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Archive through January 20, 2000

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Reputable Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 386

slovak, you are character aren't you? I find it amusing that people get so lost in this world that they need to find themselves in the lost causes of others. you still never answered the question as to what you are all about. so you feel that hitler was a good man? why does the rest of the world feel he was the anti-christ? do you feel safe and warm in the arms of death and torture. or are you looking for some way to make your self feel tough, I bet you shaved your head got a tattoo and whamo, instant tough guy. hitler only conquered the weak. just as only you can bully, the weak. remember how I told you how my grandfather loved to shoot nazis in the back as they cried and denounced hitler, now that's funny. you •••••

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yea, say that again my slovakian-sucker-boy
say HEIL PUTIN !!!worship him, sucker, hohoho..

that's the way to salut your Master, you imbesile;), and the correct responce would be SEIG HEIL..but I'am sure you didn't know it

hey, I see you finally learned how to spell your Maiden Name - MORON you are indeed 😉 good for you - knowledge is power !

so do you have any sisters to rape..I would be delighted, yammy ;)))

Your Master

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then again slovak you are sitting behind a computer instead of out kicking ass, so what does that say about yourself you fat little wimp.

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better: where the •••• are you???????? where are your "mindful" messages?? i don't see any. is the american brain that slow, or is it a russian behind your nick, who thinks american way and acts like them?????
too much deep question for you ha..

SIEG HEIL !!!!!!!!!!
HEIL PUTIN !!!!!!!!

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Posts: 2221

slovak said:

ehh?? Didn't I tell you that you're a Moron ?
think of what you said..think real hard...
Oh yes, I forgot, you gonna blame it on your poor English..right..MORON hehehe..

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Dimitri, no i dont think they will release the General. Yes they will and are torturing him right now, and they will probably cut off his head or something. Could you expect any less?

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better: please excuce my not seeing your messages :))
vety thoughtful i see, for you, who suddenly changed his language from insluting to enlighten. why is that change??? something broke inside of you??
about your grandpa: of course, as i said, he came home to america with dry shitti pans, he was shitting the whole time, while he was fighting.


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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 386

I'm here slowdick I'm waiting for an intelligent answer. you don't seem to remember that the US and russia kicked the living •••• out of germany, want to try for ww3?

Noble Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 2221

OK, MORON now that I tried to teach you English and you stupidass failed, I'm gonna teach you some German - SIEG HEIL isn't a initial "hello" but rather a responce to HEIL's like saying - "da zdravstvyet Putin!" and then you respond "voistiny da zdravstvyet"..capice?

BTW should I teach you some Russian too, MORON???


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