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Archive through January 20, 2000

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Iran frees German businessman

A German businessman is free to leave Iran after he was convicted and fined for insulting a police officer, almost a year after he was acquitted of having illicit sex with an Iranian woman.
Helmut Hofer, 58, was fined 20 million rials ($6,666) by a Tehran court.

Mr Hofer's attorney, Nasser Taheri
Mr Hofer's lawyer, Nasser Taheri, said the judge had told his client he was free to leave once he had paid the fine.
"Staff from the German Embassy are paying the fine now and then he will join us," Mr Taheri told reporters outside a prison in Tehran.

"We accept the verdict and are not appealing."

Mr Taheri said his client would then get his passport back, and "was very happy and feeling very well".

Mr Hofer had spent nearly two years in jail in Tehran on sex charges, but was later charged with insulting and resisting a police officer.

The businessman was sentenced to death in January 1998, after being found guilty of having illicit relations with an Iranian Muslim woman.

In Iranian law, sex outside marriage is punishable by flogging, but it becomes a capital offence if the man is not a Muslim.

One appeal, that Mr Hofer had in fact converted to Islam before having sex, was turned down. However, the Iranian Supreme Court quashed the death sentence and ordered a retrial.

In September 1999, Mr Hofer did have to pay $23,000 to avoid a flogging passed down by one judge.

He was eventually acquitted for lack of evidence.

P.S. from balalaika: if you want to have sex with iranian woman, do it not in iran, or they will flogg you...

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after reading the bbc story about the poor german guy, it looks like that it is better to write Satan verses than sleep with a muslim woman ...

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By balalaika ( - on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 10:03 am:

"God sacrificed his own son in place of humans who needed to be punished for their own sins might make some Christians love Jesus, but is an obcene picture of God. It is almost heavenly child abuse, and may infect out imagination at more earthly levels as well. I do not want to express my faith through a theology that pictures God demanding blood sacrifices in order to be reconciled to us."

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your mujaheed better leave if they
don't want to be annihilated.

And here's the official answer...
However, the reason we continue to defend the capital which is of no strategic value to the Mujahideen is that we wanted to prove to the world and the Russians that despite the size, power, or technology of an enemy, there is no way that they could defeat the people of belief, principle, and land. By protecting the capital for this long, we've broken the arrogance of the Russians. We caused them tremendous damage and broken the spirits of their soldiers and officers. This alone is considered a victory. We also repeatedly humiliated the Russian military leadership, who on many occasions, promised dates of entering the
capital. The last of which was the first of January. Yet, to this date, they have not succeeded. Putin promised the world that the
Russian flag will be waiving in Grozny by the beginning of the year. So, where are those flags of yours, Mr. Putin? Due to this failure, his credibility has plummeted among the Russian leadership. The ones who are anxiously waiting for something to happen so that they can save face in front of the world. By maintaining the capital we've obviously embarrassed them. This has
resulted in the politicians loosing faith in their own military. The military whose defeats date back to Afghanistan, where they left humiliated.

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Christians generally learned and stopped pushing Christianity down the throats long ago.

What baloney. What kind of mischief are they still
doing in Africa, Asia (particularly Indonesia)
and elsewhere, then?

Can anyone show me a prospering fundamentalist state?

Do you think the countries threatened are going
to leave a prospering fundamentalist state alone?
Sudan may yet become one, but with the Christian
propaganda about the south, evangelists are still
trying to prevent this from happening, eg feeding
Garand's militia, sowing internal dissensions etc.


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pussie, kittie, piggie:
where are u? you are getting naughty u little fart. you and other pigs (russians, btw) are ignoring my question about the date that the russian shithead generals decided for "freeing" grozny from the "terrorists". ohh, excuse me the general who said that is captured by basayev, may God protect him. well too bad. what's up with this fvcked up super power sh1t??
pussie pussie pussie..

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Shame on you! It takes a "superpower" so long to defeat a small group of people. That shows the quality of your Mickey Mouse army! If Chechnya is part of Russia (as you claim), so why do you attack your own people? According to you, you are only pursuing a "bunch of criminals". But in your pursuit you are killing hundreds of innocent civilians.

Europeans and Americans:
Shame on you too! For not acting in this genocide. If you were any better than the Russians, you would AT LEAST boycott the Russians politically and in trade.

History repeats itself: A lot of talking and no acting!

