stars & Stripes,

I agree, it would be impossible to "dumb down" to such a degree as to impersonate our resident adolescent drummer. His definition of intelligence is a hatemingering jewess who pants out the most surreal propaganda capable of being generated by a sick mind.

In your posts please don't refer to Israeli soldiers as blood thirsty animals. It isn't fair for you to insult the animal kingdom.

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