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Archive through January 21, 2000

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really, you were sensational yesterday...too bad what you say goes sailing over the heads of the pseudo-nazi scumbums which have been squatting here lately...
really, how much effort is worth spending on dolts such as these? we got folx swearing en espanol like anyone's gonna be impressed (chupa chupa chupa = impressed yet?) we got folx putting hitler and allah in the same sentence (hey, you jihad types! why do you accept such a defiling of your glorious allah?) hard to believe any folx here could make buffoons like the dreaded matthesson appear thoughtful (gag)
i just dont feel like spending the effort at present. it aint never gonna work. it can be fun sometimes, but it aint never gonna gonna work.

and it only matters to us, if at all.

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I find it highly suspicious that Putin has risen to the top so quickly. All his political strength comes from his success in the war againt the Chechen rebels. He is an ex-KGB General. I am sure he really has no respect for the Russian people. I don't put it past him to arrange for all the apartment bombings to stir up consent for military action against Chechnya. The Chechens had already driven the Russians out of Chechnya, they had absolutely nothing to gain by bombing apartments. They have repeatedly denied any involvement. I think Putin was behind the apartment bombings so he could stir up the Russian people for a war against Chechnya, which would make him out to be the hero and guarantee his election to the Presidency. I think he is making a serious error though, because he is attacking Muslims. Also Russia supported the Serbs against the Muslim Kosovars. I can see where Russia is heading for a confrontation with the Muslim world. They are going to become the "Great Satan" of the 21st century. I also predict that they may be subject to terrorist activities on a much greater scale than the US has experienced. They have very shoddy security on their nuclear arsenal. It wouldn't take much effort to get a tactical nuke and blast Moscow with it. Not to mention they have been stupid enough to sell nuclear technology to Iran, which may or may not have nuclear weapons.

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Some folks in here are really something...

James Taylor ( - on Friday, January 21, 2000 - 10:46 am:

All his political strength comes from his success in the war againt the Chechen rebels.

Obviously, you know very little if anything.

He is an ex-KGB General

General, huh? More like a KGB Leutenant-Colonel in East Germany.

am sure he really has no respect for the Russian people.

I'm not to sure but I see you don't.

The Chechens had already driven the Russians out of Chechnya, they had absolutely nothing to gain by bombing apartments. They have repeatedly denied any involvement.

And Bubba said: "I did not have sexual relationship with that woman"

I think Putin was behind the apartment bombings so he could stir up the Russian people for a war against Chechnya, which would make him out to be the hero and guarantee his election to the Presidency.

This is very serious crime. If you have any kind of proof to this claim, I encourage you to share it with War Tribunal in Haage for crimes against humanity; untill that consider it the product of your imagination

I think he is making a serious error though, because he is attacking Muslims.

There are more than 20,000,000 muslims in Russia comprised of dozen different nationalities, so what?
Imagine if Russia had a separatist region, say in Ural mountains. You then would say that Russia attacking christians. Very dumb logic, isn't it?

Also Russia supported the Serbs against the Muslim Kosovars.

Oh really? Or is it more like Russia was against NATO bombardment and for continuing negotiations instead?

They are going to become the "Great Satan" of the 21st century. I also predict that they may be subject to terrorist activities on a much greater scale than the US has experienced

Hahahahaha! I predict that you are a muslim hiding behind western name.

It wouldn't take much effort to get a tactical nuke and blast Moscow with it. Not to mention they have been stupid enough to sell nuclear technology to Iran, which may or may not have nuclear weapons.

No, but it's stupid enough to claim it. The only country in Asia capable of carring a continental nuclear strike is China (with so far only 3 such missiles). WHat russia sold to some countries is an old outdated garbage which has barely has enough juice for, say, Iraq to strike Iran, no futher than that.


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read what the russian media is saying, i think they are finally fed up the their chicken army:

"``Our generals lack the guts to acknowledge the loss in battle of the de facto commander of the storm of Grozny. What should we expect when they speak of other losses -- conscripts and soldiers?'' wrote, an Internet newspaper.

The daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper said: ``According to Defense and Interior Ministry statistics the foundation of the Chechen forces has been obliterated with minimal losses...Yet the battles continue.''

It called on the military to publish the names of those killed rather than just giving daily numbers of its losses."

it is music to the ear, is it not pussie?

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HOT news!!!!

January 21, 2000

Kavkaz-Tsentr reports:

Despite the Russian propaganda Dzhokhar remains in control of the Mujahideen. The Chechens claim to permit the Russians to enter the town in order to wipe out their units afterwards.
Yesterday the town has been attacked from three directions: From Khankala, from Savodsky and from Staropromyslovsky Rayon. The attacks have been introduced with mighty shelling and bombardments, but gut stuck. More than 300 Russian have been killed, 12 armoured vehicles knocked out. 6 Mujahideen died, 9 were wounded.
In Michurina the Mujahideen forced back the Russians to their former positions.
Near the tinning factory the situation did not change.
Near RTS 11 enemies have been taken POW, among them two Chechen collaborators of the Russians.