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By Kissie ( - on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 08:59 am:

"Riches are not from an abundance of worldly goods, but from a contented mind."

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pussie and pigs:

I thought this will make u happier:

Thursday, January 20 9:34 PM SGT

Interior ministry confirms top commander missing, may be dead
MOSCOW, Jan 20 (AFP) -
The Russian interior ministry press service confirmed Thursday that a top commander had gone missing in action in the Grozny area, Echo Moscow radio reported.

Asked to confirm an AFP report that top Russian General Mikhail Malofeyev had been captured by Chechen rebels, interior ministry press spokesman Vasily Panchenkov told the radio: "An incident really did take place.

"We have no information about his fate, but according to some reports, he may be dead."

Malofeyev was deputy head of Russia's northern army group which is currently storming the rebel capital Grozny.

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GROZNY, Russia (AP) -- Chechen rebels put up ferocious resistance in downtown Grozny today, preventing Russian troops from advancing in several parts of the ruined capital and killing soldiers in surprise attacks.

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mor efor pussie fart:

Wednesday 19 January 2000: Grozny Still under Mujahideen Control

All Praise be to Allah Most High: Grozny under Mujahideen control:

In their latest bid to take control of Grozny, Russian troops entered the suburbs of the city two days ago, and positioned themselves on the heights of Karnaky. The Mujahideen were waiting for them, and without delay launched an attack on the enemy. After a heated battle, the Russian forces suffered an overwhelming defeat and were forced to withdraw from the Karnaky heights. The defeat cost the Russian military heavy losses in life and material. Eighty (80) enemy troops were confirmed killed, and 10 vehicles including three tanks were destroyed. Six Mujahideen, including four Chechens and two Dagestanis were killed in the fighting, and three others were wounded. May Allah accept the dead as martyrs and may he hasten the recovery of the wounded.

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Enemy Fails to Land Special Paratrooper Units at the Entrance of Shatoi for the Third Consecutive Time:

After two consecutive disastrous attempts to force their way into the lion's den of Shatoi, Russian special "Desant" paratroop units launched their latest attack aiming to dislodge the Mujahideen and to capture the area. Supported by heavy air cover and backed by incessant bombing, the "special units" launched an attack that their superiors claimed on Western media to have been a success even before it started. Despite churning out fire that has transformed the wooded areas around Shatoi and DeberYurt into ruins of burnt timber and twisted trees, Russian firepower failed to subdue Allah's troops. Allah Most High had plans for the disbelievers; as the fighting commenced, Russian artillery mistook its fire and commenced a bombardment of their own troops. This provided the Mujahideen with an opportunity to surround the "Desant" troops who were subsequently routed in a decisive battle. Fifty-four (54) Russian troops were killed in the fighting and several others, including officers, were captured. The Mujahideen captured large quantities of arms that the defeated "Special Forces" left behind. Five Mujahideen were killed in the fighting, may Allah accept them as martyrs. Ten other Mujahideen, including several ansar, were wounded, may Allah cure them quickly and rekindle their fire against the kufar.

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>>> you and other pigs (russians, btw) are ignoring my question about the date that the russian shithead generals decided for "freeing" grozny from the "terrorists".

well, as far as i remember, there were too many predictions. the latest one was about 5-6 days ago, when russians intensified their fight, and were promising that grozny would be taken in "3 days". or did not they say in "at least 3 days"? if so, it was very smart of them, so that we can keep on waiting... (yawn)

i wonder if it is possible to make a money bet on the day when russians conquer grozny. some time ago it would have been a profitable bet (but now people are not that naive about the might of russian army). maybe, with one more defeat russia changes for good...

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Former US president George Bush on Wednesday told American airmen based in Kuwait to enforce a no-fly zone over Iraq that they were doing God's work.

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By Kissie ( - on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 08:59 am:

We're killing the innocent
Just back from Iraq, Svend Robinson says
UN sanctions are destroying a society

Wednesday, January 19, 2000
The eyes of the Iraqi mother cradling her emaciated baby communicated hopelessness and anger: "Why are you killing my innocent child?" The baby's doctor had just told us that the child would die within days for want of medicine -- another victim of UN sanctions

Describing the situation as a humanitarian emergency, Unicef confirmed that more than 500,000 children have died as a result of the imposition of UN sanctions. Another 4,500 children continue to die every month.


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