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Archive through January 2, 2001

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Hi, Kim, what a point You touched!:o) It can end in Africa.
Except that there is nothing to take its place yet Kisako.
If my memory doesn't fail me (correct me, if I miss it), there were some movements around that time to redefine or restructure this org..
if there is ever peace between Israel and the surrounding Arab countries, will Israel be giving up its defence capabilities, just cause there isn't an immediate threat????
No-o-o-o.These "all-americans" desperately need a close watch of the Big Israeli "Brother"!
But the parallel is a bit flawed - Europe enjoys, so far, stability and respect (the squabbles about BSE, trade, taxes, etc. are a normal thing within a "family", and no member is going to be bombed for having an opposing stance) here vultures attack regardless of any binding agreements.
The phenomenon is that, this purely defensive alliance worked out an offensive taste. Remember, the European countries were initially reluctant and unsupportive (they saw it was unproductive) to the latest Balkan-style US "humanitarian" aid? But were pressed into it. Russia balked, China balked as result, their (and not only their) weapons budgets swelled more (with NATO in view in mind). Russia watched its orthodox friends bombed for nothing (the US stopped bombing Iraq on - what-was-that - Islamic holiday - it didn't stop on an orthodox Passover, that added to further alienation). Chinese Embassy was bombed - they may have listened to the excuses, but did they accept them?) Russia (China too) was left out alone to fight "all-american" fundie threats, and was not appreciated for beeing the only buffer. They righfully assume, that with the US leadership in NATO and this history of susceptability of other NATO members to be pressed into playing into the US hands, they have to fear and oppose any expansion of NATO at all costs. ...

... would it be acceptable for the ex-warsaw pact countries to join that? If so, what's the difference?
... On the other hand, a European own alliance can definitely draw former "Warsaw" and Russia (Russia is a part of Europe, give or take) in, smoothen rough points, left from that infamous era, restore trust, make sure noone goes "wayward" and balance China (through Russia), even absorb China too.

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Dear, A-rab, since Your neighbourhood mullah didn't teach You logic, but clinical lying, I repost it.

* Good stuff on ur army splattered all over the news.
Care to name the source? No Palnet, Jihad or neighbourhood mullah, please.

* ... a 23 Palestinian boy,
So, 23 now is considered an adolescent. What is this, a new "table" for a retardation in development? Or You ran out of "boys"? Spare me the rest of this BS blah-blah.

Do/did You understand Yourself that, what You typed? What, You think, everyone is a Conrad? LOL

After shooting & killing a 23 Palestinian boy, Jewish soldiers hastely run across the line of fire and savagely drag the boys lifeless body across to their part.
The body was probably savagely mutilated once in hands of the Jew! Why else would they chase after a carcass?

Did Jews "mutilate" the body across the line of fire prior to shooting & killing of "it"? [LOL]
(And, since it was a line of fire, I gather, this "boy" was busy "throwing" AK "rocks" at IDF.)
The "newsmaker" (or You, or both) must have been on hashish to invent a dumb "story" of IDF "mutilating" the body across the line of fire, running back behind the line of fire, "shooting & killing" that same body, then running across the line of fire to retreive that same body.

* Why else would they chase after a carcass?
Well, the "carcass" must have been running. LOL
P.S. What about the "carcass" word?;o))
P.S.S. Do You have any idea of sequence of events? Do You know logic? L-o-g-i-c?

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Very dumb of You to give me the link to what I already know and "arrange" it with convenient trouble.
As I said, don't blame this on us.
The one, pictutred, was a cousin of Ibrahim Benihuda, a known terrorist, who had been behind a market-place explosion, had been jailed and, recently, released by Arafat (as Arafat always releases terrorism junkies as blackmail, when he wants something), and whose head was neatly blown off, when he was driving.
The PA always whimpers, when its terrorist buddies go "ballistic", accussing Israel of "assassinations", while it is OK with the PA to release them and blow up buses and markets.

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"the justification for the existence of NATO ended in 1991, at the end of the cold war. "

No, it disapeared in 2000 with the Slobo's resignation.
Nato don't have any soviet era regime to fight against.
Now they can do business in Serbia as they please.

