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Archive through January 23, 2000

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By balalaika ( - on Sunday, January 23, 2000 - 11:55 am:

sorry blalaika as far as i know he does not have any sisters or brothers....

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2 adder21,

thank you!

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in the US, it's spelled "S-H-I-T"
in the UK, it's spelled "S-H-I-T-E"
in germany, it's spelled "S-C-H-E-I-S-S"

ps> konichiwa, k-san!

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2 l'menexe,

ima koko-de "konban-wa"-ni natta yo!

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Frequently Asked Questions about the Jihad in Chechnya (NEW)
1. I want to and fight in Chechnya. How do I get there?
(a) The Mujahideen in Chechnya are not in need of manpower at present.
(b) The routes into and out of Chechnya are blocked off due to snow at
present. This situation is expected to change once the snows clear, in
March/ April.
(c) If you are not trained, then the Mujahideen in Chechnya advise you to
go and get some training first in countries like Afghanistan.
(d) Azzam Publications is only a news outlet. We do not help or 'sponsor'
people to go for Jihad.
(e) Anyone interested in going to fight (if they are trained) or in going
to train should contact members of their own communities and countries who
are known to have been for Jihad. You will know these people and they will
know you. In these cases, you should only speak in confidence to those whom
you trust, rather than speaking to everyone.
(f) Anyone unable to go and fight in Chechnya should refrain from attacking
innocent people in countries outside the land of fighting. Any such energy
should be translated into actually fighting in Chechnya, or obtaining
training in other parts of the World.
(g) To see what the Mujahideen in Chechnya need at present, read the
answers below.
2. How do I send donations to the Muslims in Chechnya?
There are many relief organisations and individuals collecting money for
the Chechen cause, all over the World. Only a fraction of this money
actually reaches those in need. This war has seen the rise of many
'official' Chechen personalities who go round mosque to mosque, collecting
money for the 'Jihad'. No-one knows their history and few people in
Chechnya even know who these people are.
It is quite easy to become an 'official' fundraiser. Just speak Russian,
take some photos and videos with you, make up some letters and ID cards and
visit mosques claiming to be a member of the Chechen Government. The
Muslims should use their intelligence and not hand over their money to
people just because they are Chechens or just because they show a letter or
There is one trusted aid agency that has set up operations in the region
and we will be posting their contact and bank details etc. on the Internet
very soon insha-Allah. This is the only aid agency that the Qoqaz web-sites
trust and recommend the people to give their donations to.
Until these details are made available, we advise the Muslims to collect
the money but HOLD ONTO IT. We do not advise you to hand it over to anyone
that you do not know. It is better to have a little patience than to hand
over your money to someone who may or may not be able to get the money
3. How can we help the Mujahideen in Chechnya?
(a) By making dua and supplicating to Allah alone and with other people, to
give victory to the Mujahideen and destroy the Russians. The latest news
page of our web-site contains some examples of duas that you can make.
(b) By following the authentic news of the Mujahideen from the following
web-sites: (English), (Arabic) and (Russian).
(c) By spreading this news to as many people and as many places as
possible, by the following steps:
(i) Inform others about our web-sites by putting links on your web-sites.
(ii) Inform others about our web-sites by e-mailing everyone you know.
Please do not send out spam mail so as not to cause inconvenience to
(iii) By printing the web site addresses on paper and putting it up in
mosques, centres and university prayer rooms (obtain the proper permission
before doing so).
(iv) By announcing the web site addresses after Friday Prayers in mosques,
centres and universities.
(v) By announcing the web site addresses on local radio stations.
(vi) By printing out the latest news each day and putting it up on mosque,
centres and university prayer room noticeboards.
(vii) By printing out the latest news each day and giving it to your local
Imams and leaders, if they do not have Internet access.
(d) By collecting as much money as possible from friends, families,
