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Archive through January 21, 2000

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NATO will destroy the butcher of Moscow(Putin)!!!!

Down with the commie Russians!!!!

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"NATO will destroy Russia, if the Russians try to look at East European countries including Slovakia with aggression!!!"

Good morning. Hope, you slept well.

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"By not hypocrite: ...Be very carefull what is happening is bringing the Muslim togheter again think if 1500 can easly humilate 150000 what about 150000(Muslims) and 150000000 or they will be 1500 000000. They (Muslims) love to die for God..."

Are you saying what I think you are saying?...

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Walex were you be from? wales? Haha brits kicked your ass!

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"By Dimitri: OK, MORON now that I tried to teach you English and you stupidass failed, I'm gonna teach you some German - SIEG HEIL isn't a initial "hello" but rather a responce to HEIL HITLER.."

Actually it's not entirely correct, it was used both ways. I, for one, if someone would respond like that all the time - would think that 2 guys are having an argument.

Would you stop to be so jumpy with SLOVAK. He is just poking fun on you with his pop-nazi pseudo-german stuph. And that fun is made of 100% totalitarian freaks, including a Soviet zoo.

It is, probably, not of a "Great Dictator" quality, but nevertheless...

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Heil Slovak! I'm with you all the way. Did you know that Hitler was muslim convert? Yep, he was, not many know that.

Heil Alluh.
Akhbar Hitler.

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"By Abdullahui: Walex were you be from? wales? Haha brits kicked your ass!"

I am were been everywhere. Can not say for all haha brits (I didn't bring any asses to them), but their cruelty to animals is probably an islamic propaganda.

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"I am were been everywhere" Haha, you don't even speak english, probably from ex soviet country.

Alluh is great. So is Hitler.

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BREAKING NEWS: Chechens counterattacked in Grozny and retook almost all lost territory. Also, General Troshev was captured too and hung!! Just saw him on CNN.

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"By Abdullahui: "I am were been everywhere" Haha, you don't even speak english, probably from ex soviet country. Alluh is great. So is Hitler."

I don't.
For those two guys, I'm, too, glad that they are together.

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news of the day:

January 20, 2000

Kavkaz-Tsentr reports:

In an interview with Kavkaz-Tsentr Shamil Basayev proudly presented a schedule of the Russian casualties in the fights for Dzhokhar during the last four days: More than 1,500 Russians have been killed. About 70 armoured vehicles have been knocked out – among them 13 of the latest Russian T-90 tanks. According to Basayev the T-90 really is a mighty vehicle – it takes 5-10 RPG-grenades to knock out one T-90.
The situation in the outskirts of Dzhokhar: the Russian aggressors in several parts of the town advanced 100-500 m towards the centre. So they did from the direction of Khankala towards Michurina (500 m) and from the direction of Karpinski Kurgan (100 m).
In Tashkala the Russians managed to fortify themselves in several blocks of flats.
The Russian efforts for break-throughs in the 30th district, near the tinning factory and near the brickworks have been repulsed.
During the last two days bitter fights near the Republican hospital and in the 15th military settlement. The mujahideen succeeded holding their positions.
The fighting for the Chechen capital continues with growing intensity and bitterness.

The Chechens have captured a general of the Russian Interior Ministry forces: General Malofeyev. According to the Chechen command Malofeyev has been brought to a save place an is being examined. Along with him a colonel of the MVD-forces has been taken POW. All in all during the last 24 hours 32 aggressors have been captured.

During the last four days 45 mujahideen were killed, about 60 were wounded. These are the most heavy casualties since the beginning of the Russian aggression. Most mujahideen where killed in the bitter combat actions of January 17 in different parts of Dzhokhar.
The bombing and shelling of the town does not stop for a single minute. The Russians use strategical bomber-planes. Dzhokhar has almost vanished from earth.
Most of the victims are civilians. Dozens of corpses of civilians are scattered on the roads of the town.

In the combat actions in order to gain control of the access to the Argun Valley the Chechen mujahideen performed several operations near Duba-Yurt. On January 19 they have re-captured four heights occupied by the Russians two days earlier. More than half of the effective strength of the "so-called spetsnaz" has been wiped out.

The operations to liberate Gekhi go on. Chechen units entered Gekhi and attacked the Russians. The Russians are shelling the town. Since yesterday evening more than 250 Russians have been killed, 10 armoured vehicles have been destroyed.

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Hell yeah! Great news Bosna! Did you hear that GENERAL TROSHEV WAS HUNG by our mujahideen? InshaAllah Putin will be too!!

Walex? S'up biatch? Where are you from?

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Servant and Messenger of Allah, His Mercy to the Worlds, The Final Prophet of Allah

"There is for you in the messenger of Allah an excellent example for anyone who looks forward to meeting Allah and the Last Day ...."
- The Qu'ran [:].

"We have sent you but as a giver of glad tidings and as a warner..."
- The Qu'ran [:].

"Do not praise me excessively as the Chrisitians did [the human prophet of Allah] Jesus [and then deludedly took him for a son of Allah]..."
- A saying of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

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"Walex? S'up biatch? Where are you from?"

Walex is from US. S'up biatch - have no idea.

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For my slavak friend!

Bediensteter und Kurier von Allah, seine Gnade zu den Welten, der abschließende Prophet von Allah
" es gibt für Sie im Kurier von Allah ein ausgezeichnetes Beispiel für jedermann, das vorwärts zur Sitzung Allah und der letzte Tag.... " schaut - das Qu'ran [: ].

" wir haben Sie aber als Geber der frohen tidings und als Warner... " - das Qu'ran [: ]. gesendet

" preisen Sie mich nicht übermäßig, wie das Chrisitians [ der menschliche Prophet von Allah ] Jesus [ und dann nahm ihn deludedly für einen Sohn von Allah ]... ", - ein Saying des Prophet, Frieden ist nach ihm.

Hitler ist groß! Heil Hitler!

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