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Archive through January 2, 2001

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Typical provocateurs - Bacontm and A-rab. The first one doesn't know, what he is talking about, the second one knows, but tries hard to present all of the ME as one big victim of Israel. The second type tries to tactically distance himself off the matter the Picture is SICK!!! SICK !!!, as though he is from another world, sort of a sideline cheerleader.
* reminds me of a link posted by someone here about crimes Chechenia - but this is worse.
Where do You put the recent victim, lured by a Pal Arab woman and, of course, killed.
* Jesus this is bad.
But, obviously, it is good with Allah, since your jihadniks always "allah-akbar".
* Only uncivilised, blood thirsty societies would accept and condone such acts of Murder with open arms, & welcome the perpetrators back into the community.
Since You live in the world, in which bin ladens and arafats are role models, and killing is usual, what do You care? Another stupid attempt to pass for a non-arab? (Too visible, You know, - You produce too much BS.)
This one, sure, is a saint.
"It could be that, many out there wonder, why so many children are being killed."

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Guys check out Bagels News Source... lol...

I busted a gut laughing when i saw that!!!!


Thx for the laughs bagel...

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One would think that with Bagels extreme (thats putting it mildly) political views, she would try and offset that by resorting to more docile sources of information.... lol...

but no such luck - pouring fuel over the fire!!! lmao...


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Bagel read ur post again..

do you see how delusional u are...

just because the other side did something doesn't mean it's OK to murder 11 year olds...

You can sit her and spew more revenge, get even, they started it first garbage all u want... but u aint convincing anyone that killing an 11 year old by crushing his skull is acceptable behaviour....

Defending the murder is simply grotesque... which proves that somewhere along the line you people lost all moral humanity and civil responsibility that sets humans apart from animals. Be it you or the palestinians - I don't care.

So give it up. NO OONE relate to this type of hate and savagery.

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Chorny Volk,
a local cop, standing by his cruiser, is blindsided by an ex-convict. In a moment the ex-con has the cop on his back, fighting for his life. The ex-con beats cop's head against the pavement. The cop finally gets his gun out and ends the asault. Justifiable homicide?
From day one one local (anti-gun/anti-cop) paper howls for his head. All through the Internal Affairs (clean), the Grang Jury (no bill) and the civil suit (acquittal) this paper churns slanted, sensationalized, very inaccurate replay. The cop's pic and name are in the paper almost every day for around two years. Wherever he goes, - people stare. Several bystanders ask him why he is not in jail.
Even after all the verdicts the reporter/cameraman team tails him. Several merchants told him not to come back. He must be guilty of something, or the paper wouldn't be making such fuss.
He persuaded his attorney to take his house for payment of leagal fees. He does not need a house anymore, - early on his wife cleaned out the bank account, grabbed the kids and disappeared.
Medical insurance covered painkiller and part of the rehabilitation. No medical insuranse is going to cure the permanent brain damage.
Several more merchants told him not to come. His appearance upsets people.
When he applies for the Disability Ret., the Chief tries to fire him. The Union takes it to the Arbitration, creating even more "newspaper". The day he retires the paper presents a very unfavourable account of his career, implying, that he is somehow cheating the system, by retiring on a disability.

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maybe you should join the Hutu/Tutsi discussion boards.

You are more likely to find a more suitable platform to spew your garbage. the both of you can compare notes as your societies plummet deeper into social chaos and savagery.

Have fun, and don't drag the rest of the world with you.

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* I busted a gut laughing when i saw that!!!!
Childhood memories?
* just because the other side did something doesn't mean it's OK to murder 11 year olds...
Obvious bias.
* ... old by crushing his skull ...
Absolutely expected that inflation of the story. You forgot to bring a baseball bat into the picture.
* Defending the murder is simply grotesque...
Did I? LOL.
* Be it you or the palestinians - I don't care.
Come on, You don't care. LOL. With all that nuclear bomb A-rab garbage You have been pushing. You don't remember, what You typed.
But, as to the Palestinian Arabs, You really don't care, I know.

