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Archive through January 2, 2001

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World class Delusions!!!!

Im telling you - Only Aushwitz style will do...

Check the latest from Bagel.

"""no more frolicking with Syria."""


"""On a sniper's position. If snipers feel free to frame of their own, you get what you get. """

I guess being dumb helps in deciphering that! Thax lmx.


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* Im afraid that our taxes ...
Don't be. LOL. Your ME taxes may go only into the of El-Aksa Infantifada Fund joke. LOL.
(Confess, is it an inferiority complex, that drives You to pretend You are an American? Eh? Fat cats of the Emirates looking magnanimously down at You?)

* the other day, a security man in Hebron, ...
When? LOL. Selective amnesia, dear, very selective. All right, I am here to cure this - "the other day in 1996, ..."

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lately i've wondered what american police would do
if they were being showered with fist-sized

how many of them would have to be hurt before the
police would open fire?
and do you believe they would be checking
identification before shooting?

key phrase: Jackson-Kent 1970.
oh and arent we contemporary now, to have
forgotten how many redneck southern _haters_ got
away with lynching, for decades? for DECADES?

key phrase: "Strange Fruit" as recorded/performed
by billie holiday. [sp?]
only _one_ person on this board understands what
it's like to be surrounded by mortal enemies for
f*cking _insipid_ religious reasons...whose
children are programmed in GRADE SCHOOL to seek an
entire people's _destruction_, for those same
f*cking _insipid_ religious reasons.
so make sure, informer, to toss in a few anecdotes
about the southern blacks who were beaten and
savaged and left to hang, only to escape
conviction of any sort.
it really wasnt _that_ long ago.

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You mind posting that post of mine here L'Menexe.Don't know what you are taking about.

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L'Menexe is Israel above reproach?

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it was with the post of boris p. last night/this
israel has a right to declare 'extenuating
circumstances'. talk to the palestinians who have
routinely put their kids in the front of these the deranged belief that to
die is a ticket to heaven.
no, in that one case, that was a light sentence.
okay? do you believe kisako was celebrating?
but under the obvious situation what do you want
popular revolt on top of this insipid
holy war bullshite?

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And what is wrong with any of those Jews on Pribiche's list.Each and everyone is a war criminal.What's the problem? No don't agree? Believe me you don't want to hear my comments on those people on that list.Personally I don't care for Israel one way or the other.The only time my ears perk up is when I hear Barak is chummy with that piece of shite Gusinsky.And as far as the oligarchs go,well they robbed Russia blind so I don't give a rats ass whats happens to them.They all need to be prosecuted to the fullest.And they are not the only ones,a lot of Jewish immigrants that came to Toronto came with astronomical amounts of money which they no doubt stole.

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it was with the post of boris p. last night/this
israel has a right to declare 'extenuating
circumstances'. talk to the palestinians who have
routinely put their kids in the front of these the deranged belief that to
die is a ticket to heaven.
no, in that one case, that was a light sentence.
okay? do you believe kisako was celebrating?
but under the obvious situation what do you want
popular revolt on top of this insipid
holy war bullshite?


That Jewhad zionist fanatic in a degranged belief that she's off to the jewish "chosen people" heaven has certainly done a good job of brainwashing our 45 year old adolescent drummer!

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* And what is wrong with any of those Jews on Pribiche's list.
Pribich is a patented crusading a..hole, - just change the subject, and his site-whatever easily converts into , , etc.. According to him I am to blame for the Kosovo bombs.
* And as far as the oligarchs go,well they robbed Russia
You imply, that all oligarchs are automatically Jews and vice-versa. Heck, where are my castle and Mercedes 600?!
The oligarchic system started forming, when that windbag Gorby was at a loss, when "restructuring" demanded careful action and not verbal diarrhea.

* a lot of Jewish immigrants that came to Toronto came with astronomical amounts of money which they no doubt stole.
There were/are so many holes in Russian legislation, that make it possible to earn/get/rotate etc. millions and millions legally. You cannot jail people on moral grounds, otherwise You automatically provide support to, say, a Kosovo campaign.

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"As Finkelstein says, why exactly is there a holocaust museum in Washington D.C? Why isn't there a museum dedicated to the holocaust and robbery and slave labor of African Americans and Indians?
What would we say if Germany set up a museum for the holocaust of American Indians and Blacks (to say nothing of U.S. support for Indonesia's mass murder of East Timorese or the tin pot Hitler’s in Guatemala or mass murder in Indochina, or in another context, the ten million people in the Congo wiped out by European colonization from 1890 to 1910), with its intelligentsia and politicians sadly commenting on the inability of Americans to fully face up to their unique crimes and offer reparations to survivors, and so on?

In chapter three he focuses on the efforts over the years of the major American Jewish organizations, especially as manifested in the Jewish Materials Claims Conference, to get hundreds of millions of dollars for "needy holocaust survivors" but most of which actually gets diverted into the pet projects of these organizations. He examines the latest effort to get hundreds of millions of dollars, allegedly from dormant assets of holocaust survivors, for "needy holocaust survivors" from Swiss banks which was mainly the result of mass hysteria and threats even though the Volcker commission and another commission that included former Yad Vashem historian Saul Friedlander, found that Swiss banks had purchased gold from Nazi Germany, but had not been aware that many of the gold bars were made from the teeth, watches, etc. of holocaust survivors and that over the years, Swiss banks had cooperated with holocaust survivors in finding their dormant accounts as well, if not better, as banks in the United States and even in Israel, whose records have received very little attention. Switzerland, whose record was actually dismal in the overall moral scheme of things, admitted just as many refugees from Nazi Germany as did the United States, despite being very small and having far less resources. Gizella Weisshaus, one of the first plaintiffs in the lawsuits against the Swiss banks, has a blub on the back of the book praising it."

Chris Green.

Its difficult to think of a more greedy group of people than the Jews with extortion being their forte.

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Hello, Bacon! Running high fever, I see. Any more physically sick around You?

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because i have agreed w/kisako
and not your peurile F*CKING ANTI-SEMITIC GARBAGE

that makes me brainwashed?
so where's your proof about this "chosen people"
stuff from kisako?
oh. i see.
you dont have _any_ proof. not a bit.
aint that right, BACON?
be sure to share this with the co-workers who
LAUGH AT YOU BEHIND YOUR BACK, pince cabron. -_-

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Delenne those people on that list are war criminals no ifs ands or buts.They happen to be Jewish.The Russian Jews in Toronto I met are crooks.They bragged to me how they laundered money.Bad move as I reported them to CSIS lol And then the ••••••• tells me about all his massage parlours using Russian women ,well that was the clincher for me.The main oligarchs are all Jewish as I posted here before.

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Don't forget that white Russian women are traded like cattle by Jews in Tel Aviv, the capital of the white slave trade.

There was an interesting program about this on A&E Reports a year ago, which I watched on satellite.

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By L'menexe ( - on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 05:06 pm:


Do you suffer from amnesia too? Your own friend Informer revealed your age, on this board! I think that crazed fanatical zionist has got to you.

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