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Archive through January 20, 2000

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By betterthanyou ( - on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 01:23 pm:

good job Dimitri, adder is ignorant. seems he is pretty good at cut and paste!

Yeh dimitri your right and your so cool can i be your mate.. from your bum buddy betterthanyou

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By betterthanyou ( - on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 01:30 pm

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come on adder, more grade school insults. no intellect. my dad is bigger than your dad!

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how old are, kiddo? Cuz this 'daddy' crab is so childlish..but than again what can I expect from a true moron, like yourself

you know, the funny thing is that as soon as I mention your stupid name - you started barking ;0)
little kid, you are so predictable

put I still remember your pic with your tail so high up in the air, posted by my friend Caucasian,
kiddo, you gotta admit - you really looked funny..people we laughing so hard - I almost heard'em thru the Inrernet

BTW - you are by far the most stupid member of THIS BOARDeven you 'teammates' know facto 🙂

P.S. "wan", "wan" 🙁

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adder. canada, oh I see. aren't you the guy's who knuckled under and had to give up your weapons?

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When the West will have to deal with moslem terrorism and extremism for real (unfortunately it sounds very likely) it will inevitably realize that to fight against this kind of terrorism is like trying to treat a sick patient by giving him just a painkiller. The pain will be back if you don't remove the very reason for pain like infection or tumor.. As long as the environment of muslim fundamentalism exists it will produce ben laddins and basaevs...

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Ladiis and Gents, may I present the "adder/bosna-style-insult" :

Adder- my daddy will beat you daddy...woooo 🙁

bosna - my dog is bigger than yourself...booo

you two Putzes, I just had to get down to you level of intelligence (if you can call this 'intellegence')
and "insult" you as bad as you "insulte" me 🙂

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"wan, wan" 🙂

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By betterthanyou ( - on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 01:45 pm:


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stop spittin' at the screen..anger won't getcha anywhere 🙂

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2 di, bosna

instead of the dirty talk about animal $ucking, why not we stick to the topic of this discussion board (which increasingly looks like "palata nomer 6").

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By Dimitri ( - on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 01:54 pm:

Yes dimitri your the smart one we never claimed to be smart. you lil ukranian bitch

go suck some more cock wanker!!!

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this is pretty funny isn't it. What is this message board for? Adder, hockey is for chicks!

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How bout saudi,kuwait and the rest of the gul states?
* Didn't want to post it the previous time so not to "inflict wounds to the sublime souls", but ..., what the hell, why not? A friend of mine used to bribe an area police chief, a Saudi, with crates of Chivas, and the port guards with Marlboro packs and an occasional bottle. And, you know, they were happy as pigs in sh1t accepting both. Not to mention demand for bulk liquor. I was not joking about bright eyes. Neither a state is perfect, and leave BS about "purity"-whatever aside.
how many iraqi children suffer each day?
* I'm against prolongation of Iraqi sanctions - they help noone. But, better, direct that question to clintonians. France and Russia (BTH) are pro-ease of sanctions. You know that and keep silent - it hurts the "innocent, simple and brave bandit" agenda.
how many innocent children were slaughtered by christian fundemetalist in bosnia/kossovo?
Tell me about it, but don't lie.
FYU, UN circulates a figure of total Kosovo casualties of some 2000. Don't tell me all them are K.-Albs and, moreover, "innocent kids".
how bout ww2 when christian fundementalist sided with hitler..i.e {vatican}
* How 'bout bosnian moslem SS? How 'bout albanian SS-men?
how bout christian fundentalist who forsed christianity on the s.american indians when they came to america?
* Woah. Talk 'bout neanderthals killing and eating innocent moslems. Would be a nice story to laugh about.
What baloney. What kind of mischief are they still doing in Africa, Asia (particularly Indonesia) and elsewhere, then?
Read better. Doing doesn't mean forcing. And they get killed. Why? Local mullahs don't have enough arguments for the civilized scholastic argument? Don't know. You tell me.
pussie, kittie, piggie:
where are u? you are getting naughty u little fart. you and other pigs (russians, btw) are ignoring my question about the date that the russian shithead generals decided for "freeing" grozny from the "terrorists". ohh, excuse me the general who said that is captured by basayev, may God protect him. well too bad. what's up with this fvcked up super power sh1t??
pussie pussie pussie..

* Bosna, doggie, if someone forgot somwhere somehow to tell You that You're an idiot, be happy to learn You're the one.
"Riches are not from an abundance of worldly goods, but from a contented mind."
* Tell that to Bin Laden.

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We will killed all rusian swins. KILL, KILL, KILL!
Brothers, sing with me:
Allah! Oh-Yalla! Do-Ballah! Oh-Ya! Oh-Ya! Oh-Ya!

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