* aint convincing

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Yes Bagel Girl, you AINT convincing anyone!!! lol...

In normal societies cold blooded murders are put away for life.

"old by crushing his skull ..."
""""Absolutely expected that inflation of the story. You forgot to bring a baseball bat into the picture. """"

not my words Bagel. here is the article... the link is posted above by Chorny :

A Jewish settler from the settlement of Bitar near Bethlehem beat a Palestinian school child to death on 27 October, 1996.

Palestinian kids who were returning home from school told journalists the settler, who works as Security Officer at the settlement, chased three school kids on suspicion they had thrown stones at his car.

The kids said the settler grabbed 10-year-old Helmi Salim Helmi Al Shawashe of the village of Husan near Bethlehem, dragged him to
the ground, pressed his army boots against his neck and began beating him savagely on the head, using the but of
his pistol.

The kids said that as Helmi began screaming, begging for his life, the settler dragged him through a thorny terrain, and resumed beating him, until he lost consciousness.

Motionless and brain-dead, Helmi was taken to hospital, where he was declared "clinically dead." At dawn, on 28 October, he succumbed to his injury. An autopsy report said Helmi suffered a massive brain hemorrhage resulting
from external injury to the head.

The settler himself, an officer in the IDF, initially denied any connections to the crime. However, later as witnesses
identified him as the perpetrator, he confessed to having committed the nefarious act, claiming that he didn't intend to kill him but to teach him a lesson. Following the incident, the Israeli occupation authorities sealed all roads
leading to the village of Husan, ostensibly to prevent Palestinians from organizing protests.

On 29 October, thousands of Palestinians from all over the West Bank took part in Helmi's funeral. Mourners called on the international community to condemn "settlers' genocidal cannibalism against our people." The beating-to-death of Helmi Shawasheh coincided with fresh threats by the settlers to "make the streets of Hebron
overflow with Arab blood."

On 27 October, Rabbi Moshe Levinger, who had killed a Hebron citizen, Kayed Salah, with impunity, said that "elements such as Barouch Goldstein and Yegal Amir are bound to appear amongst his followers." Earlier, settler
leaders in Hebron vowed to "slaughter Arabs en mass if the Israeli government went ahead with the Israeli army redeployment from Arab town.

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IF that's not enough - check out the picture of the murdered child on the same site:


A warning:

if you have a queasy stomach, avoid looking at the picture.

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* You are more likely to find a more suitable platform to spew your garbage.
Obviously, You are well-beaten up on the CNN MB.
* the both of you can compare notes as your societies plummet deeper into social chaos and savagery.
Do You inderstand what You typed? (Education showing.) What social chaos? LOL. Dear, You suffer from a verbal diarrhea.
* Have fun, and don't drag the rest of the world with you.
We would like to, but you just would not mind your own business and leave us alone. No shortage of rakes with you. LOL.

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Bagel would have u believe that the Child was killed in a 'nice civilised' way.


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Bagel Girl doesn't understand what social Chaos is...

How fortunate. A society of savages with no moral values.

What can you say besides killers of Christ and Children.

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Israeli military concerned over unprovoked shootings of Palestinians
HEBRON, West Bank, Jan 23 (AFP) -
Arij Djabli, 19, headed to the rooftop of her home in the divided West Bank city of Hebron with a basket of wet laundry shortly before dinner on January 5.

Within minutes, Arij was shot dead with a bullet to the heart when the Israeli army fired on her hillside home from the Jewish settlement of Beit Haggai half a mile (almost a kilometer) to the south.

Arij became one of more than 380 people killed, most of them Palestinian, during four months of rampant bloodshed in the region. Her cousin, Ahlam, who cowered with Arij on the rooftop, was injured by the same bullet.

