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Archive through January 20, 2000

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Ultra Russian Nationalist ( - on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 05:54 am:

Basayev shot Yambiyev in the leg with his pistol, and Yambiyev shot Basayev in the stomach three times.

You want to believe this, even he dies there will be another 1000 Basayev will come and take care the business. Look Dudyev died, and Chechnia became russians nitemare.

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Testimony form the russian soilders

An unidentified soldier told the TV there had been "very many wounded" on the Russian side in the past two days.

"It seems there are not many militants," he said. "But he is just sitting there with an anti-tank grenade launcher on the one side and a machine-gun on the other, and firing them alternately."

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2 abd,

do you know any cheesy link on "infidelity and quran", or on "child molestation and quran".


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Posts: 553 reported today that a russian general named MALOFEYEV was trapped by chechens, and now is in their custody. i did not believe the news, until russians failed to reject it:

they also acknowledged that there is such a general in chechnya.

so it looks like to be another setback for poor russia... balalaika is sad. curiously, basaev was seen today on tv. i wonder when chechens filmed him.

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Posts: 553 reported today that a russian general named MALOFEYEV was trapped by chechens, and now is in their custody. i did not believe the news, until russians failed to reject it:

they also acknowledged that there is such a general in chechnya.

so it looks like to be another setback for poor russia... balalaika is sad. curiously, basaev was seen today on tv. i wonder when chechens filmed him.

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oh, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

we dismantle the (koran)
we dismantle the bible

ultra-russian says he'd be a happy cipher under the return of old-style totalitarianism

someone calling themselves 'lady peace' gets dissed and dismissed...

at least the headless soldier hasnt shown up this week.

as i wait for a foot of snow...oh goody

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By balalaika ( - on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 03:55 am:

God sacrificed his own son in place of humans who needed to be punished for their own sins might make some Christians love Jesus, but is an obcene picture of God. It is almost heavenly child abuse, and may infect out imagination at more earthly levels as well. I do not want to express my faith through a theology that pictures God demanding blood sacrifices in order to be reconciled to us."

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Bad news for russia: it may be suspended from the Council of Europe for its own good...

Russia faces Council suspension

Russia's suspension from the Council of Europe, the 41-member human rights group, became increasingly likely, according to the head of a delegation visiting war-torn Chechnya. Lord David Russell-Johnston, president of the council's parliamentary assembly, said suspension was a stronger option than it was before his visit, and called for greater international aid for the refugees. Meanwhile, fierce street fighting in the centre of Grozny continued, with Russian troops reporting the rebels were still offering a strong resistance. #four

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2 adder21,


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Russia sucks ... 🙁

As i suggested before,

Russian general falls into Chechen hands

A Russian general has fallen into the hands of Chechen guerrillas defending Grozny, Russian officers told AFP on Thursday.

The officers identified the commander only as General Malafeyev, saying his first name was not immediately known. It was not immediately known whether the commander was dead or alive.

It was unclear whether he served with interior ministry or defense ministry forces. In Moscow, the defense ministry denied any officer of that rank had been captured by the rebels.

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January 20, 2000

Kavkaz-Tsentr reports:

In an interview with Kavkaz-Tsentr Shamil Basayev proudly presented a schedule of the Russian casualties in the fights for Dzhokhar during the last four days: More than 1,500 Russians have been killed. About 70 armoured vehicles have been knocked out – among them 13 of the latest Russian T-90 tanks. According to Basayev the T-90 really is a mighty vehicle – it takes 5-10 RPG-grenades to knock out one T-90.
The situation in the outskirts of Dzhokhar: the Russian aggressors in several parts of the town advanced 100-500 m towards the centre. So they did from the direction of Khankala towards Michurina (500 m) and from the direction of Karpinski Kurgan (100 m).
In Tashkala the Russians managed to fortify themselves in several blocks of flats.
The Russian efforts for break-throughs in the 30th district, near the tinning factory and near the brickworks have been repulsed.
During the last two days bitter fights near the Republican hospital and in the 15th military settlement. The mujahideen succeeded holding their positions.
The fighting for the Chechen capital continues with growing intensity and bitterness.

