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Archive through January 23, 2000

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Photo of young PUTIN (dancing with a girl). Look at his eyes! I wonder if he got her afterwards...

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Photo of young PUTIN (dancing with a girl). Look at his eyes! I wonder if he got her afterwards. Apparently, he did not ('cause he was busy spying).

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By balalalika ( - on Sunday, January 23, 2000 - 09:56 am:


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2 adder21,

I wonder what is that "scarf" around Putin's neck? Very ugly, to say the least.

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By balalaika ( - on Sunday, January 23, 2000 - 10:06 am:

Where u from?

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Armenians fagots is using my name,
because this bastard do not know who is his father. His mother and his brothers found in camel whooore house in dubi

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Bro adder

salumu alikum.


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adder21 ( - on Sunday, January 23, 2000 - 10:08 am

Bro, balalaka is not a muslim but he supports Chechina. He is from russian per his last testimony.

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HEY you morons did you have fun posting your shite,with no one to answer you.CLARENCE I named the cockroache after you.Now I will step on it.MUSLIMS its all over but the crying THE BANDITS WILL ALL DIE LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

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Cheap apartments for rent in Grozny:central air, nice view,open concept.All Muslims welcome,great opportunities to raise family.lololololol

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By abd ( - on Sunday, January 23, 2000 - 10:23 am:


"O Prophet! Incite the believers to the fight! If there are amongst you, twenty patient ones, they will defeat two hundred. And if there are amongst you 100 patient ones, they will defeat 1000 from the disbelievers as they are a people who understand not."[Surah Anfaal (8), Verse 65]

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Iknew about this story years ago,took long time for some one to acknowledge it:
Jan. 19, 2000, 5:28PM

Editorial: Evidence shows that Justice Department not above lying
It's naive for citizens to think government can always be counted on to tell the truth. Evidently, it's also dangerous.

Government is composed of people, and those people are sure to have the usual false values and weaknesses found in non-government human beings, including the capability of lying.

But it is not naive for citizens to think government should tell the truth.

So it comes as a little bit of a shock to learn that the Justice Department has admitted in court filings that it knowingly used false testimony in the trial of a retired CIA agent 17 years ago to hide the agency's role in a plan to ship weapons to Libya, despite an arms embargo.

That's not justice.

Edwin Wilson was convicted in a Houston federal court in 1983 of shipping plastic explosives to Libya. Wilson claimed he had done so at the CIA's request.

During Wilson's trial, a federal prosecutor introduced the affidavit of a high CIA official who swore "Wilson was not asked or requested, directly or indirectly, to perform or provide any services, directly or indirectly, for the CIA," after his 1971 retirement.

Now, however, in evidence produced for Wilson's appeal, the Justice Department acknowledges that a federal prosecutor knew the affidavit was false.

Wilson had 80 contacts with the CIA from his retirement through 1978, providing the CIA with a number of services.

The Justice Department's admission to false testimony does not necessarily mean that Wilson's conviction should be overturned or that he be given a new trial. That will be up to U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes to decide.

But it serves as a chilling example that the Justice Department is not above lying to and about citizens.

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armenian Pigs use your own pig id and that goes to smelly Igore the monky

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MORE BULL FROM ADDER 21 coming soon use that Koran for toilet paper moron

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>>>> He is from russian per his last testimony.

no way

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