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Archive through January 2, 2001

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By L'menexe ( - on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 09:29 am:
(who lives in a steel shed in his backyard)

How do you know? Do you spend a lot of time, eating bagels with him in the shed?

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* She never stops! like the Energizer bunny! pushing her jewhad brand of juenvile jewish propaganda!
Is this the usual MO of the "chosen people"?

Is this a Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy caught at Knitesbridge dinner?
Or a new Bovine Conradiform Encephalopathy rampaging in Yorkshire?

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Yes, because a-rab sources are known and documented clinical liars (Your example proves it).

So! these a-rab sources have learned a few tricks from the j-ews eh?

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* So! these a-rab sources have learned a few tricks from the j-ews eh?

Very not likely. LOL.
If they learned anything, - they would not be lying.

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Or a new Bovine Conradiform Encephalopathy rampaging in Yorkshire?

Yorkshire in London? Geography, was never a strong point of the jews, unless of course it suits their purpose!'ll have to try harder, English isn't your first language and this borad isn't in Hebrew!

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* Yorkshire in London? Geography, was never a strong point of the jews, unless of course it suits their purpose!
Do You know, silly, that You are making Yourself stupid? LOL.
If, of course, Your BSE case is not all that "advanced", You should, somehow, remember having boasted, like a drunk marsh warden, about Your "Yorkshire town" being "free of Jews".

* you'll have to try harder, English isn't your first language
Tell it to A-rab. He will be happy.
BTH, it would do You good to learn Hebrew. Pay some respect to Jesus Christ - he had had spoken it.

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Pay some respect to Jesus Christ - he had had spoken it.

True he spoke Aramaic too, before being betrayed to the Romans by Jews.

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* True he spoke Aramaic too,
Learn it too!

* before being betrayed to the Romans by Jews.
That doesn't say, that he was not Jewish and ... a Rabbi. LOL
He would have had been discarded by the Romans, if he had not been dangerous to them.
P.S. Learn He-e-ebrew, Conrad and spend time read Tora-a-ah, Moses on the Mount Sinai, etc., instead of typing silly genocidal "comments".

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What did I say about the JEW when given a apportunity to stab in the back?

Their spinelss cowardice ways date all the way back to the times of Christ. No one is safe - not even Christ himself!!!

Hitler & honeymoon spots like Aushwitz were no doubt retribution for thier cowardly ways.

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"""""That doesn't say, that he was not Jewish and ... a Rabbi. LOL
He would have had been discarded by the Romans, if he had not been dangerous to them.
P.S. Learn He-e-ebrew, Conrad and spend time read Tora-a-ah, Moses on the Mount Sinai, etc., instead of typing silly genocidal "comments""""



Is that Rabbi sniffing around ur hairy a5s again?

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in light of peurile conjectures of yours i.e.
*kisako came from america
* kim arx is jewish
* etc etc

i'd just shut up about my own conjecture re: the
FAKE's steel shed...
but if you hurry he might have saved you the
bottom of his bucket of table scraps...

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Salam, A-rab.
"NEW YORK (January 14) - In a victory for counter-terrorism, a judge in Illinois denied a motion to dismiss a $200 million suit brought against Hamas front organizations based in the US.
The suit was brought against organizations and officials connected to Hamas by Stanley and Joyce Boim, whose 17-year old son, David, was murdered by Hamas terrorists near Beit El in 1996. ...
Steven Emerson, a terrorism expert, called the ruling "an unprecedented decision which clearly indicates that terrorist front groups can be held accountable in the United States. Of course, we have to await the results of a trial, but this is charting new legal territory."

About time to reclaim for a decent cause at least some of the money, spent on arming of those terrorist thugs.

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* No one is safe - not even Christ himself!!!
Look, who'talking. LOL.
BTH, what about that 23-year-old "boy"? Pretend not to see? As usual.

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"Steel shed """ lmao...

slow down lx ur starting to hurt my feeling 🙁

Bacon; a thing or two about Lmx;

he's 45 years old and never been married. He lives just outside of Boston MASS. He works full time in an animal pen shop. his responsibilities include washing the animals, their cages and their dropping - every day. he's also responsible for walking them 3 times a day starting at 5 am. He doesn't hold a University degree of any kind and has never been on an airplane before. When he does get chance to get away from the holding Pen he hops on a Greyhound Bus to (far away... lol) Virginia were he checks out the latest on the Coin/stamp collections.

This info was posted here by informer, who was his close on-line buddy untill recently. Thats why I believe it.

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* This info was posted here by informer, who was his close on-line buddy untill recently. Thats why I believe it.

Two a-rab liars on rampage. [Yawn]

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