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Archive through January 2, 2001

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By Delenne ( - on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 02:34 pm:
* Shooting kids ---oh because the Palestinians don't value their kids.
LOL. Who sends Palestinian kids to firing zones.We!?

firing zone! LOL!!!

Looks like those jew terrorists are coming in to shoot kids than those kids going into the "zone"!

Off course zionist fanatic will claim these are all camera tricks by Hillary Anderson and the BBC!

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By Delenne ( - on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 02:49 pm:
* Bought the book from Foyles only yesterday, should be an interesting weekend read
Lying like A-rab. The second boot to the pair. LOL.

Jews are intrinsically medacious, so naturally they assume the same about others! LOL!!

By the way crafty, why don't you pay a visit (assuming you'll be granted a visa) and pick up a book on English for He-Brew speakers?

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regarding yr 1:25 post:

figure it out for yourself.
and yr 1:41 post:

ask the 15 year old boy who was shot 15 times.
whose finger was on the trigger _then?_
and i have no link for the tv boy...but here
you've got his chickensh*t papa saying his son was
shot in the _back_.
whose finger was on the trigger _then_?
fukt up is as fukt up does -_-

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in regards to today's discussion, you are BENEATH

and where's your 'proof' re: Kisako's =koff=
'zionist ambitions'?
what? you have no proof? and you never did?
f*cking as*hole.

so tell us all more about all these 10-and-11 year
old boys and girls who were shot down?
what? you have you statistics? and you never did?
puta pendejo pince cabron.

...and this is why the FAKE has become your _very_
_special_ friend, BACON; your ill-fitting suit and
pretentious, smug attitude notwithstanding, you
two geniuses are on the same intellectual level.

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* By the way crafty, why don't you pay a visit (assuming you'll be granted a visa)
Dead right, I will be granted a visa and won't be put on the antiterrorist watch tab. LOL.
But I like steaks, and this "commodity" is too compromised by BSE, the symptoms of which You proudly display here by Looks like those jew terrorists are coming in to shoot kids than those kids going into the "zone"!, because this statement can either be made by an arab liar, or a BSE victim. Choice is Yours, anyway. LOL.

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On Friday, Jan. 26, the US announced the transfer of a Patriot missile brigade to Israel with its 400 crewmen for joint maneuvers. It will relieve the teams, manning the Patriot batteries, airlifted to Israel on Jan 11.
That the first batch went to Israel indicates certain expectations and modes of action on the part of the new administration in Washington:
1. An imminent ME conflagration is being taken into account and the possibility that it may erupt without warning. It was, therefore, considered prudent to install the weaponry for meeting the threat in good time.
2. In a regional flare-up, Israel is tagged as the first target for Iraqi or even Syrian missiles.
3. Sending over the batteries with US crews in the middle of Palestinian-Israeli clashes indexes the Bush people's low rating of the Palestinians as a diplomatic – much less a military – force. They are also aware of Arafat's alignment with Saddam Hussein. The Patriots advised him to look again at his options.
4. Their dispatch was also a clear signal of the Bush White House's acceptance of Ariel Sharon as coming Israeli prime minister, and told him, he can look forward to collaboration, if he makes adjustments to American policy interests.
5.Washington does not preclude a full-scale ME war before February 6, which might postpone the prime minister's election.

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proudly display here by Looks like those jew terrorists are coming in to shoot kids than those kids going into the "zone"!, because this statement can either be made by an arab liar, or a BSE victim. Choice is Yours, anyway. LOL.

People or more appropriately "beggars" who live off foreign aid, are not exactly in a postion to offer a "choice"

By the way, why do you keep typing LOL all the time? Do you have a mirror in front of you?

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why no, BACON, she laughs at YOU.

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US aid to Israel - Tax Dollars Soaked in Blood

by Susan Abulhawa

With 400 Palestinians killed and over 10,000 wounded (most of them severely), the Israeli lobby is requesting a new pile of American tax dollars ($450 million) for 'emergency aid.' Part of this money is being requested to compensate Israel for withdrawing from a 20 year occupation of Southern Lebanon.

Excuse me!

