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Archive through January 2, 2001

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the west bank aint nazi-occupied france, FAKE.
simple as that.
for you to suggest that it is reveals you as the
misguided, hateful, ignorant individual that you

so how much did papa spend to send you 'to
university' and drink beer, FAKE?


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As I said earlier, this fact Arabs hate to and prefer not to remember. And it shows now.
* NO IT DOES NOT INCLUDE THE WEST BANK (which includes Jerusalem).
You (Jordan, - Jerusalem was in jordanian hands, together with that area, - not palestinians' as such, which started to identify themselves as Palestinians in the 70-s, dear) were happy to start a war of 67, were beaten blues in a week and lost it. illegal occupation - LOL.
So what about this Res. 242, I don't understand?
* Since no country wants jews on their respective soil
True about Egypt, Syria, etc., confiscating the jewish property and letting them go afterwards.
* It's like stealing something and then selling it back to the same person!
I haven't seen Jordan laying claims on Jerusalem.
* So Lmx why is the West Bank any different than France in WWII?
Too much "Allah akbar!", You know. LOL

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"..a *dillusional* 3 generation *aushwitz* baby"
godDAMN you simply _cannot_ spell, mister 'university graduate'...have another 6 pack.

you total FAKE -_-

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* that's what the U.N called it. You do know the U.N. don't u?
And You fell through! Got You! LOL
242 does not refer at all to the 1949/1967 lines;
242 mandates negotiation - give and take, rather than give and give;
242 never refers to withdrawal from all of the territories, which would negate the principle of negotiation;
242 calls for the introduction of a new reality of "secure and recognized borders", which indicates that the old reality of the 1949/1967 lines is neither secure nor recognized.
Don't bring here Your neighbourhood mullah interpretation of 242.
* the one u lob bombs into their compounds.
Which you used to launch rockets from, having jeopardized them yourselves. Exactly what you would do, if the UN troops were ever here.
Ahhh the Jew Girl again in Denial!
In denial of what, dear? Arab bagels? None exists.
* Golan Heights? Thats Syrian property - in Jew hands, with newly built settlements for negotiations down the line.
"Acquired" in the course of what? Right, Evita, wa-a-a-a-r.
Netanyahu started negotiating on the Heights. Assad gave no guarantees of peace. As it is usual with your kin, Assad wanted that ... and a lot more too. You will not get the Tiberias.
(When some area here becomes developed, profitable, there is always someArafat to lay claim on it.)
P.S. Good news. "Good guys" reported having busted those thugs, that lynched our reservists. Like those after Munich. Great job!

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* So aquiring land after war is OK?
Your starting a war is OK. I know, I know.
* negotiate it back but only if u can "leave behind" military installations.
Yes-s-s. Because Syria cannot be trusted. 400 Syrian violations of the 1949 cease fire agreement with Israel were recorded until 1967. In 1973 Assad violated the 1967 cease-fire agreement. In 1975 he violated the 1974 cease-fire agreement, igniting anti-Israel terrorism operating from N. Jordan. In 1977 he violated the 1976 Red Line Agreement with Israel (in Lebanon). His support of Hizballah violates the 1974 and 1993 (Operation Accountability) agreements with Israel. Assad repeatedly has used terrorism as an adjunct of foreign policy in inter-Arab politics, in Lebanon and against Israel. Assad supported Hezbollah's terrorist campaign against US Peacekeepers in Lebanon in 1983-84. Assad massacred the Lebanon's Christian leadership in October, 1990, which concluded the rape of Lebanon. He was a friend of Hizballah, which is responsible for the 1983 bombing of the US Marine barracks in Beirut - 260 killed.
* No sh!t the syrians don't want anything to do wiht ur "negotiation".
Get lost then.
I once saw two Jews ...
You have a long and diverse history of the clinical liar here. Aren't You a serial rapist by any chance too?
* Me and my frat brothers stomped the sh!t out of them, one was left with a speech impedement.
Anyone to sign peace with those types?

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Should rename this the Israel board Q.If Palestine was able to establish their independence, would they as an autonomous nation be able to survive in the current economic world?

Q.What is your opinion of the situation in Palestine? What should the international community's role be?

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By L'menexe ( - on Thursday, January 4, 2001 - 04:52 pm:

now, later, and _always_, you're the one who needs to shut your trap.
you have ZERO credibility here; dont flatter yourself.


THIS IS HILARIOUS!!! talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Who the heck are you to tell ANYONE they have zero credibility! You, who relishes the death of children, as long as murder is committed by your fanatical zionist buddies.

You're not exactly qualified to comment on anything, are you? maybe except how to bang on drums!

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Chorny Volk, Go here.

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die screaming.
_real_ soon.

at which point did you acquire any credibility?

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plz. check yr mail

and a newer note will arrive directly.

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* Who the heck are you to tell ANYONE they have zero credibility!
It is my sole authority, not even Yours. ;;o))
* You, who relishes the death of children, as long as murder is committed by your fanatical zionist buddies.
You should quit shares, stocks, whatever, and apply for a Palestinian propaganda position, - with the amount of aid they steal You can be a multimillionaire within a year, plus, a harem of secretaries.
P.S. All-bold text in Internet code means shouting. Do You really?

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arigato, k-san....

newer note has been sent.

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Thanks Delenne I will keep that for my files

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You are welcome.

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As soon as he's confronted with an issue he runs off ...
Your decription. So far, You preferred to run off my Golan Heights response, roll off, in fact, like a barrel. What are You perverting today? "Poor & robbed" Arafat?

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