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Archive through January 2, 2001

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Sorry, me again,

"Bush Calls For End To 'Era Of Political Argument'

AUSTIN, TX-- In a televised speech to the nation Monday, president-elect George W. Bush called for "an end to the era of political
argument." "My fellow Americans," Bush said, "after a difficult period of partisan debate, the time has come for unanimity. We have
seen how destructive it is when political rivals disagree, and we as a nation can no longer afford such ideological division." Bush
said he is committed to making his presidency "The Age Of Assent."

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yep, Europe should say to itself "Think big" instead of locking itself up on the "island" Europe, while that carnivorous beast prances everywhere.
Sweden? Ordnung. :o)))))
I'm a nothing of a driver.
... that kind of organisation in Britain ...!
With Conrads??!! G-d forbid!
* "The Age Of Assent."
If so ... . What was that Soviets were blamed for, then?

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evenin' mum! nice to see you here!

i forgot that BACON thought you were jewish [too],
heh...wotta maroon ! -_-

yeah the poor old BACON; wonder how um...fat...he
is. he frequently tells us the city where he's off
for dinner.
pssst, BACON, c'mere...sshhh
you didnt hear it from me, but...
you're _right_. it's all been a _plot_, against
_YOU_, by those crafty, crafty jewish sisters;
Kisako and Kim.
their crafty scheme for world domination proceeds
as expected; and i'll get a choice position in
their new regime.

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OOOO L'menexe for President! (In the European sense, of course) LOL.
First Knightsbridge then the world!!

Just think I'll be the first European female jewish atheist with total control of the White House!

The Russians? Who are they? Is that somewhere near China? (Dubya goes forth to meet the world!)

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By Delenne ( - on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 04:07 pm ---- Good analysis Delenne ,couldn't agree with you more.Kim the place is called Kaliningrad and there are _no_ nukes there.That is US propaganda to stop European and Russian economimic ties developing.I posted that at USC if you care to read it.

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Sure, You also posted an article here as well claiming the same thing, no coment from you to indicate you disagreed with it. At what point did you realise it was propaganda, before or after ?

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Bagel Girl is delusional again - Aushwitz style delusions.

the latest claims of admit nothing/deny everything are bordering on lunacy. That a5s biting-Rabbi must be running wild again.

Aushwitz symptoms;

- Bagel girl has problems seperating shooting from killing. since they always shoot to kill.
- She has problems sequencing events when they make sence... lol...
- She likes to chase corpses. Hutu/tutsi style.
- anybody above the age of 11 is an adult and deserves to be shot (& killed).


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* Bagel girl has problems seperating shooting from killing. since they always shoot to kill.
If they did, the count would be in thousands.
* She has problems sequencing events when they make sence... lol...
Sure, when Your "carcass" starts running.
* She likes to chase corpses. Hutu/tutsi style.
Sure, You would blame crowds jeering "Allah akbar", jumping, howling and otherwise enjoying the execution show of those Pals, to which they were freely admitted, on Jews.
* anybody above the age of 11 is an adult and deserves to be shot (& killed).
It is the view of the Palestinian Administration on "martyrdom".

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"If they did, the count would be in thousands."

How far do u wanna go back?

"Sure, when Your "carcass" starts running. "

It wasn't running, it was dragged.

"Sure, You would blame crowds jeering "Allah akbar", jumping, howling and otherwise enjoying the execution show of those Pals, to which they were freely admitted, on Jews. "

English Bagel. We werent all raises in the school system of Aushwitz & Co.

"""It is the view of the Palestinian Administration on "martyrdom". """"

Maybe, but that's ur view also!

sequence of events, ill make them clearer for u Bagel.

1- Jew soldiers shot a 23 yrs old Palestinian.
2- the boy died instantly.
3- 4 Jew soldiers dashed across to reclaim corpse.
4- Savagely dragged the lifeless body back across to their "part of" of Hebron
5- the boys was shot in the face, so while he was being dragged pieces of his brain were dripping.

the camera crew stop filming after that. but i could see one the ur soldiers licking his chops for dinner.


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Aushwitz style

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* How far do u wanna go back?
Live safe, live smart. But you always bring knives to gunfights (You too).
* It wasn't running, it was dragged.
How do You know? -
Why else would they chase after a carcass? - Your words, or mine?

* We werent all raises in the school system of Aushwitz & Co.
English, A-rab. Sure, SS Hanjar Div. with Haj Amir El-Husseini "school" is enough for you.
* Maybe, but that's ur view also!
Wrong guess - we don't send our kids to throw Molotofs and rocks, and catch bullets in the name of "Infantifada".
* Jew soldiers shot a 23 yrs old Palestinian.
A visible progress already. You do not call a 23-year-old a "boy".
* the boy died instantly.
What boy? A 23-year-old one again?!
* 4 Jew soldiers dashed across to reclaim corpse.
For dinner? LOL
* Savagely dragged the lifeless body back across to their "part of" of Hebron
Under tribal drumbeats, announcing a forthcoming feast.
* the boys was shot in the face, so while he was being dragged pieces of his brain were dripping.
The "boy" surfaces again.
* the camera crew stop filming after that. but i could see one the ur soldiers licking his chops for dinner.
What? They cooked him that fast? The camera crew, obviously, enjoyed those chops. Otherwise, why dangling about that place and stopping filming? Sure, waiting for their share in festivity.
* the camera crew stop filming after that. but i could see ... telepathically.
Your post ended, but I can see an a-rab clinical-case liar.

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Delusional Bagle Girl trying to avoid the point.. from the best teachings of Aushwitz... lol...

Her biggest concern is if the 23 year old is considered a boy or an adult... Abvouisly killing one of them is OK... LOL..

Verrrrry weak Bagel girl. Is that Rabbi sniffing around ur hairy as5 again?

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* Her biggest concern is if the 23 year old is considered a boy or an adult... Abvouisly killing one of them is OK...
Yes, because a-rab sources are known and documented clinical liars (Your example proves it).
What was he doing there in the first place? Asking for "chops"? That is what You would prefer not to mention, because a grown-up wouldn't dangle in front of a military installation just for the sake of it. And, assuming the IDF restraint history, he was not an "innocent robbed" Palestinian You like to paint them.

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(who lives in a steel shed in his backyard)
Ohaya,Kiasko! 0822

oh, chula, you try to explain [anything!] to this [expletive!] and he just cant handle ANY sort of REALITY.
and you already know it's HIS problem, not YOURS.
clearly a first-class imbecile, unworthy of licking your kitchen floor clean with his tongue.
and she tries to WISE YOU UP just a little, FAKE, but your head is just a little...too...THICK.

uncomprehending of ANYTHING other than your next bucket of table scraps.

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She never stops! like the Energizer bunny!
pushing her jewhad brand of juenvile jewish propaganda!
Is this the usual MO of the "chosen people"?

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