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Archive through January 2, 2001

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"Despite what YOU think..."

you have hounded the lady for over a year.
do you hound anyone else on any other board?

sounds like "chronic desire" y'got there, sport.
define "pure zionist hate" vis-a-vis Kisako.
let's see _one_ example. just _one_.

as always you seek to deny her a right to an
opinion and to defend herself against you CREEPS.
misogynistic anti-semitism in action!

if Kisako was _male_ and jewish, would you carry
on the way you do?
of course not.

sounds like "chronic desire" to me, BACON...

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Conrad, I honestly believe that You (or anyone else), whose primary motivation in life is not to open an encyclopedia at least once, is pathetic.

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"""But, what is a quarter! """

Is that a question or a ! ... lol...

A quarter is .25 cents Bagel girl. lol.

"""Some Middle East Autonomy. Three masked hitmen with silenced handguns. An unsuspecting victim walks out of some "Beach Hotel". Bang-bang-bang! Two - in his chest, one - in his head. A perfect Chicago. You will make millions on it. """

the unsuspecting victim was head of the P/A television. Apparently a very good friend of Arafat - so he has very little reason to call a hit on him. No, bagel girl this was a professional job using advanced weapons typical of the "way of the Jew" ... lol.

"""BTH, what Autonomy was that? """

Jew autonomy - Aushwitz style.

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* Is that a question or a !
This is a suggestion You stop indulging in Egyptian newspaper cheap fiction garbage.

* Apparently a very good friend of Arafat - so he has very little reason to call a hit on him.
Is Arafat the only gangster in the PA?

* No, bagel girl this was a professional job using advanced weapons typical of the "way of the Jew"
For an A-rab a Jew is always to blame. LOL.
What about settling of scores within the PA? Eh?

* Jew autonomy
Why do you cry then - you have a state already.

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"way of the jew", pendejo?

you cant find your "way" across the _street_,
you'd be afraid to miss out on 'scrap-bucket'

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Palestinians are moving upin the world... using silencers and sh!t... lol... learning from the Jew.

"""For an A-rab a Jew is always to blame. LOL. """
Wouldnt' know, but it would seem it's the other way also. like I said before - ur both not any better than other. Savages & Criminals; they learned from you & you learned from the Germans.

""""this is a suggestion You stop indulging in Egyptian newspaper cheap fiction garbage"""

say again Bagel girl... in english.

""""Why do you cry then - you have a state already. """"

Crying??? Delusions???

Only Aushwitz style delusions can suggest that what the PA have now is a State - LMAO...

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dumbshite who cannot read...
read a little more carefully; havent you been 'to

your rank idiocy is not her concern...CREEP.

when uncle BACON shows up you can cry on his

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lmx I think u should dedicate all ur time to tending "dem Rabbits" ... forcing ur brain to deal with two issues is abviously painfull.

You seem to think i made that stuff about u working in an animal pen... Wrong !!! it was ur friend informer who disclosed that about you.
and those Jew stories in College are all TRUE... Everyone knows the Jew is slimey backstabber - except jews themselves - ask Gore and Christ.

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what you say about rabbits was nicked from "of
mice and men": a book you thought took place
during the revolutionary war.

everything informer said was bullshite....informer
was a FAKE, just like YOU are a FAKE.




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* Palestinians are moving upin the world... using silencers and sh!t... lol... learning from the Jew.
So, again Jews are to blame, this way, or another. LOL.

* say again Bagel girl... in english.
With pleasure [LOL]. The garbage, like this:
On Oct. 24, the Palestinian Liberation Army Mufti, Sheikh Col. Nader Al-Tamini, said in a television debate on the Qatari Arabic cable news channel Al-Jazeera that there can be no peace with the Jews because they suck and use the blood of Arabs on the holidays of Passover and Purim.

* Only Aushwitz style delusions can suggest that what the PA have now is a State
Why then You used Jew autonomy? You redefine statuses and ... blame Jews. LOL.
BTH, for You, dear A-rab, the PA is, technically, a state, with its own passports, ruling, ... gangster-terrorists.

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By Delenne ( - on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 08:15 pm:
Conrad, I honestly believe that You (or anyone else), whose primary motivation in life is not to open an encyclopedia at least once, is pathetic.

I take it you have an encyclopedia in He-brew?

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By L'menexe ( - on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 05:11 pm:
"Despite what YOU think..."

you have hounded the lady for over a year.
do you hound anyone else on any other board?

I do not "hound" anybody else on this board because nobody else on this board generates such trite fanatical Zionist propaganda. She has a second-class mind that festers nothing but cheap shots straight from the semantic sewer. This fanatical jewess is hate incarnate without a bone of humanity in her wretched body.

as always you seek to deny her a right to an
opinion and to defend herself against you CREEPS.
misogynistic anti-semitism in action!

Your opinion not mine

if Kisako was _male_ and jewish, would you carry
on the way you do?
of course not.

Not many Jewish men are as possessed as your maniacal ladyfriend. The zionist fanatics that are, usually emigrate from the US to Israel and build illegal settlements and terrorize Palestinians. If you received BBC where you are, you would see for yourself.

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Wow this place is like a rerun,anytime you come here it's all the same stuff.

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you [expletive]

getting even more absurdly _nasty_
does not make you any more convincing...
godawful BORING

"my opinion, not yours"

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shutup lmx

u dimwit.

So u do admit that it was informer and not me who disclosed what u do for a living.

The part of "tending to dem rabbits" was mine, but it reflects what u do for a living.

Go ahead and bad mouth informer while he's not here, but i remember u were pen-pals on these boards untill u had a fall-out.

and the part about u being 45yrs old and never been married was posted by YOU a while back.

Try again Bagel Boy... ur a joke!

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