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Archive through January 21, 2000

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taliban gave chechnya the old russian embassy building in kabul!! what a humiliation for russian!! i can tell that the talibans are shaking in their boots fearing russia!!!!!

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BOSNA>>> Actually they offered old USSR embassy building. And Chechens "kindly refused" because it's full of refugees. In other words, it shitted all over.

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I see it's Jihad time on this board now.
But mujahideen losses are mounting too. Russians are near the center, Minutka square is far behind.
Rebel commanders advised themselves of a hit and run guerilla instead of holding strategic positions, signs of afgan support to them became more and more obvious...

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Taliban already have theyr ambassy in the islamists held area of Grozny which is also the capital of the Islamic Republic of Chechenya.

The Islamic Republic of Chechenya is about the size of Vatican and is also a religious state.

On the other hand the Capital of the autonomous region of Chechenya will be Gudermes where the actual russian army headquarter is.

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BBC reports:
Friday, 21 January, 2000, 17:01 GMT

Report says refugees trying to cross into neighbouring Ingushetia are now commonly subjected to full body searches.

There are unconfirmed reports that Chechen men of military age have been detained at the border and taken to Russian military headquarters at Mozdok.

Commanders say the Chechens are moving along tunnels to try to cut off and destroy Russian positions and to break through Russian lines encircling Grozny.

They say rebels made one such attempt last night but were driven back.

The Russians say 80 rebels have been killed since Thursday against the loss of eight federal troops.

Observers say the sheer weight of Russian numbers and military hardware makes it all but inevitable that they will eventually take Grozny.


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All you bandits and terrorists stop using my name.
I am the GREATEST and your action affends me, I am patient but my patience is running out. All you so called majehads are going to HELL


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no offence, but before you give me an advice you should learn how to do it yourself - Abdullah suckered you into the 'poking' game please..dont't be a hypocrate,huh..

the reply isn't expected.

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thanx for your correction on SIEG HEIL..

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Here we go again with the evaluation of accurate news sources. So who are we to believe? I believe both sides are manipulating casualty figures. It is no secret that this is a common practice by modern nations in a time of war. This tactic is used to "inform" the public of the "success" or lack of failure of a military campaign. Personally, I feel that Russia has been witholding information on the actual number of casualties given to news sources. This hypothesis is one derived from a communication standpoint. Russia has a large public to disclose information towards. Chechnya lacks this since the public has either left the country, remains fighting, or is trapped. However, the portrayals of the Islamic warriors as being invincible also leaves room for suspicion. I don't believe Russia is using the inhumane tactics that it had against the Germans in World War II. The public would not stand for this. After all, I've never heard of such unbelievable reports of massive casualties on the Russian side while only a handfull of Muslim rebels are reported to be killed. I don't believe in this unless Russia has resorted to Stalinistic tactics of sending hundreds of men towards a machine gun.

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Ultra Russian Nationalist,

no, man, I defenitely have nothing against you, I was just simply curious on your opinion on what do you think about General Malofeyev story, that's all..

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The Russian military provides us with a daily analysis of what has been going on there in the
dimitri u dog breath son of a pig •••••!!!!!!!!!!

last 24 hours, including casualty figures. But the figures are clearly ludicrously unrealistic. For instance, the sort of figures one gets is that during the last week of fighting there were 500 rebel soldiers killed, and nine Russian soldiers. Now, anyone with a basic knowledge of warfare knows that the attacking side generally suffers heavier causalities than the defending sides. But in this war it appears that it is the reverse.

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good afternoon gentleman!

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all the jerks are here today

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Dmitri, Igor, Kissie, Culto, Ultra, FredLeDingue, THIS ONE'S FOR YOU:


By Colin McMahon
Tribune Foreign Correspondent
January 21, 2000

MOSCOW -- The Chechen military leader acknowledged that Grozny, the capital city of his breakaway republic, would eventually fall to Russian forces. But he could not resist a subtle dig with a clear

"It would be naive to claim that the superbly equipped, numerically strongest army in the world will never be able to capture a city," said Mumadi Saidayev. "But it will do so by paying a huge price."

Nearly four months into its war in Chechnya, the
once-vaunted Russian army is once again being bloodied by a minor foe. Relatively lightly armed Chechen separatists are inflicting heavy casualties on Russian soldiers backed by tanks, artillery and unchallenged air power.

Among the casualties, military sources Thursday told the Russian news agency Interfax, appears to be Maj. Gen. Mikhail Malofeyev. Malofeyev, who has been missing since Tuesday when his unit was ambushed in Grozny, was reportedly captured by Chechen rebels. Some reports said he had been shot dead.

The Chechens are holding out against the Russians
because of two major factors: They are very good
fighters. The Russians are not.

In the end, that disparity may not matter. The Russians have superior firepower and numbers. Thanks to Cold War stockpiles, they are unlikely to run out of artillery shells or bombs.

