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Archive through January 2, 2001

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* Yes and it's good because your nation is very poor in autocritic.
Who told you so? And what nation is very "rich" in autocritic? Eh?
If You read Shahak, or Finkelstein, You will get lots of autocritic. From the newspapers you'll
get even more.
The problem with that is that, as soon as this dissident historian Shahak (beaten here on several fronts, or anyone else) utters something, it is immediately vandalized by, etc. to show the "inherent meanness" of the Jews. It goes as black humor here "Who is the biggest enemy of the State of Israel? - A Jew". A sensation is born, nothing else is heard. And the fact, that this state consists of people as diverse as any in culture, traditions, academics and workers, You name it, doesn't surface.

* because you think that you are the elected poeple
You know, the more people think so, the more inferior they make themselves by themselves.
* But you beleive it and as much more jews are going to be famous in the movies and in the finance and in the culture as more you are going to beleive it.
LOL. Don't be a kid. Excellent education was always excellent, it has nothing to do with "chosennies" (for conrads, maybe).

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i already told you kisako wasnt from the states.

spitting out, as you do, whatever ensuing fragments from your skull...

i was out today;
i see you've been playing tennis, chula...

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M'sieu Ledingue:

think carefully, regarding how informed you are, and with whom you stand on this page.

i'd avoid the CREEPS if i were you. but do what you want...i dont care.
go ahead and change your name, FAKE AMERICAN, but you remain a FAKE AMERICAN.
a seething uninformed individual speaking in the lamest of TRITE,SWEEPING STEREOTYPICAL GENERALIZATIONS...
is no less seething or uninformed.
or LAME.


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M'sieur L'Menexe

And what do I risk? That boxing glove materialize out of my PC screen and knock my nose?

It's not about being informed or having read all the books and all the links. It's about my very personal opinion. This time I have an opinon not based upon studies of events like I had on Yugoslavia, but on what I'v learned in my work and in my life.

I'm not afraid to talk with deep rooted jews about what israel should do and draw conclusion on "I have a friend who once went there and..."
because all this makes the reality.

We had had a debate on the extent of the jewish control on the media and I kept aside. This time I'm ready to bring my arguments on how they get the uphand on the culture.

I'm happy of your last response.

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By L'menexe ( - on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 12:48 am:
i already told you kisako wasnt from the states.

I believe you sport. She has all the passion and hate of some Asian Jew. She certainly sounds like one.

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Excellent education was always excellent, it has nothing to do with "chosennies" (for conrads, maybe).

Does zionist propaganda also qualify as "excellent education" ? You've been swimming in the sematic sewer for most of your pathetic life.

I reiterate, stick to He-brew. English was never your first language and never will be.

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Lmx says
"""""think carefully, regarding how informed you are, and with whom you stand on this page. """"

I especially like the "how informed u are" part... lol...

This clown has proven time and time again just how ignorant he is of ALL the issues discussed on these boards. HE KNOWS NOTHING!!! LOL..

except on how to tend rabbits! lol...

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you're not on the same level, CREEP.

you latch on some passing factoid and pound it in to the ground.

dont bother me.
m'sieu L:

..and here is an example of the CREEPS who POLLUTE this board.

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* Does zionist propaganda also qualify as "excellent education" ?
If You were "qualified", You would see that, the word "zionist" does not refer to You.

* You've been swimming in the sematic[?] sewer ...
... each time You let the sludge, produced by Your Internet bottom-feeding process, out on the Board

* ... of your pathetic life.
What else, except a chronic itch to insult me, makes You think so? LOL.

* I reiterate, stick to He-brew.
Forget it - all Your brews are a hazardous waste.

* English was never your first language and never will be.
Specify - is it "your", or "Your"?

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Conrad, You will like it.

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just for you, BACON. -_-


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Oh, Bagel Girl showing a sense of humor. funny stuff. i busted a gut laughing - NOT! not one of those were funny... lol...

But i could imagine a group of the jew hiding somewhere with their little glasses resting on their big noses all having a smelly chuckle. lol.

That's the way the little geeks hung out in College... lol. except there they'd usually get Pissed on from the rest of the student body. I knew one kid his name of Dave Shore - typical jew; hunched back, big nose, little beaty eyes, little scrauny kid... anyway he was caught sneaking his hand into a female students bag tying to rip off a quarter or something. Her boyfried took him into the bathroom, beat him to a pulp and used his head piece as toilet paper to wipe his A%S. the guy is in prison now - lol.

True story!!!
Ive got hundreds of them. thinking of writing a book called "the way of the jew" ... what do u guys think?

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* ... to rip off a quarter ...
Good, You are returning to Your usual non-science fiction. But, what is a quarter!
I have a better plot for You:
Some Middle East Autonomy. Three masked hitmen with silenced handguns. An unsuspecting victim walks out of some "Beach Hotel". Bang-bang-bang! Two - in his chest, one - in his head. A perfect Chicago. You will make millions on it.
BTH, what Autonomy was that?

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...i think this is the second bullshite
'at-university' story you've put out in a week or
before you write a book you need to have half an
idea of what the f*ck you're talking about, FAKE.
scrap bucket coming soon, shed-boy...

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By Delenne ( - on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 12:02 pm:
Conrad, You will like it.

I don't know what you're blubbering about but I decline your invitation. Despite what you think, I do not have a chronic desire to insult you. I honestly believe that you (or anyone else) whose primary motivation in life is pure zionist hate is pathetic.

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