The Israeli army said it was responding to Palestinian snipers, but Arij's family and neighbors say there were no gunmen that night, only a young man who had been lighting fireworks.

Her death is one of several that have raised concern among human rights groups and even the army itself that soldiers are firing on Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip when their lives are not in danger.

"We are worried. I am worried as a human being," a senior military officer said at a recent press briefing on the Palestinian uprising or intifada. "But this does not mean we have that many cases."

The officer said the army is investigating five incidents which could lead to court martials. "It's hard not to get wet in this rain."

The oldest case dates back to mid-November when a soldier shot a Palestinian man after an argument near an army checkpoint in the West Bank.

The most recent occurred the first week of January: one on January 1 when a foreign camera crew filmed a soldier shooting a Palestinian in the leg by a checkpoint in Hebron, and the other six days later when a Palestinian woman was shot dead in the back seat of a car near the northern West Bank town of Nablus.

The army announced last week it will also punish soldiers for shooting at the bishop of Nazareth's car by a West Bank checkpoint on January 9.

Even some Israeli soldiers have expressed alarm about apparently reckless shootings by their colleagues.

A 20-year-old soldier, speaking to AFP on condition of anonymity, said his commanding officers regularly brief his combat unit about incidents in which soldiers have fired with poor judgement.

Palestinian militants have frequently targeted Israeli soldiers during the wave of unrest, and so far 21 have lost their lives.

"There are soldiers who are very extreme and dying to fight an Arab and break his face," the soldier said.

But he said no carte blanche exists for the use of deadly force. Permission to shoot a person is given "when you are in danger and you can see someone's plan is real ... if a person runs at you with a gun."

The soldier said he believed most of his colleagues accept the army's strict guidelines. "The problem is some soldiers in the field do things they have no reason to do," he said. "There are incidents every day: soldiers who fire at people without orders."

A 20-year-old paramedic recalled an incident in December when soldiers at a West Bank military base shot towards distant Palestinian houses after spotting a gunman. "They opened massive fire, not just M-16s, but machine guns which cant be aimed specifically at one point," he said. "A person could have been hurt easily."

The paramedic added he had been alarmed in conversations with fellow soldiers. "Ive heard five or six people talking about opening fire for fun or just without reason. And they dont think its wrong. They dont even know if theyve hit anyone or not."

The senior military officer defended the army's record, pointing to the fact that in a chaotic time where Israeli soldiers have been shot at in more than 2,800 separate episodes, only five are facing criminal investigation.

"The philosophy we are based on is not to shoot to kill," he said. "When we do something wrong we take care of it."

The Israeli army has apologised for Arij's death but there is no criminal investigation.

"I am sorry she was killed, but no one should have been firing by her house," the senior officer said.

But Arij's family and neighbors bitterly dispute the army's version of events, although they admit their hillside had previously been used by Palestinian snipers.

"There were no men with masks that night. It had been two weeks since there had been any," said neighbour Abid Al Sami, 60, pointing to an area near his house where 22-year-old local Ashraf Saad Abidin had lit fireworks and then ran off.

When the bullets stopped, Sami said neighbours caught Abidin and handed him over to the Palestinian Authority, which arrested him as an Israeli collaborator according to Palestinian media reports.

Ahlam, who spent a week in the hospital, points to faint blood stains in the doorway where the two women huddled.

"There were many shots," Ahlam says. "I saw Arij touch her body and then I felt something enter mine."

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Typical Chorny....

"half a mile (almost a kilometer) to the south. "

I guess they felt the lady was an iminent danger to them. maybe the laundry was full of explosives she would use to throw at them.... she might have been on the Olympic team for Shot-Putt!!! lol...


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* Yes Bagel Girl, you AINT convincing anyone!!! lol...
Do You honestly believe that Yorkshire Bacontm is "everyone"?
* not my words Bagel. here is the article...
Absolutely Yours. Read again.

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