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Archive through January 21, 2000

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Dimitri, I see what you mean by a "power-trip". Wasn't it the idea that thr Russians would just seal off the area at first. Then they thought hey we have come this far lets go to the out skirts of gronzy. Now it is like OK we have come this far lets take the city. There is a lot of Russian pride wrapped up in this I agree plus on the same hand Chechen millatants have given them good reason to take action. One big question is are the Chechens really behind the apartment bombings? You brought up the civilian factor. What might be a good move for the Russians is to say OK we are going to stop bombing for a couple of days let the red cross send trucks into Grozny and take out anyone who wants out and you (chechen millatants) need to help any elderly or thoes who can help themselves into the trucks. If the chechens balk at the idea then the Russians can claim that it is the Chechens fault that non-coms have died. Realisticly this won't happen but if they did do it Russia score propaganda points.

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Suleyman said:
"However, they will pay a price since the rebels don't have much to lose in general."

Sad..but Gonzo said, poeple who fight on the voluntery basis will always have advantage versus people who were drafted to fight a war..

BTW it's good to see you finally back, my friend..don't let'em get to ya..I am learning that myself the 'hard' way, you know 🙂

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Dimitri, you have a fan in Adder21

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oh, man I just luv to treat idiots the way they should be treated(in my humble opinion, that is)..he's a true-moron, as you can tell, so I am just havin' a li'l fun with him 😉 another idiot that I "play" with is 'bosna'..thank God there are smarter opponents on this board, otherwise I'd get bored easily..whatch this and see what happens:

adder : "wan, wan" (or do you prefer "gav" gav"?)

don't start spittin'on the screen now, adder *grin*

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adder do you still have prefferences towards pre-teen swiss boys?

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Ok ...well time to go...later

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