The captured General Malofeyev is alive and has given the Chechens some insights into the situation within the Russian troops in Chechnya.
According to him the moral and fighting spirit of the Russians is extremely low. Many units have collapsed mentally. There's no team-spirit between the officers and the rank-and-file. To raise the Russians' moral Putin has given order that high Russian officers take direct command of small fighting units: there are generals commanding batallions and companies.

[to be continued...]

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"Dzhokhar remains in control of the Mujahideen."

Ho!Damned! I thought Chechens were fighting to free theyr own country.
In fact they are invaded by Mujahideens.
Another hint:
Igor (the Omon soldier), said they have all kind of modern weapon, tanks full of cimical, Anti aircraft guns... A local guerilla woudn't be able to afford such a gear unless with heavy financial support by another state.
Russia is having tough times, but is not fighting just Chechen separatists.

By the way, western diplomats who spent a visit to Putin or to Chechenya siad they would not recommand any sanction against Russia and Madelene Allbright said she would let Putin some breathing space...

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You know how much i loved you man. But enough is enough. I do believe in KAVKAZ TZENTER NO MORE.
It is all BS and you know it and I know it and others know as well.
You, Bosna, are full of ••••. I hope that NATO leaves your ••••••• little country and you know what happens next.
•••• you! abd.

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Don't you think abdullahui fits perfectely to his name? (depends on how to pronounce)

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way to go, abdullah..

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>>>By the way, western diplomats who spent a visit to Putin or to Chechenya siad they would not recommand any sanction against Russia and Madelene Allbright said she would let Putin some breathing space...

Everyone are against Mujaheels. I be with a wrong side all the way. It are time to adjust points of views. Right SLOVAK?

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Today Zelimkhan Yandarbiev, ex-president of Chechnya, gave a press-conference, where he talked about the signing of "treaty of cooperation and mutual aid" between Afghanistan and Chechnya.

Great, now Afghanistan can send kamikaz.. err, mujahideen in Chechnya "officially".

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Friday 21 January 2000 News From the Frontline

Snow, fog, and freezing cold across mostof Chechnya...

Mujahideen recapture several villages around Grozny...

Russian troops enter the village of Darkawi and degenerate into a looting mob …more to come..

Thursday 20 January 2000 Mujahideen Retain Control of Grozny Despite Savage Russian Attacks

Four days ago the Russian military claimed to have stormed Grozny. The Russian political and military
leadership trumpeted, in chorus with the Western media, what they claimed would be the decisive push to capture the capital and to flush out the ‘terrorists.’ Since that time, the Russian military has suffered massive defeats. By the grace of Allah Most High, the Mujahideen have successfully blunted the Russian attacks, and have flushed out (Killed, captured, wounded or kicked-out) most Russian troops involved in
the failed offensive. Enemy forces have once again resigned themselves to defeat by characteristically pursuing “the liberation of Grozny from terrorists” by launching savage and random artillery attacks that are causing nothing but severe damage to the city’s civilian population and infrastructure.

Mujahideen Crush Enemy Offensive in Karnvik:

In another vain attempt to storm the capital, Russian troops launched an attack in the vicinity of Karnvik, one of Grozny’s outlying suburbs. By the grace of Allah, the Mujahideen, under the command of Abdul Malik Al Sheshani, defeated the enemy troops and forced them to retreat. Russian losses include 44 confirmed dead, and the destruction of three armoured vehicles (2 BTR and 1 BMP). Two Chechen Mujahideen were martyred, we ask Allah that he joins them amongst the ranks of the Martyrs.

Russian Military in Disarray: Soldiers Mutiny, Others Leave Behind Their Generals!

All praise be to Allah who turns His enemies against themselves! Russian troops tired of being neglected and humiliated by their officers, and terrified at seeing death and injury consuming them by the hundred each day, have refused orders to storm Grozny. This mutiny prompted the Russian high command to retain some semblance of order amongst their forces by forcing generals to lead their troops into battle.

Stifled by the incompetence of their generals and suffering from fear and wide-spread confusion, a
Russian military unit inadvertently withdrew from one of the battlefields. The division left behind dozens of its senior officers, including a General and a Major General, all of whom are now in the custody of the

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Chill man! The frustration on your part is clear. The Russians are suffering mounting losses and its not long before the freedom fighters will prevail in Chechnya.


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Taliban will open an embassy in Grozny "when the time is right".

I hope they are very patient..

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All praise be to Allah who turns His enemies against themselves! Russian troops tired of being neglected and humiliated by their officers, and terrified at seeing death and injury consuming them by the hundred each day, have refused orders to storm Grozny. This mutiny prompted the Russian high command to retain some semblance of order amongst their forces by forcing generals to lead their troops into battle. Stifled by the incompetence of their generals and suffering from fear and wide-spread confusion, a Russian military unit inadvertently withdrew from one of the battlefields. The division left behind dozens of its senior officers, including a General and a Major General, all of whom are now in the custody of the Mujahideen.

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