The Chechens have captured a general of the Russian Interior Ministry forces: General Malofeyev. According to the Chechen command Malofeyev has been brought to a save place an is being examined. Along with him a colonel of the MVD-forces has been taken POW. All in all during the last 24 hours 32 aggressors have been captured.

During the last four days 45 mujahideen were killed, about 60 were wounded. These are the most heavy casualties since the beginning of the Russian aggression. Most mujahideen where killed in the bitter combat actions of January 17 in different parts of Dzhokhar.
The bombing and shelling of the town does not stop for a single minute. The Russians use strategical bomber-planes. Dzhokhar has almost vanished from earth.
Most of the victims are civilians. Dozens of corpses of civilians are scattered on the roads of the town.

In the combat actions in order to gain control of the access to the Argun Valley the Chechen mujahideen performed several operations near Duba-Yurt. On January 19 they have re-captured four heights occupied by the Russians two days earlier. More than half of the effective strength of the "so-called spetsnaz" has been wiped out.

The operations to liberate Gekhi go on. Chechen units entered Gekhi and attacked the Russians. The Russians are shelling the town. Since yesterday evening more than 250 Russians have been killed, 10 armoured vehicles have been destroyed

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kill men, women, children if they are not muslims
This is your way of thinking as the christians are doing 2000 years. Read your bible, see what is telling to do , kill baby, olderwomen, men and even cows.
Sory you have no knowledge of Islam. Learn it first and then we will discuss.

* A typical hipocrytical response BS from an apologists. A sure sign that the perception of Islam by a huge amount of moslems remained stuck somewhere in history due to applying postulates already irrelevant to present time. Christians generally learned and stopped pushing Christianity down the throats long ago - the business islamic "missionaries" continue to pursue now. Islam is intolerant as any thick-as-a-brick religion. That same Cuacasus suffers from confrontation between the traditional Sufi and the hard-core fundamentalism brought by various mullahs-in-arms, which do not hesitate to indorse slaying of Sufi - "brothers" and "sisters", BTH. What was so bad with Sufi Islam? It didn't call for blood? It didn't worship Allah? No, the "argument" is, - it was not enough to prevent corruption. So, fundamentalists offer a cure the style "What's the best headacke med.? - .45'." Not the economic development aid in any form thankable - but bullets and corpses. Kids in Chechnya haven't been to school for three years - all Chechen independence time. Did Basaew & Other Sh1t Co. do any educational efforts, except "teaching" bomb, sniping and other non-productive skills, and breeding dogs of war in the name of Allah? Can anyone show me a prospering fundamentalist state? Any, and Islamic, in particular? (It's worth looking closer into the male population eyes after Ramadan in the Gulf states - shining star-bright with whisky.)
Islam in the form regularly dumped on-board has degraded (or upgraded) to the biggest racket business on Earth when any deserved butt-kick is interpreted by those fundie masturbants as moslem discrimination, and any terrorist act is blessed in the name of Allah.
Hey, Abdulla! How many moslem "brothers" and "sisters" of Yours died and wounded in those two Embassy bomb blasts in Africa? Care to thank Mssr. Bin Laden for it? He still retains a Bosnian citizen passport, I think ...

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By Kissie ( - on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 08:59 am:

how bout saudi,kuwait and the rest of the gul states?
besides wht does tht prove anyway?

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By Kissie ( - on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 08:59 am:
How many moslem "brothers" and "sisters" of Yours died and wounded in those two Embassy bomb blasts in Africa?

how many iraqi children suffer each day?
how many innocent children were slaughtered by christian fundemetalist in bosnia/kossovo?
how bout ww2 when christian fundementalist sided with hitler..i.e {vatican}
how bout christian fundentalist who forsed christianity on the s.american indians when they came to america?
how bout christian fundementalist who were the first humans to skin other humans alive?..{america}.
how bout christian fundementalist koresh killing innocent children?
how bout christian fundementalist using atomic bombs killing innocent children?
spanish inquistion?

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