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Archive through January 22, 2000

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>Here someone really on drugs.

It is the Turks and the Afghans and other Muslims who are the big traffikers of drugs. It is the Muslims who spend their days with hash in their hookahs.

> Before making
>this sort of stupid remarks, you need to have a
>truly independent, and prosperous Armenia.

Armenia is being held up financially, not by the West, but by the financial contributions of the American resident decendants of the 1.5 million Armenians butchered by the Ottoman Turks in 1915-16. Thus, the murderous actions of the Turks backfired on them, because now there are a lot of prosperous Armenians living in America and Western Europe who keep Armenia afloat inspite of the ongoing act-of-war blockade imposed by the sons of Kemal Atapork against Armenia.

>Your country can not even survive on its own,
>so has to rely on the protection of big powers,
>like Ottomans in early years, and Russians now.

The Ottomans have never protected Armenia. The Ottomans and all the other Turkics have always been brutal rapist barbarians who never produced a culture of their own, but instead cannibalized the cultures of other. Before the Ottomans swept into Anatolia, they gobbled up young men in the Middle East by means of the Janisaries, turning them into barbarian fighters for the Turks, who would then lay waste to all who stood in the way of Ottoman conquest.

As for Armenia's reliance on Russia - this was to protect Armenia from one single enemy - the blood-thirsty Turks.

And it is the Turks who are the prostitute of the U.S. Illuminati/Masonic/Jewish regime, without the aid and patronage of which the Turkish entity would have to seek friends in the Arab and Persian world, who thoroughly despise the Turks, and now even have contempt for the Turks on account of their alliance with the Jews. Whatta buncha weasles - can't make any other friends except Jews and U.S. and British Freemasons.
Boy aren't you proud of yourselves! Hold your heads high Turks! Your friends are Jews!

>This sort of claims might give you a nice and
>fussy feeling, but reality is always painful, so
>grow up and be realistic. Armenians need to live
>in a peaceful existence with all of their
>neighbours, cause Russia will not, and can not
>nuke all others for you.

Armenia does not need to be at peace with all her neighbors. Armenia can kick Azerbaijan's butt! That's why the Azerbaijanis go wimpering up to big daddy OSCE to put pressure on Armenia to hand back Karavajar (Kyalbajar) and Fizouli and Chebrayel. Turks. Such wimps!

But in actuality, the Russians do not need to nuke the Chechens. If the Russians will just nuke the Ottomans instead, then the Chechens will not have their main support anymore and will lose their source of encouragement and start behaving themselves.

> Therefore Armenia will live next to Azerbaijanis,
>Iranians and Turks forever. You might wish
>otherwise but this is a cruel fact for you to learn
>to accept and adapt.

Well, in spite of the fact that the Iranians are Muslims, they at least have some class, and a culture of their own. The Iranians are also ethnic Europeans like the Armenians, Kurds, Gruzyans, and Russians.

As for the Azerbaijanis, the very name "Azeri" was given them by the Ottomans who called them "wild barbarians". So Armenia and Iran are major trading partners and the Iranians are exporting electricity to Armenia. Mardaan-e-Irani kheili khub and va ishaanraa kheili dust daaram.

As for the Turks, the Azeris and the Ottomans have been economically blockading Armenia for the last 12 years with the Gruzyans assistance. In spite of being surrounded by hot enemies on the east (Ottomans) and west (Azeris), and a cold enemy to the North (Gruzya), Armenia still has not been crushed.

Let us see now the list of friends:

Turk's friends: U.S., Britain, Jewish entity occupying Palestine, Germany, Gruzya, Azerbaijan, Chechnya, Illuminati/Freemasons, Jews, Novus Ordo (Vatican II adherents) "church".

Armenia's friends: Russia, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Greece, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Roman Catholic Church.

Now you may be asking yourself, "why are the Turkic republics of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan helping Armenia instead of the Azeris?" The answer is because they, unlike the Azeris and the Ottomans and Seljucks, stuck to their place in Turkistan, whereas the Ottomans, Azeris, and Seljuks invaded other peoples' lands, pillaging, raping, and murdering their way into the Transcaucasus and Anatolia. And it is no surprise then, that Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan supported Nagorno Karabakh Republic in its war against the Azerbaijani aggressors.

Glory and praise to Jesus Christ the Only-Begotten Son of God, who lives and reigns with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, as it was in the beginning unto the ages of ages. Amen.

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Boy, you are hopeless. I told you "grow up", but that seems impossible. Go and jump from highest place you can find, stupid moron. Still talking about Ottomans, and all other BS.

So you are saying Turks helped you after all, causing you to become prosperous in Amerika and Western Europe. I don't hear any thank you, you ungrateful beast. And these are descendants of 1.5M Armenians butchered by Turks. You are yourself disproving your own claim moron. How can someone have decendants if they are all butchered. What about tens of thousand of Armenians still happily living in Turkey, how come they are not butchered? So, lies, and lies, and lies from a people nothing to do but fill their hearts with hate.

