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Archive through January 2, 2001

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SS' sparkling foolishness:
* "roll of " ! ...
"As soon as he's confronted with an issue he runs off and points out nonexistent spelling typos." Classic.
SS, You are a fool to consult Your neighbourhood mullah for eye problems instead of a qualified optometrist.
* Yet you blame them for trying to get it back by accusing them of violating agreements.. lol...
No give - no take. What, forgetting about UN 242? Selective memory, as usual.
* I guess the international aggreements stipulating that hostile take over of foreign soil is ILLEGAL does not apply in ur "special case".
Syria, starting a war with Israel, is "legal", but Israel, winning it, is "illegal" for Your "special case".
* You seem to forget Bagel girl ... [propaganda blah].
You seem to forget to inform others, that in one this single instance 70% of Israeli water will be lost, because Syria will do anything to violate every water agreement with Israel the way it violates water agreements with other states, plus, a state, supporting terrorists, blowing up everything, from Africa to Indonesia, cannot be trusted to uphold any defence treaty.
* That is funny!
For the violent Arab, that dreams to destroy my State.
You can go ahead in Your delusional mind and justify (LOL) all the wars you, Arabs, started.
* Invasion of Lebanon in 1982!
Why? Care to supply this "why"? One of "whys" was/is that, you were/are free to fire rockets before/after invasion/withdrawal into civilian, rather, than military, centers, but, when lobbed something heavy in return, you howl "UN-UN-UN-Wa-a-a-a!!!". LOL
Here is Your mirror:
Syria has brutally occupied Lebanon since December 1975, never recognizing Lebanon's sovereignty, never establishing a Syrian embassy there. A few hundred thousand Christians were forced to emigrate from Lebanon and scores of thousands killed, one million Syrians have been transferred into Eastern Lebanon, in order to tilt Lebanese demography in favor of Damascus.
You like to mention UN resolutions, well, get one - "Syria has not been in compliance with its own commitment to withdraw from Lebanon, made at the 1989 Taif inter-Arab Summit. The call for the withdrawal of ALL non-Lebanese military forces was reaffirmed by UN Resolution 520."
Syria has established, harbored and supported, in Lebanon, the largest terrorist base in the world. It provides logistic, training and operational bases for anti-US, anti-Turkish, anti-Hashemite, anti-Saudi and anti-Israeli terrorists.
Syria has transformed Lebanon into "Medellin Cartel East," a prime site for counterfeiting $100 bills and for the production, refining and trafficking of heroin. This operation has bankrolled much of the Syrian-sponsored terror network. Some 20% of the heroine reaching US inner-cities originates in Syrian-controlled (90% of) Lebanon.

* Breaching international airspace to destroy Iraqi military installations.
Noone wanted crazy Saddam Hussein develop nuclear weapons. You forgot that.
* "Starting the 1967 war"
A clinical liar, as usual, in the hope to find a gullible person.
* till this day and from Egypt ( Sanai Penensula) which ... returned to it's rightfull owners.
We offered them Gaza too, they wouldn't take it? Guess why?
* for the lethal spray which was used - that BTW is my favourite! Lol
One more line to Your portrait - a clinical liar, a potential rapist, a born killer. Anyone to sign peace with those. LOL
* And lets not forget those nuclear reactors inside Israel - surely u are not breaching any international agreements there! Lol
Site any breaching (not Your neighbourhood mullah), please.
Good, otherwise you would forget about everything and start a seventh war against us.
* Sending Mossad operatives after terrorists in foreign lands

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you should just shut the f*ck up regarding who is,
or isnt, "delusional"


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SS tries to weasel out ... as usual ... when lost for information, he starts badmouthing ...
Sorry to p!ss on ur parade Bagel Girl... but u seem to injoy it. so open up for Daddy!
So, what person is this crazy? The one, that cries "UN-UN!" and holds a knife behind his back. And the World buys "innocent gangster" Arab propaganda.
BTH, do You do it right on Your display? (LOL)
* Now water is the issue!
Sure. One of the aspects of security is the security of resources, water being one of them. Your Islamic University of Gaza did not cover that. Only "mine! Mine!! ALL MINE!!!" (LOL) and no education on how to run that "mine". That is why Your ruling brethren run their PA into the ground stealing aid funds and selling Saudi aid. (LOL)
Good, You don't deny the Syrian support of terrorists, and agrement violations.
* The Hamas leader by the name of AHMED YASSEIN - the HEAD OF HAMAS
Sure, Your international terrorist is not worth even houmus, let alone our agents.
* You did start the 1967 war! Everyone knows that ...
Who is everyone? This stinking mustard-pot Radio Jihad?
* Go read history books
"Edited" & printed by "Jihad Bomb & Fuse Corp.", Gaza? (LOL)

