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Archive through January 20, 2000

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>>> ULTRA, are you sure she was not faking?

i am sure that instead of faking she meant real #ucking, but i stop here for the fear of ara's anger.

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ULTRA, PEACE. In your opinion, what is the greatest communist leader of all times?

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>>>> ULTRA, PEACE. In your opinion, what is the greatest communist leader of all times?

Nu, blin, i gniloj vopros (hotya dostoen armyanina...). Lizhi glubzhe, i userdnei!!!

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Armenian+ ( - on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 01:49 am:

I totally agree

You still provide what others said about THE article (including your interpretation)

No I'm not. All the numbered articles in my posts are taken directly from the article. I'm not posting my interpretations after them. I post proven HISTORICAL FACTS which, if wanted, you can try to make an attempt to disaprove (with facts).

Yet, it would
not be more honest to provide the original, and then dispute with what was actually written.

As I said, all numbered items were ACTUALLY WRITTEN. for a full article, please visit the dead link at OC newspaper at:

If you don't find it, please register with the newspaper and request them to send it to you (unless they put a complete ban on it)

Then again you seem to be in a total denial anyway.


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"ULTRA, PEACE. In your opinion, what is the greatest communist leader of all times?"

First of all its who not what, Second, i believe Lenin was the greastest, he founded it. Anyways, stop asking me questions that i have already answered, its getting boring of you.

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ULTRA, who was the greatest, aha? I will re-read him! Just tell who…

2 balalaika
>>Nu, blin, i gniloj vopros (hotya dostoen armyanina...). Lizhi glubzhe, i userdnei!!!

Go get some professional help then make your comments.

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ULTRA, I cannot re-read Lenin's crap. It is ••••••• 55 volumes of garbage. Name someone else!

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Armenian, i have a suggestion, go find a big black man and ask him if you can be used as a female for 5 bucks. Then, if you do it right, he should introduce you to 5 more of his friends, which will in turn do you at same time, then if thats done right, each on of those will know 5 and they will gather around and do you. Its like a pyramid, you know the ones in Egypt. Just follow this simple method. Now get lost.

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tell this armyanin to read marx and engels (i bet there were more than 55 volumes), so that he gets busy, and stops posting his idiotic questions.


ti, sluchaino ne rabotal na armyanskom radio? u menya est' tozhe parochka voprosov. "armyanskoe radio otvechaet...."

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vopros k armyanskomu radio:

est' li urmyanskix zhenschin g-spot?

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vopros k armyanskomu radio:

est' li u armyanskix zhenschin G-spot?

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ULTRA, Don't be rude. I am not trying to offend you. Your Lenin was The Greatest Commie Garbage from Tatarstan. He also caught syphilis and did not think straight. This is why it took 55 volumes from him to output as simple idea: Kill & Rob.
It is like this:
Vol. 1. Kill & Rob. Kill & Rob. Kill & Rob. Kill & Rob. Kill & Rob….
Vol 2. Kill & Rob. Kill & Rob. Kill & Rob. Kill & Rob. Kill & Rob….
Vol 55. Kill & Rob. Kill & Rob. Kill & Rob. Kill & Rob. Kill & Rob….

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Armenian, i dont believe you have read one book in your life to post something as stupid as that.

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Armenian+ ( -

you imposter low life use your own name when you post your bs ok pigs.

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Posts: 341

Oh abd came! Could not catch a sleep? Oh well say this Allah does not exist. You'll feel better. Balalaika just had and he's better now (but not a lot).

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