"The Ottomans and all the other Turkics have always been brutal rapist barbarians who never produced a culture of their own"

First of all where did you hear that an empire could last more than 600 years without an underlying culture and civilization. You must be believing your own evil propaganda moron.

Secondly, raping is a speciality of the Armenians, and their big brothers. We don't have to go centuries back, it is happening right now. What Armenians did to Azeris, what Serbs did to Bosnians and Kosovars, what Russians are doing to Chechnians? What a hypocrat you are. If being raped is so touchy to you, why aren't you condemning your "so called" friends? Do you say "RAPE" is not a crime, if it is commited by your side?

Thirdly, rape has no place in islam. It is an illegal sexual intercourse, punishable with death in this world, let alone burning in the hell fire in the next. No muslim will rape anybody. If a rape is happened, the person can not be Muslim, even if he calls himself Muslim. So learn.

"And it is the Turks who are the prostitute of the U.S. Illuminati/Masonic/Jewish regime, without the aid and patronage of which the Turkish entity would have to seek friends in the Arab and Persian world"

So, how old are you? Do you want to play a game of "look I have more friends than you", or "my friends are better than yours". What a silly child you are! So you are saying that Amerika made you prosperous, yet you are biting the hand feeding you. Maybe this is your national character, and this is combined with a tendency to brew trouble caused your ass to be kicked so many times in the past. If you could learn from the history, you would try to live in peaceful co-existence.

"Armenia does not need to be at peace with all her neighbors. Armenia can kick Azerbaijan's butt"

Yeah! Why aren't you trying on your own, without thousands of Russian troops, with their superior armament fighting on your side, then we will see how long you'll last.

You talk to much $hit. Your reply is showing how much your mind is diseased, so no point talking to you any further.

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talk about "no point talking to you any further"
....why bother talking at all to someone who uses phrases like "illuminati/masonic/jewish regime"?
that puts this person as the same company as the looniest of american loonies.
mind you, said american loonies would kick this "furriner" fellow's butt and toss him out the door.

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"""This fiscal year, the administration is backing up its support with an estimated $1.1 billion in assistance, including $200 million in humanitarian food assistance.

Last year, U.S. aid amounted to almost $1.9 billion, including $1.1 billion in food aid.

The administration is preparing to ask Congress to reduce most of the programs next year while increasing security assistance to help reduce nuclear stockpiles and induce scientists to remain in Russia.

About 75 percent of U.S. aid bypasses Moscow and the central government, going directly to local projects. Four areas are targeted for special U.S. attention — Novgorod, Samarga, Tomsk and Sakhalin."

Does anyone know what is special on these four locations?

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L'menexe ( - on Saturday, January 22, 2000 - 08:20 am:

....why bother talking at all to someone who uses phrases like "illuminati/masonic/jewish regime"?

You are absolutely right. Look, I can not say everyone agrees with me, nor do I agree with others 100% all the time. I can see that, at least part of what my fiercest opponent is telling is true, and I am always prepared to acknowledge that. But when someone talks with pre-meditated hate, combined with bigotry and racism, I have no respect or patience for that person.

At another point, I am raised in a Western-oriented country, and grew to appreciate its values. Yes, I am a Muslim, but can I deny the tolerance in this country? No. I studied at the best universities, got some of the best jobs available, and always treated with equality and dignity. I have a strong loyalty to my country of adoption. When I see other migrants, bucketing the country they are taken refuge in, being disloyal, it is difficult to understand. If you don't like it, why do you stay? I say, just go back your original country you are so fond of.

As a last point, I also find very annoying generalisations. I believe no two person are identical just because they are from the same religion or same race. I hope I am not doing the same mistake, but this type of generalisations are also showing a lack of intelligence.

On the other hand, sometimes these unfortunate characters are playing a useful role, in making us to appreciate our most ardent intelligent adversary.

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You might find this article interesting if you have not seen already.

"Putin's deal-making with Communists in the Duma is a nauseating sellout of reformers. But it does not mean that he believes in communism."

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Turk, one of first steps in shock of facts is denial.

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Can we say that the russian army is finished moral wise...

Saturday, January 22 1:22 AM SGT

Missing general was on morale-boosting trip says Moscow
GROZNY, Russia, Jan 21 (AFP) -
A senior Russian general may have been trying to boost flagging troop morale in Grozny when he went missing in action, Moscow said Friday, as fierce rebel resistance held up federal troops.

please send in the armenians, i can make the arrangements for them and for u if u like. the chechens will be happy to receive them. BTW, if it were not for russia helping armenia in the war with azerbijan, i do not think that armenia could have won the war. so, it is a good idea for the armenians to pay the russians back anf help them in chechnya. i was told that the chechen MEAT GRINDERS are hungry for more pigs....