Europe is not able to build up a European army for cultural reasons. Nato will stay as it is as default from anything else.
Nobody see a reason to dismantel the alliance yet.

As for Israel, I think they are responsible for the troubles. Israel should yield to Palestinian autonomy, territories and so on. If not they will always be a jihad and a conflict between the muslims and the west. Jews should understand that.


I hadn't been crazy about DMS last month. Now as far as the conversation become politic again you can count me back in.
I didn't go to the sebian café neither. I was HOO!HAH! on some stock Msg boards btw.

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I see that niwit Kim Arxse, jewish sister of Kissie has decided to stick her rather elongated jewish nose into the DMS once more. Well I suppose these "chosen women" have to stick together.

What do I care? I'm off for a scrumptious dinner in Knightbridge

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There always be jihad, with or without the "autonomy", this way or that way. I don't, somehow, think they are fighting Israel in Chechniya, Indonesia, Sudan, Algeria, etc..
Ugh-hu. Give them all of Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Haifa, go back to borders of 67, admit 4 mln. of "refugees" onto the Israeli (not Pal. "Govt.") territory, cut the remaining Negev from the Northern part of Israel, etc..
Too many chiefs and not enough indians ... . Everyone's a critic deciding for Jews, what the State of Israel should be.

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This Conrad is really dumb.

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Nay..his a'pathetic pompous assshole..

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I understand what you mean but look:
The PLO is the only once-terrorist organisation that was given official status by the international community. Arafat is beeing invited at the White House and is on the guest list at the kremlin. EU is for the creation of a Palestinian state. In the atlas you will be surprised to see large pieces of land as large as Israel itself striped in gray and white with mention "occupied by Israel".
This Jihad in Palestine is slightly different from the other ones in Chechenya or in Indonesia: They are on theyr right.

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I think i'll duck!

Poor Bacon, never mind, Knightsbridge beckons, dinner with Al Fayed, I pressume. You're beginning to sound like Hairy Mary.

Kisako, even so, to have no independent defence capability at all, would be embarrassing to say the least. Ah what am I saying, Europe doesn't have one, does it. Blushing!

Fred, I see you made up for your absence at the USC, Arxholes, huh!
So what do the Lithuanians think of events in Latvia? Oh, and how do they feel about Tactical Russian Nukes at Kleipeida?(sp)?

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* The PLO is the only once-terrorist [remained-terrorist] organisation that was given official status by the international community.
This "international community" was Israel, that made it "official" after Oslo. FYI, this organization, however, is still not removed from the US State Dept. list of the terrorist orgs..

* Arafat is beeing invited at the White House and is on the guest list at the kremlin.
It did not change him, though.

* EU is for the creation of a Palestinian state.
So is Israel.

* In the atlas you will be surprised to see large pieces of land as large [?] as Israel itself striped in gray and white with mention "occupied by Israel".
So, what?

* They are on theyr right.
A naked statement. Please, specify.

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Your Ah what am I saying, Europe doesn't have one, does it. to even so, to have no independent defence capability at all, would be embarrassing to say the least. is that, what I had in mind the previous post. What is better, - to have one snugly set acoss the Atlantic, or one, that is near to reach out?
Better to have guts and face that, two "nuclears", India and China, are quite "reserved" about kissing Uncle Sam (the real Sam, not the "all-american" desert variety;o)) too.
P.S. How is driving going?:o)

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Hey Igor, Dimitri, better,


Jeez, the things I'll do to get you guys back from
the Serbian censored underground ersatz cafe!


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Kisako, Quite!
After the American election farse(Bush now calling for an end to "bi-partisan" squabbling in the States??!!) a few things sunk in in Europe. Unfortunately the Centre right are acting up in Europe(see Hague and cronies), but Viva la France!

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Ps, re the driving, France is getting safer by the day, I've stopped changing gear with the window-winder!

Did you know that Sweden changed from driving on the left to driving on the right at noon one day in the seventies? Everyone stopped neatly on time and changed to the other side of the road.
Can't imagine them managing that kind of organisation in Britain somehow!
"Bloody Europeans, changing our way of life, bah humbug" LOL.

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