Israel invaded Lebanon, used the world banned cluster bombs to kill 20,000 civilians (stories that would make your skin crawl), destroyed the countries infrastructure and occupied its people for two decades. Now they want to be compensated for finally obeying international law and getting out of land where they have no business being? If anyone ought to be compensated, it's the Lebanese people. At any rate, its not the responsibility of the American tax payer to pay up.

Israel is an outlaw state in violation of numerous UN Resolution and various tenets of international laws. Congress should stop behaving as though we're some kind of Israeli colony bowing to her every whim.

Israel, whose population is 0.1% of the total world population gets roughly one-third of all US foreign aid. In addition to the $5,000,000,000 in aid, Israel enjoys the benefits of a whole lot more US tax payer money. For example, there are special "gifts" like the Arrow Missile and Levi Fighter, totaling $1.3 billion. Tax payers must also pay interest on money borrowed for Israel's grants-- about $500 million per year. Private donations to Israel are tax-deductible and total about $1 billion annually. This does not include the Israeli bonds sold in the US for $500 million each year.

Despite US restrictions on using money to build illegal settlements on Palestinian land, Israel has spent hundreds of millions of our dollars importing Jews from across the world, confiscating Palestinian land and demolishing their homes to make way for brand new settlements for the new arrivals.

That's not all. The US also pays Egypt $2.1 billion/year for signing a peace treaty with Israel and is asked to pay umpteen billions of tax payer dollars every time Israel notions that is will consider a pull-back from occupied territories. For example, during peace talks with Syria, Israel demanded that the US foot a bill of $17 billion for its withdrawal from the Golan Heights, where it has illegally been occupying Syrian land and stealing Syrian resources for over 33 years. Basically, the US taxpayers have to pay Israel in order for Israel to obey international law and respect the sovereignty of other nations.

At the same time Congress cut the welfare budget by $5.3 billions, aid to Israel that year was $5.2 billion. Indeed, as filmmaker Tom Hayes said: "from the mouths of America's poor onto the necks of Palestinians."

The so called "peace process" is sure to cost us yet more tens of billions of dollars in payment for Israel's insatiable appetite for Arab soil and its unrelenting thievery of other's resources. Try getting an iota of that money for your state. You're lucky if you can hold onto school lunch programs.

Of course, some of that money trickles back to the US in the form of campaign funding. These campaign "donations" account for Israel's power over US foreign policies.

So, what has Israel done for us?

Israel has spied on the US. By the way, a contribution to the 'free Jonathan Pollard' fund is tax deductible. According to the CIA, Israel commits industrial espionage against American businesses. They have exported sensitive US technology to other countries, some of which are potentially hostile to the U.S., in direct contravention of U.S. law.

In 1967 Israel attacked the USS Liberty killing 34 American crewmen and wounding 171. Despite thirty three years of unrelenting pleas from the survivors of that ship, Congress will not afford our servicemen the decency of an investigation and has refused to hold a Congressional hearing for an act of aggression against Americans in a time of peace despite astounding evidence. Maybe they will when there are no more survivors to speak and the only testimonies will come from Israeli-chosen "witnesses."

Israel has a healthy economy and gets piles of money and other aid from Germany every year. If this US-Israel marriage is indeed in our best interest then why do they need such a strong well-funded lobby in our Congress?

Continuing to be the lone veto that keeps the international community from investigating Israel's breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention cannot possibly be in our best interest. Patting Israel on the back while the rest of the world condemns it's flagrant violations of human rights does not mesh with the principles on which this country was founded.

Retired Navy Admiral, Thomas Moorer, was quoted in a book by Paul Findley, former congressman from Illinois, as saying "I've never seen an president- I don't care who he is- stand up to [the Israelis]. It just boggles your mind*.If the American people understood what a grip those people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms."

