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Archive through January 20, 2000

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I'm in the great and strong USA. Where are you, tiajuana? you still didn't answer my question, what's a matter lack of intelligence or you know that saddam is a corrupt son of transexual. answer the question, what is saddam doing to help his people? get to the root of the problem, don't blame others. what the hell do pencils have to do with anything, just another dumbass third world country helping another.

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why dontcha post something that isn't written by you...again 🙁
..or better yet, why dontcha bark at me, cuz u see - I don't see the other retard-doggy - sound like a good replacement for him, so c'mon..

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Privet Dima, kak zhizn'? Ja tut pogriaz v huge megaproject na rabote, poetomu ne pishu. no chitaju! :o)

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here is how dimi spend his long-waiting vacation, with daddy back home, here is how it went:
"daddy, oh oh oh , yay yay yay,
daddy, stop it, your cock is all over my face
daddy, i feel it in my lungs, ohhhhhhhhhh, daddy i cant speak any more, your d1ck is coming out of my mouth, ohhh daddy"

we all, on this board, are happy for u dimi to go back to your daddy to see him. keep it UP and IN daddy.

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By Caucasian ( - on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 01:04 pm:

sorry bout the speling never was good at that 🙂
hindu muslim { kashmir} are you saying the muslims cannot fight the occupaion.
but the christians should fight are able to the sudanese gov't. sounds like a double standard.

Between the cities of Mannheim and Mainz in the Rhineland lay a town called Worms. Here in the graveyard of that town lie the bodies of 800 Jews massacred in the name of Christ and the crusades in the year 1096 CE.

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good job Dimitri, adder is ignorant. seems he is pretty good at cut and paste!

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The Tragic Children's Crusades
The two Children's Crusades (1212) were almost unbelievable. The first was led by Stephen of France. Stephen was a shepherd boy about 12 years old. In the spring of 1212 he said that God had appeared to him in a vision on a hillside near Cloyes in France. Stephen declared that God had told him only innocent children could drive the infidels from the Holy Land

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It was extremely amazing to read all these vehement arguments about Christianity and Islam, Russians and Chechens. Not many, though, share my experience of having been born and educated in a Muslim country, being a White. As a matter of fact, the situation is very similar to that of collapsing Roman empire and the barbaruous Hunns. The Chechens, of course, are struggling to remain what they have always been: useless, unproductive people, whose honour has always been in pillaging their more domesticated neighbours and, of course, Russia - the place where more "civilised" Chechens make enormous money. The more laughable are the laments of the pathetic Chechens and some other muslims about treating them as bandits and terrorists: if you are waging Jihad (not really successfully, though), then what you expect? If you want a civilised treatment, just BE civilised. For Russia this war is more a matter of prestige: in fact, the country is too large to actually lose anything in Chechnya but barrels of oil the warriors of Allah constantly steal from the pipelines. Yet it signals something far more frightening and important: the Whites of the world are shamefully unprepared to face the reality of the oncoming WWIII. While Brits and Yankees are wailing about poor civilians suffering in Chechnya, not a single voice from the Muslim world raised an issue of solidarity with those who are desperately trying to stop the global massacre. If it were the issue, Grozny could have been swept off the Earth by a single nuclear bomb, and I sincerely wish it were. These people would understand only the language of stick: as was proved by the Russian general Skobelev who used to smash bunches of the warriors of Allah a century ago. He wrote: "They think the treaties worth the paper they are written on. They would not accept a defeat unless you actually prove you are the master. But then you have to treat them with a soul". Unfortunately, the Western civilisation presumes that the rest of the world is developing apace with it. Bullocks! They have not changed a single bit: still dreaming of Jihad, taking a bite and running, living at somebody's expenses, blaming those who try to civilise them. Well, Kipling knew it INSIDE OUT when he wrote his Whiteman's Burden. Look at the map: the whole Muslim world is living in its own ••••: corruption, dirt, illiteracy, hatred, famine, and always wars between tribes (not political or wars of principle: always eye for eye). Now what is our task today: either let them live and die as they please in their deserts, huts and bushes or still try to civilise them, teaching tolerance, culture, literacy, manners, how to eat with knife and fork, how to use tissue paper instead of stones, how to say 'thank you, please and sorry', how to treat women as human beings, how to respect others even if they do not agree with you, how to work with hands as well as with brain...
No, alas, the world is blind and when Londoners see Mudjaheddins pillaging their shops and New Yorkers will die because another Bin Laden has finally got his A-bomb, then it will be too late for tears. Could anyone doubt that if the Chechens or Taliban or Hussain HAD any serious weapon they would hesitate for a second before using it against...USA, Russia, UK, Europe, India, etc?

Well, I am afraid we SHALL see it.

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adder, you are just jealous because we don't have the problems you have. what's this "pig breath" stuff, sounds like a phrase out of some poor russian 50's movie!

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wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere arrrrrrrrrrrrrrre youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?
don't tell me with daddy again!!!!

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"...and the crusades in the year 1096 CE..."

Did you know that Christianity (in the face of Catholic Church which was conducting the actions you've mentioned) admitted the guilt and repented publicly, in front of the entire planet? Tragically there's nothing else can be done now. So this example have no value at all..

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yea, our boy 'adder', here, doesn't strike us with too many signes of intellect, to say the least:)

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adder, what's a matter, your contry going under? So you are pissed off at the successful and powerful countries. sounds like grade school jealousy.

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that was "country" sorry adder you little ignorant worm.

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