Armed with Soviet tanks and planes, Nasser claimed his option under the 1956 accord to demand withdrawal [to cross it into Israel] of UN peacekeeping forces from the Sinai. Secretary-General U Thant complied on May 19, 1967. Four days later Nasser closed the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping. The Soviets apparently urged Nasser to show moderation, while President Johnson told Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban to remain calm: "Israel will not be alone unless it decides to go alone." Neither superpower, however, was able to restrain its client. When Egyptian and Iraqi troops arrived in Jordan, giving every sign of an imminent pan-Arab attack, the Israeli Cabinet decided on a preemptive strike. The Israeli air force destroyed Nasser's planes on the ground, and in six days of fighting (June 5-10) the Israeli army overran the Sinai, the West Bank of the Jordan, including the Old City of Jerusalem, and the strategic Golan Heights in Syria. The UN Security Council arranged a cease-fire and passed Resolution 242, calling for a withdrawal from all occupied regions. The Israelis were willing to view their conquests (except Jerusalem) as bargaining chips but insisted on Arab recognition of the right of Israel to exist and firm guarantees against future attack. The so-called frontline Arab states were neither able (for domestic reasons) nor willing to give such guarantees. Hence Israel remained both greatly enlarged and possessed of shorter, more defensible borders, although it did acquire the problem of administering more than a million Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank.
And all in six days. Classic!

* but my favourite dellusional statement has got to be that Syria does not recognise Lebanon!
If so, very good, what do You want of us, then? Get lost. (Very LOL.)
For You it's a bliss.

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Stars & Stripes,

There was an interesting documentary on the BBC a few weeks ago about zionist claims to Israel. The program claimed that the most fanatical Jews are the ones that emigrate to Israel from America!
Apparently the ones born in Israel aren't so bad.

Its possible that Delenne belongs to the former group.

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There was an interesting documentary ...
Everyone's a critic ... [Yawn]

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SS rambles on ...
* So now u remember Ahmed Yassein!
Depends on a memory. For nice and good people, like me, he is a slimey scumbag, like You, no, bigger, sorry. For Your terrorist scumbags, - he is a Leutenant-Scumbag. That is all about the difference.
* if they mean nothing then why do u bother with them.
They mean a lot, that is why bother. If you do not value lives of your brethren it does not mean, that others should do the same.
* That's funny bec. about two posts up u denied the whole thing took place.
Come on. LOL. This childish (what a level!) trick of stating things, that did not take place. LOL. All your Arab propaganda is based on this - tell that, that what was not told.
* how about Goldstein
He was deranged (like You, BTH). And was killed by our soldiers.
If he had been an Amr Nasser, he would have been promoted to super-scumbag the size of a national hero. Another difference.
* The Jew is the biggest terrorrist of All.
Do not believe all Your neighbourhood mullah says - he is also deranged, - too much cholesterol. But I have one interesting case of two bombs, in two cities, in two African countries. It seems 205 Moslem brethren of Yours were Allah-akbared, sorry, "martyred" by Your other brethren in just one day, doesn't it? Talk about terrorism and slaughter, dear, You are the specialist in rape, assault, and ... a sexual pervert, but You don't know it, since all about You are the same. Now You do. LOL.

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HAHA..stinking Shitt & Shitkebab arab piece'ashit fishin' for his amputated nada!.lmaao..pisssing apparatus arab..lmao..
muffdive ya arab

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Look who's deranged! lol...

denying stuff that happened. contradicting urself.
lying about who started wars!


Goldstien was killed by Israeli soldiers? blahhhhhhhhh! lol.... that's a good one!!! more like after running out of Ammo he was stomped to death by the unarmed worshipers... get ur facts straight bagel girl! Btw this is stated in Time Magazine - go to their sight and look it up!

"""""If he had been an Amr Nasser, he would have been promoted to super-scumbag the size of a national hero. Another difference. """"

Bagel girl is delusional again! Go take a look at his grave - It's a shrine! people go and pray at his grave after laying flowers there...

Another difference up ur Hairy A5S Bagel Girl.

Its hard to defend the criminals - U should know Aushwitz baby!

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Now that you mentioned Aushwitz, I belive that animal calling himself HWH Baron is possibly a product of Nazi experiments on pregnant women during WWII. He obviously has access to a computer at his asylum.