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1/3 of Grozny is under Russian control, and Vedeno, birthplace of Shamil Basaev, is taken.

Ultra Russian Nationalist ( - on Saturday, January 22, 2000 - 04:24 am:
Chechens Caught in Cross Fire By Andrew Kramer

What's the URL of that article?

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this site paints a good picture of what's going on. the chechens "permit" the russians to get in graozny to 'wipe' them out; and that is exactly what is happening from the russian death toll we read on the news.

i think the russians started something that they will not finish and they will regret that they started it. even if grozny fell, the chechen will make russia HELL. i can not tell you how, but wait and see. in the past war Shmil and 200 men went about 200 KM into russian land, we all know the story....
the russians DO NOT learn, DO NOT EVER anger a chechen!!!

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By Antonio: ...Armenia does not need to be at peace with all her neighbors. Armenia can kick Azerbaijan's butt! That's why the Azerbaijanis go wimpering up to big daddy OSCE to put pressure on Armenia to hand back Karavajar (Kyalbajar) and Fizouli and Chebrayel. Turks. Such wimps! But in actuality, the Russians do not need to nuke the Chechens. If the Russians will just nuke the Ottomans instead, then the Chechens will not have their main support anymore and will lose their source of encouragement and start behaving themselves.
Well, in spite of the fact that the Iranians are Muslims, they at least have some class, and a culture of their own. The Iranians are also ethnic Europeans like the Armenians, Kurds, Gruzyans, and Russians."

With all due respect, you, sir, are a pompous ass.

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Toofan said:
"Chechnians armed Forces consist of All members of Muslims Republics"
Look who the Russian are fighting!


"they called the Bolshevik leader's saint-like influence on Russian history."
Communism, the last religion?

"Card-carrying members (of the party) are getting closer to Christianity."
"We strongly believe that sooner or later communism will be built," she said. "Jesus Christ was the first communist, you know."

What a rubbish you gave us to swallow!
I was happy to read it. It confirm my hypothesis of Communism as a new religion.

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Antonio, Turk, Wallex
"Armenia doesn't need to make peace with his neighbourgs"
"the Russians do not need to nuke the Chechens. If the Russians will just nuke the Ottomans instead, then the Chechens will not have their main support "

Is it delirium tremens or what?
Could you give more information on the role play by Turky and Armenia in the Chechen conflict?

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bosna, you are moron. Abdullah

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Quotes from the
Bull of the Convocation of the Holy Ecumenical COUNCIL OF TRENT under Pope Paul III

Paul III:
"Whilst we desired the commonwealth to be safe and protected against the arms and insidious designs of the infidels (Mohammedans), yet, because of our transgressions and the guilt of us all, indeed, because of the wrath of God hanging over us by reason of our sins, Rhodes has been lost, Hungary ravaged, war by land and sea intended and planned against Italy, and against Austria and Illyria, since the Turk, our godless and ruthless enemy, was never at rest and looked upon our mutual enmities and dissensions as his fitting opportunity to carry out his designs with success."

"In the meantime, the Turk, our cruel and everlasting enemy, having attacked Italy with a powerful fleet, captured, sacked and ravaged several cities on the shores of Apulia and carried off as booty the inhabitants, while we, in the greatest fear and general danger, were occupied in fortifying our shores and in furnishing assistance to the nearest neighboring localities."

"Wherefore, beholding with the bitterest grief of our soul that the affairs of Christendom were becoming worse, Hungary oppressed by the Turks, Germany endangered, and all other states overwhelmed with apprehension and grief, we resolved to wait no longer for the consent of any prince, but to look solely to the will of the Almighty God and to the good of the Christian commonwealth"

"...we may in the holy and ecumenical council, in a better and easier manner consider, and with the charity of all concurring to one end, ponder, discuss, execute and bring speedily and happily to the desired result whatever things pertain to the purity and truth of the Christian religion, to the restoration of what is good and the correction of bad morals, to the peace, unity and harmony of Christians among themselves, of the princes as well as of the people, and whatever is necessary to repulse those attacks of barbarians (Turks) and infidels (Mohammedans) whereby they seek the overthrow of all Christendom."

FIRST SESSION of the Holy and Ecumenical COUNCIL OF TRENT
celebrated under the sovereign pontiff, Paul III, on the thirteenth day of December in the year of the Lord 1545

Decree concerning the opening of the council:

Paul III:
"Does it please you, for the praise and glory of the holy and undivided Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the advance and exaltation of the Christian faith and religion, for the extirpation of heresies, for the peace and unity of the Church, for the reform of the clergy and Christian people, for the suppression and destruction of the enemies of the Christian name, to decree and declare that the holy and general Council of Trent begins and has begun?"

They (the bishops and cardinals) answered: It pleases us.

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