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Archive through January 20, 2000

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"I don't hear any criticizing. I hear SIEG HEIL only."
"No one, being healthy, likes Hitler."

whether i'm a nazi or not, it doesn't matter and that's only my problem.

"I accept any opinions, that is proved and provided with arguments. But if you call words like "m#&$cker" an opinion, then it's hard to talk."

explain this to ultra nacionale and the rest of the fanatics.

What is your opinion about current situation, what should Russia do and why? I'm waiting for your answer.

I just read that russians took control of the strategic bridge in grozny. First major "victory" for russians. what i think russia should do, is to lauch heavy offensive with thousands of soldiers on the Grozny and on the mountains. it may sound absurb, but that's the only way. russia will loose more soldiers, if it will only wait and do small unit actions like now. as you can see, rebels are attacking only little russian units, but they never attacked a huge russian force. they would not be able to defend themselves if suddenly thousands of soldiers would attack them. of course, russian casualties would be very very high. But, i think that by today's strategy, which russia is using right now, they will loose more soldiers until the end of the war. other way is to negotiate, but let's be realistic - NOBODY will negotiate. especially rebels. and russiand only if rebels or chechens would agree with them. and you know well that that's not going to happen. and russia will never pull out until it will take over Grozny.

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ne zanimaisya obostreniem mizhdunarodnoi rozni, kak govoryat v rossii, eto ne-prilichno dlya armyanina.

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To everyone,
I am dying to see how Muslim balalika makes friends with ULTRA.

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>>ne zanimaisya obostreniem mizhdunarodnoi rozni, kak govoryat v rossii, eto ne-prilichno dlya
And how muslim Balalaika would know what is apropriate for Amenians?

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Armenian, why do you have cross after your name? Does it represent that you have been treated by BLue or red Cross? Armenian, yeah i knew one, she was kind of short, skinny, big boobs, nice lips!
Wow, i miss it.

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2 ara,


dear, there are no bills to worry about. i still remain curious why you are so concerned about me ...

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Ah, I see Balalayka can't wait? I told you to wait while I'm searching for precise info on article and recommended to read Editor's Response instead. If you gotta go to toilet, then go.


out of pieces of article I found so far
John Robson Claims:

1) Prehistoric times: Variags started settling in Europe and on the way built fortresses that later became russian towns.

Obviously JR doesn't know anything about russian Pagan past and numerous different nations that later russians comprised of (like Vikings, Semigals, Sels, etc...maybe A LITTLE variags)

2) Russia became isolated when Knjaz Vladimir instituted orthodox Christianity

LOL! I'm not sure if i should comment on this one but orthodox christianity in Russia came from two religious missionaries from Moravia 1000 years ago

3) Tatar-Mongolian tribes (that occupated russia in 13-14 century-Fenriz) were all killed by Black Hoax- hahahahahahahaha

What about the famous battle of 1383 and Ivan IV final revolt some 100 years later; did Ermak was fighting ghosts in western Siberia before conquerring it?

4) Tzar Nickolay II lost (!!!!!!!!!) World War I and later was killed by an assasination attempt

Wow! This one is a Gem! I thought that Prussia/Austro-Hungaria lost the war while the Tzar and his family was sitting at the house arrest for the whole fukking year and Russia already did not exist!

Oh yeah, his was convicted to death and was shot by communists in 1918 upon the order issued by Lenin. I hope that you know at least that much.

Is that enough for you or you wish some more?
If you are REALLY CURIOUS, go ahead and search for the reminder of this bullsh|t if you care.

Armenian+ ( - on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 01:09 am:

Why bother?

You see, he probably does not give a flying kabuz about it, but I obviously don't do it for only him. I'm sure there are a few individuals who attend the board who are interested to know the facts about the article.


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balalaika, really buddy, you are very sick and most likely getting sicker. I know what I am saying. Sorry, my friend, see your doctor soon. 🙁

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2 ara,

>>> And how muslim Balalaika would know what is apropriate for Amenians?

oh boy, so i am a muslim. funny, indeed. well, it is your right to convince yourself in everything.

why should i know what is appropriate for armenians. because i came across a few armenians in my life, and know a bit about their mentality (but i will not elaborate further).

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Yes, i can agree about armenians. They are only interested in themselves, greedy, selfish, clever people. Always looking to trick someone. But i can tell you of one armenian that got tricked by me. Like i said, she had nice boobies, nice ass, very athletic built, nice lips. HEHEHE. And i worked her out real good, she liked it alot i could tell. Crying, moaning, squeezing me, licking her big lips. I wont add any more, armenian might get offended. By the way, her name was Ivetta? Yea, i think that was it.

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>>4) Tzar Nickolay II lost (!!!!!!!!!) World War I and later was killed by an assasination attempt

I like this pearl the most! Number 3 is a good one too! LOL 🙂
Of course, only muslim separatist Balalaika could refer to such article. Too bad Balalalaika is also a retard. Otherwise we could discus THE article with him as well. 🙂

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2 Fenriz,

You still provide what others said about THE article (including your interpretation). Yet, it would not be more honest to provide the original, and then dispute with what was actually written. Instead your are arguing with your own interpretation, but this is not a true debate.

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ULTRA, are you sure she was not faking? Hah-hah!

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>>> Otherwise we could discus THE article with him as well. 🙂

first we should read its original, rather than what thsi fenziz thinks about it...

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Armenian, wether she was faking or not it will never matter to me. Ive had all the women that i have been with compliment me more than i remember. I had a way of, um, how to say, hitting her spot? But, i still got what i wanted, getting laid by another armenian girl. LOL, the key was i was satisfied, and she, being good minded or not, let me give it to her, she had the hots for me, thats why she kept on calling me all those times.
Had to change my phone number.

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