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SS in his classic ...
* lying about who started wars!
You try to wash it off you and paint me as liar- will not happen. The quote about the war of '67 was taken specifically from the Britannica to test You. You fail, dear, Your word, together with various "jihads", does not count. LOL.
* to death by the unarmed worshipers
I was mistaken. The only word of reality from You, congratulations.
* It's a shrine! people go and pray at his grave after laying flowers there...
Not for me. Never been there. But those, thinking it a shrine, have a strong point now, since no matter how sweet one feeds a wolf, - it remains a wolf.
* Its hard to defend the criminals
Sure, You know better. [LOL] Try You defence on this
... Rather than urging Palestinian parents to keep their children away from the line of fire, Arafat has promised parents that children who are "martyrs for the cause" reach paradise.
A special grant ($300 and $2,000 per injured and killed child respectively), in addition to a
monthly allowance, are shared with such parents. ...
(There goes a Saudi "Intifada Victims" Fund.
Happy trying.

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AMUSIN' incident : a baboonski broker broke his broke and gone broke..LOL
Pathetnik antisemitnik fascistnik arschloch SturmFuhrer SS Conrad VonDumbass kisses arabski fascistnik asss..lmao..i shitt on ya both..ya both suckk! lol
don't cry baby Conrad ya will have a Nazi ya birthday..and a concentration camp toy_modell.. lol

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Sure, You know better. [LOL] Try You defence on this
... Rather than urging Palestinian parents to keep their children away from the line of fire, Arafat has promised parents that children who are "martyrs for the cause" reach paradise.
A special grant ($300 and $2,000 per injured and killed child respectively), in addition to a
monthly allowance, are shared with such parents. ... (There goes a Saudi "Intifada Victims" Fund.
Happy trying.

Just curious? but is there a special Jewish Paradise for zionist fanatics who gun down kids at the slightest sign of trouble.

Oh.. and don't forget to mention the BILLION dollar donations that Isreal begs from the USA every year.

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Hmm.. I guess if there is a Jewish paradise for zionist terrorists, everything will probably be free there!

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Conrad, I cannot help laughing:
* but is there a special Jewish Paradise for zionist fanatics who gun down kids at the slightest sign of trouble.
There is no specil paradise for Jews, but there is for Moslem fanatics.
You, as any arab, hate to admit, that Jews rush their kids away from any trouble, while Arabs will bring theirs into any trouble, if it suits to.

Arafat exploited Palestinian children as a human shield during his 1970 attempt to topple King Hussein of Jordan, during the 1975-76 and the 1978 PLO wars against Lebanese Christian and Moslem militias, during the 1982 Israel-PLO war in Lebanon and during the 1987-1992 Intifada. Arafat's ally, Iran, dispatched its own children to the battlefield against Iraq during the 1980-1986 war, sacrificing over 100,000 children. Arafat's personal friend and strategic ally (during the 1990 invasion of Kuwait), Saddam Hussein, employed Iraqi and Western children, and adults as a human shield during the 1991 Gulf War. Some of the PLO founding fathers participated in the early 1960s in Aden's war against Britain, which featured the exploitation of children for the sake of political and military gains.

The Arab PR is done by unscrupulous Arab photo "journalists" (the overwhelming majority of AP and Reuters "journalists" here are Arabs, that film only that suits the Arab blah-blah), Gaza is filled with foreign intelligence people, that know what is what and advise their Govts. accordingly.

* Oh.. and don't forget to mention the BILLION dollar donations that Isreal begs from the USA every year.
Israel is not begging, - it just gets it. And these are not donations [LOL]. But what, actually, reaches Israel is only 12% of it. The rest is spent in the US, providing huge employment for the US citizens. The first on the list of aid is - Egypt, give, or take.
BTH, this arg. of Yours is shallow, because I can point out British multibillion-pound losses due to mismanagement, plus, Vauxhall, etc., and the absence of decent steaks.
P.S. So, Conrad, You mention those experiments. Together with Your arab buddy, that hails Hitler. ... While islamic fundamentalism is, certainly, not the same animal, as the European fascism, there are certainly many parallels between the two.

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enjoying yourself?

apparently the formerly honorable mr. S has fallen asleep or abdicated his responsibility because you dont belong here.

they used to say this was the nastiest board on the net and you do nothing to suggest otherwise.

BACON, on the other hand, is too insignificant to be taken seriously.
dont get me wrong, FAKE, you're insignificant too.
but you enjoy bodily functions so much you should start your own fetish link.
Kisako knows quite well how insignificant you BOTH are.
oh how masculine, to attack a woman.

and she laughs.
as well she might.


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