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Archive through January 21, 2000

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I don't know about changing my language, I'm just pointing out that you are an idiot with no intelligable language to back up your argument.

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HEIL HEIL HEIL HEIL HEIL and so on so on .....

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check out this link - it looks like the General was dead to begin with -

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no boy, I will pump your sister instead(if you have one)
and then I'll skin you, as I promise 😉

I'll be seing ya tomorrow

Suck you Master's **** 😉

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Yes i saw something on that, but i wasnt sure if it was confirmed or not. Was the whole point of your question to try and prove me wrong? Well, you've got me thinking why are you against me all of a sudden.

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I am out for today
untill tomorrow..

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wow, better, suddenly there's a normal repsonse from you. why is that?? as i was reading, you were insulting british and the rest with your
"bro" dmitri.
about ww3: who would fight?? america??? please, don't joke like this. when serbs captured 3 american soldiers, the whole country was going nuts. FOR 3!!!!!!!! bill almost resigned. you want to fight ww3 :))))))
wake up. americans are americans and will be americans. according to them: no american will and cannot be killed in battle. otherwise we will •••• our pants and stop fighting.

SIEG HEIL !!!!!!!

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that's funny didn't we destroy iraq, and yugo? what little tiny third world counrty are you from again, it probably has a smaller GNP than Alaska. but then again like someone said yesterday you are here in the US with no life just banging away at your keyboard. how come you are not out training like a good soldier should?

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hey, li'l skinhead toddler,
dont you have some homework to do for school
tomorrow? how are things in the 7th grade?

i hope the rush you get out of this "88/nazi
salute" routine will wear off soon and you'll
leave this place, forever.

k-san: with all due respect, take me i'm yours.

dimitri: pay no heed to the man behind the
curtain. (grin)

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good night boys, have fun.

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lmenexe: things are actually going good. yesterday i got A from saluting hitler the best. the whole class was saluting, but teacher thought i was best at it. another russian is here; another one against me :))) so far it's like 6 russians against single slovak. and you still couldn't bring me down. but what can you expect from russians again. dmitri is asking guys to suck his ••••, better is dreaming about his grandpa shooting germans and so on so on.....

SIEG HEIL !!!!!!

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"dimitri: pay no heed to the man behind the
curtain. (grin)"

like i am the only one who is behind the curtain here. all of you are behind it. what do you want ...

SS 88 !!!!!!!

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Well what is happening in Chechnya first is a BIG humilation to west because they are feeding the Russians, and second the Russians have really prove not to be a superpower but insteat a SUPERCOWARD(Afganistan,Chechen). We all are seeing how 1500 freedom fighters(estimate from the Russians criminal Putin as rebels) are holding fast against a mighty of over 100000 cowards with a unbelivable amount of weapons, think for a moment if they are not a COWARD they (Russians) should be 3000 max with exactly same weapons as the Chechen and should eliminate(chechen) in one or two weeks.
Be very carefull what is happening is bringing the Muslim togheter again think if 1500 can easly humilate 150000 what about 150000(Muslims) and 150000000 or they will be 1 500 000 000.
They (Muslims) love to die for God and you people are dieing for a bunch of law maker that in the mean time of course you are doing wee(like Putin).
It sound like a stupid or poorely written message but that's ok it remain a fact.

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How Russia pays for the war

By regional analyst Stephen Mulvey
Russia's war in Chechnya is in its fourth month, and shows no sign of coming to an early conclusion.
The operation has a high cost, both in human life, and in financial terms - the acting President, Vladimir Putin, has admitted it places a considerable burden on the budget.
There are several theories about how the costs are being met.
It does appear that we in the West may well be funding this operation.

CHarles Heyman, Jane's World Armies

Russian sources say the cost of the war in the last three months of 1999 was anything up to 50bn roubles, or $2bn.

In any normal war, munitions and weapons are the most costly items of expenditure, but Russia is thought to have at its disposal huge stockpiles left over from the Soviet Union.

Cold War leftovers

"The Russians are probably still using up huge stocks of ammunition that were put by during the days of the Cold War," says Charles Heyman, editor of Jane's World Armies.

"This war has got to be costing them somewhere between $40m and $50m a day at the moment ... that's the actual cost of the munitions being expended and of course there's a good chance that much of that cost was actually met quite a long time ago."

Russian military analyst Pavel Felgengauer says Moscow's main expenses are fuel, transport, restoration work in occupied areas and the extra payments made to soldiers on active duty.

In Russia it is also reported that the war has prompted the government to start paying off salary arrears right across the armed forces.

Western aid?

But where does the money for this come from?

Charles Heyman says the West is helping to foot the bill.

"We give it to them. If you look at this one very, very carefully it does appear that we in the West may well be funding this operation.

"An awful lot of money is being given by the West in cash - in loans and grants - to keep Russia afloat. Quite a large tranche of money was put in about six weeks ago."
The longer the Russian army has to fight, the fewer resources it has and the weaker it will become

Pavel Felgengauer

The last big loan to Russia from international financial institutions was worth $100m and came from the World Bank to help modernise the coal sector. A spokesman said the money was "specifically earmarked" and could not be diverted.

The last payment from the International Monetary Fund was made in July, came to $640m and, according to acting-President Vladimir Putin, was used only to pay interest on earlier loans.

Budget surplus

The flow of Western credits has reduced to a trickle, says Pavel Felgengauer, and the cost of the war is met out of Russia's own budget surplus.

"Additional money appeared because the price of oil sharply increased, and, apart from that, inflation helped significantly more tax to be collected than had been envisaged in the budget for 1999.

"It was therefore possible to allocate a relatively serious amount of money to the war in Chechnya."

According to the Russian Tax Ministry, revenues in December were more than twice the figure envisaged in the budget - enough to make a sizeable contribution to the government's war chest.

Cost may rise

However, Pavel Felgengauer says that a point may come when the cost of waging the war begins to rise dramatically.

"Of course resources are being used up ... they are not eternal. The longer the Russian army has to fight, the fewer resources it has left, and the weaker the armed forces become, and ultimately it will be necessary to start buying, just to replace what has been lost."

The point has also been made in Russia that doing nothing in Chechnya also entails certain costs.

Criminals have been able to flourish in Chechnya since the breakdown of Soviet power, and Chechens lay behind one of Russia's biggest-ever banking frauds.

In October, Vladimir Putin described Chechnya as a black hole into which Russian money had been disappearing for years, some of it ending up abroad.

He said the war would cost less than allowing this hole to go unplugged.

PS: You can easly say why is more humilating to the West.

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NATO will destroy Russia, if the Russians try to look at East European countries including Slovakia with aggression!!!

Russia is a weak country that is trying to act as a bully

Russians can't even fight with the Chechnian freedom fighters, then how in the world these Russians think they can fight with NATO ?

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