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Susan Abulhawa ... Al-Awda, Palestine Right to Return Coalition. A funny source. But, can't help it, - for Chorny Volk is on crusade, and any dubious source is good.
* With 400 Palestinians killed ...
And she shamelesly included (already 45) Israelis into it too.
* Israel invaded Lebanon,
Selective amnesia to present Israel as occupier for the sake of the joy of it.
The PLO, following its expulsion from Jordan in September 1970, set up its major base of operations in southern Lebanon, from which it attacked northern Israel. The number and size of PLO operations in the south accelerated throughout the late 70s as central authority deteriorated, and Lebanon became a battleground of warring militias. In March '78, following a fedayeen attack, originating in Lebanon, on the Tel Aviv-Haifa road, that killed 37 people, Israel launched Operation Litani, ... etc ... .

* ... used the world banned cluster bombs ...
What-what? Then!? And when were they actually banned?
* ... to kill 20,000 civilians ...
Sheriff Bassiuni was adding dead Serbs to the Moslem count. Following this good tradition she dumps all casualties of inter-militia hostilities on Israel to recycle garbage of stories that would make your skin crawl.
I will use a source, that Arab BSniks like - HRW, - "... examines the activities of Israeli military forces and Lebanese guerrillas during the escalation of military activities that raged in Lebanon and parts of northern Israel from April 11 to 27, 1996 - code-named "Operation Grapes of Wrath" by Israel. Israeli pilots carried out 600 air raids with fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters, and artillery units fired some 25,000 shells into Lebanese territory. Some 154 civilians were killed in Lebanon, and another 351 injured." This the count for a year and six months. Never 20.000 could have mateiralised up to the withdrawal time.

* For example, there are special "gifts" like the Arrow Missile and Levi Fighter, totaling $1.3 billion.
The Lavi Project Israeli own development, was scrapped quite a time ago in favour of the F machines. Some "gift" ... .
The Arrow Sys is an Israeli development, aimed at amending the deficiencies of the Patriot Sys.

* Private donations to Israel are tax-deductible and total about $1 billion annually.
Private donations are, what they are - private, and don't open mouths on it. Deductible? So is some save the penguins fund.

* This does not include the Israeli bonds sold in the US for $500 million each year.
An "absolute crime" of selling financial instruments on the financial market, that seems to process Israeli bonds only. LOL.
* Despite US restrictions on using money to build illegal settlements
Which money? In view of private donations, eh? "Illegal". According to what? International law? This law recognises a primate of a sovereign law, and under the sovereign law it is not illegal.
* Israel has spent hundreds of millions of our dollars importing Jews from across the world, confiscating Palestinian land and demolishing their homes to make way for brand new settlements for the new arrivals.
"Importing". Noone confiscates anything, or demolishes Pal's homes, - all the TV would have shouted about it right now, if it did take place. Since that Oslo sh.t accord Israeli banks were even refusing loans to build setllements. On orders of successive suicidal Govts. Border Guards were evicting settlers, but it didn't make it to the TV.
In August, 1995, Clinton censured and classified the US Congressional General Accounting Office study of PLO
assets, which might have placed the matter of Arafat's claims of Palestinian poverty in another context. Why did she forget $100 mln. yearly that "poor & robbed" Arafat gets "officially"(?)?
Germany prints passports and stamps for the PA, mints them coins, which will go into circulation with the declaration of their "statehood". Holland is building them a port and has supplied them with Ingram sub-machine guns. The US is drilling water projects for them. Japan and European Union are involved in their infrastructure, industry, airport. The US was training "security personnel", supplied sophisticated "security" military knowledge. The CIA maintained close contact with their terrorist "colleagues".

* Basically, the US taxpayers have to pay Israel in order for Israel to obey international law and respect the sovereignty of other nations.
Absolutely no mention of 6 wars, started by Arab nations in violation of that same law, in result of which the status quo is, what it is, and to hell with Israeli sovereignty, nothing - Arabs didn't then and don't recognize the right of Israel to exist now, so what International law is she typing about?
* By the way, a contribution to the 'free Jonathan Pollard' fund is tax deductible.
A stale theme already.
As though other contributions (save the pandas, for instance) is not tax-deductible.;o)
BTH, are the contributions to the "Save the Hamas" Fund tax-deductible? They are collected in the US too.