Russian troops blast away from a devastating array of tank and fixed artillery positions around Grozny and across battlefields in Chechnya's southern mountains. An aging but still potent fleet of bombers delivers payload after payload from altitudes out of reach of Chechen shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft weapons. When weather permits, Russian fighter jets and helicopter gunships sweep in lower for more precise attacks on rebel positions.

The firepower has taken a heavy toll.

A rebel spokesman said Thursday that 45 Chechen
fighters died in the last four days in Grozny, more losses than the Chechens have acknowledged in the whole campaign so far. Like the Russians, the Chechens understate their losses and exaggerate those of the enemy.

The Russians acknowledge losing about 700 men since the Chechen ground war began in early October. That toll, on a monthly basis, is greater than the one the Soviet army suffered in its unpopular war in Afghanistan.

Despite the losses, the Russian people have supported the Chechen war as necessary to restore order to the Northern Caucasus.

The Russian people also have been heartened by the
consistently good news from the battlefield, accurate or not, carried by Russian media.

But if the Russian people believe that their armed forces have been reborn as a creditable fighting force in Chechnya, they are mistaken.

Russian troops in the region outnumber the Chechens by about 10 to 1. They have massive firepower in the form of tanks, armored personnel carriers and howitzers. The Chechens possess few armored vehicles and only a handful of mobile mortars. The Russians have enough warplanes to have flown 6,000 sorties since the conflict began. The Chechen rebels do not possess a single aircraft.

Yet it has taken the Russians nearly four months to move across mostly flat areas. And still they have not captured Grozny.

"(The rebels) are extremely well prepared," a Russian officer in Grozny told the NTV network. "In our advance we have already had to cross three lines of defense. As we get closer to the center the defenses get stronger and stronger."

The last Chechen war ended in 1996 with a humiliating pullout of Russian troops. Some of the same things that cost the Russians then have been repeated.

Untrained troops are being put on the front line, despite a Kremlin edict that only soldiers with six months of training should be allowed into battle. Chechen fighters and civilians say they can bribe their way past checkpoints with a few rubles or bottles of vodka. Russian weapons are finding their way into Chechen hands.

Battlefield leadership is spotty. Russian officers are rotated in and out of combat zones at relatively short intervals that baffle Western military experts. Part of the goal is to give the officers battlefield experience, presumably to better train them for a potential invasion by a foreign power. But the net effect is that the rotations leave front-line troops rudderless. Soldiers complain of low morale, partly because they do not trust commanders new to the job. There have been reports of insurrections.

Such situations only add to the Chechens' advantages. The rebels are far more familiar with Chechnya's terrain than the Russians could ever hope to be. Grozny is a maze of narrow streets and bombed-out buildings, perfect for the hit-and-run tactics the Chechens rely on to neutralize the Russians' tactical advantages.

About 1,500 to 2,500 rebel fighters remain in Grozny. That number appears to fluctuate daily, despite Russian military claims that the capital is sealed off. At least that many fighters remain holed up in Chechnya's southern mountains, where the rebels have their bases.

Then there are untold numbers of partisan fighters living in areas already controlled by Russian troops. They are willing, and have already proven able, to launch raids on Russian installations behind the front lines.

The Russians, meanwhile, count about 100,000 troops in the Chechen theater.

"Don't get caught up too much in the numbers," said a Western military observer. "There are many who believe the war in 1994-96, the Chechens are the best small army in the world."

Some Russian officers and politicians believe they have an answer. They recommend leveling Grozny and any other part of Chechnya where rebels are holding out. Kursk's governor, Alexander Rutskoi, who was among the governors who nominated Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to succeed Boris Yeltsin, said Russia could end the conflict in a week with "scorched-earth tactics."

"The longer we delay that moment, the more blood will be shed," Rutskoi said. "In a week Grozny and the whole of Chechnya should be turned into a Gobi desert."

The problems with that strategy are numerous. First, at least 20,000 and asmany as 40,000 civilians remain in Grozny. For many reasons--humanitarian, for example, or the fear of international censure--Putin would not want to obliterate that many non-combatants ina scorched-earth operation.

Moreover, that kind operation could still fail. Grozny is filled with basements and bomb shelters left over from Soviet days that protect the rebels from airstrikes. The mountains, too, offer countless hiding places.

Critics of the war suggest that Putin already has
blundered by making, or allowing his generals to make, Grozny a goal of the campaign. Russian troops could have ended their assault months ago and set up a security ring around much of Chechnya, as some military commanders proposed. Moscow then could have declared victory and sent many of its troops home with relatively few losses.

Now declaring victory, without an outright surrender by the Chechens, would be more problematic. And many of the Chechen fighters, despite the pounding they are taking, are giving little sign that they will surrender soon, even when Grozny falls.

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maybe if you post something that isn't as long and boring I'd acually read it
but you just made me skip all the stuff you've posted..*yawning*


"wan, wan", doggy 😉

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