* They have exported sensitive US technology to other countries, some of which are potentially hostile to the U.S., in direct contravention of U.S. law.
BSnik in action. - Doesn't name those countries. But hints at China. A recent AWACS case, the essence of which was the Israeli decision to use the Russian IL-76 carrier instead of a Boeing one to install Israeli equipment on. The only "law" "violated", was the wish of it being a Boeng. LOL.
* Continuing to be the lone veto that keeps the international community from investigating Israel's breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention cannot possibly be in our best interest.
Blah-blah-blah ... .
The Convention was approved in 1949. It was meant to deter the abuse and deportation of large civilian populations in occupied territory. The signatories have not met in 50 years, not even in the face of millions of Europe, the Indian subcont., Afghanistan, much of Africa, the Far East and Latin America. Since 1997 the Arab group at the UN has been trying hard to invoke the Fourth GC against Israel. Applying the convention to Israel would be singularly biased.

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Saturday, January 27 8:22 PM SGT

Palestinian paramedic in hospital after beating by Israeli troops
A Palestinian paramedic is in hospital after being detained, stripped and beaten with rifle butts by Israeli soldiers for more than two hours in the West Bank last week, a Palestinian medical official told AFP Saturday.

"We are extremely concerned. This is the most serious incident so far because it borders on torture," said Dr. Hossam Sharkawi, the emergency response coordinator for the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS).

The Israeli army had no immediate comment on the alleged incident.

Sharkawi said PRCS paramedic Talal Eidah, 40, and a co-worker were responding to a medical call late Wednesday when more than 30 Israeli soldiers stopped their ambulance outside the village of Surda, north of Ramallah at around 10:40 p.m.

The soldiers took the men's radios and identity cards and forced them to strip to their underwear and lie on the ground. Five soldiers pointed their guns at the men and either hit them with the butts or shoved their heads into a muddy pool when they looked up.

Sharkawi said the soldiers allowed the second paramedic to drag Eidah, who had begun to experience severe chest pains, to his ambulance. Eidah could not walk due to severe hypothermia as it was a cold and rainy night.

After almost two hours, a second ambulance arrived searching for the two paramedics and the Israeli soldiers also forced the two-man crew to strip and lie on the ground, Sharkawi said.

Before being pulled from their vehicle, one of the paramedics in the second ambulance radioed the control room, telling the dispatcher 'There's a problem here', Sharkawi said.

The PRCS then contacted Israeli military in the West Bank, informing them that four of its paramedics had gone missing and were probably being detained.

One of the second crew pleaded for 10 to 15 minutes with soldiers to allow him to treat Eidah in the ambulance, Sharkawi said.

He added that one of the soldiers threatened the paramedics, saying 'you are lying to us. You will die tonight'.

Finally, the soldiers permitted one man to drive Eidah to a hospital in Ramallah at around 1:00 a.m. (2300 GMT) Thursday, Sharkawi said.

The soldiers released the two other paramedics an hour later.

Eidah remains in an intensive care unit but is in stable condition, Sharkawi said.

"There have been several incidents where we've treated Israeli soldiers and civilians. All we ask is that we are able to provide humanitarian and medical assistance to whoever needs it," Sharkawi added.

Sharkawi said the Israeli army wanted to interview the four paramedics, but the PRCS is calling for an independent investigation.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) condemned the incident. "Medical staff and personnel deserve special protection. This is something shocking," said Eros Bosisio, an ICRC spokesman.

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* OH, I'm a just happy Hebrew from Hebron out for a stroll in the countryside with a few of my homo buddies.
Excellent, Informer, just excellent, in the best of traditions of bringing this subject of sexual preferences up. A-rab doesn't have to feel lonely anymore. You both, though, don't forget to visit ... after a stroll. LOL.

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Poor Delenne, I feel terrible that I truely can't do anything about your "Irritable Bowels Syndrome." You might want to consider contacting one of your many intimate friends who specialize in colon cleansing.

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... friends who specialize in colon cleansing.
Responce as predicted, -You just can't leave the dear anal subject.

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i wrote you at length, my alleged 'friend', same night you wrote...
you need to back up to see it,
or _dont_ see it....i dont care.

but here you are, returning with your obsession with bodily functions.

i attempted to give you the benefit of the doubt....more fool me.


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