relatives and contacts, in mosques, centres, everywhere. Leave this money
with a trustworthy individual in your community (informing at least one
other person of the amount to avoid errors). Wait until we post the details
of the aid organisation able to collect these donations, and then send your
money to them. We do not accept or collect donations ourselves as we are
only a news outlet.
(e) If you work for or know someone who works in a reputable aid
organisation, inform them that the Mujahideen are in urgent need of
Doctors, medical personnel and medical supplies. They are also in need of
thousands of small medical combat kits which contain basic dressings,
antibiotics, painkilling injections, insertable tampons (to absorb blood
from bullet injuries) and other items. A Doctor qualified in Combat
Medicine will know what is required. The Doctors and medical personnel
should endeavour to make their way to Chechnya through the aid
organisations and join the fighting units of Ibn-ul-Khattab. All foreign
volunteer help should be directed through Khattab's units, who will then
distribute the help as required. Access to Khattab can also be gained by
going directly to the fighters under the control of Shamil Basayev. It is
better for you to go to Basayev or Khattab rather than join independent
fighting militias or regular Chechen Government Forces. Once inside
Chechnya, if you have the right contacts, it is very easy to reach Basayev
or Khattab's units, despite the Russian lies of the Mujahideen being
. What is the source of your news?
News correspondents on the ground accompanying the fighting units of
Khattab and Basayev send us news and photographs. They are equipped with
the latest computers, cameras and satellite communications equipment. Very
soon they will be able to transmit short video clips from the fighting to
be published on the Internet, insha-Allah. They try to send this news
everyday but sometimes difficult fighting conditions delay the news by a
day or two. The news reports on our web-sites are checked by Field
Commander Khattab before being sent to us.
5. How do we obtain interviews with Khattab and Basayev?
At this very moment, interviews are very difficult to obtain as these
commanders are busy in the fighting. However, large media organisations who
wish to conduct interviews with Khattab or Basayev should e-mail us their
questions and we can try without promising to have those questions answered
by them. We regret that we can only attempt to do this for large media
organisations (BBC, ABCNEWS, CNN, etc.).
6. Who are the Foreign Mujahideen? Why do you call them 'Foreign'?
The 'Foreign' Mujahideen are non-Chechen volunteers fighting in Chechnya.
They are said to number in the hundreds and some of them have been in
Chechnya for five years or more. They have no personal interests in this
war. They are only fighting because the Muslim countries and governments
have failed to direct their power and defence budgets to the cause in
Chechnya. They are fighting for victory and martyrdom. They are not
fighting for money. In fact, many of these volunteers are actually from
very wealthy backgrounds, from Field Commander Khattab down to some of
those killed recently.
We call them 'Foreign' to inform the Muslims that this is not a civil,
internal conflict between Chechens and Russians, but rather it is a crusade
of the forces of Kufr (Christianity, Judaism, Communism, Atheism, etc.)
against Islam. In the same way that the Russians are receiving financial
and physical help from America, the Mujahideen are also receiving financial
and physical help from their brothers and sisters around the World.
7. What Aqeedah (Islamic Belief) are the Chechens upon?
This question is irrelevant at present because the Chechen people are
Muslim and they are being oppressed and killed because of their religion.
Even if there was only one practising Chechen Muslim in Chechnya, it would
be an Islamic obligation upon all the Muslims of the World to come to their
assistance. Of course, there are tens of thousands of proper, practising
Muslim Chechens in Chechnya, including knowledgeable scholars. The Scholar
of the Mujahideen in Chechnya, Sheikh Abu Umar Al-Saif Al-Qaseemi is from
the Qaseem region of the Arabian Peninsula and has studied Islamic
knowledge from the most knowledgeable scholars in the region.
8. Are Mashkadov and the Chechen Government supporters of the Mujahideen?
Even though there were minor differences between the Chechen Government and
the Mujahideen before this war began, Praise be to Allah, these differences
have almost disappeared due to the current situation. Aslan Mashkadov
himself appointed Shamil Basayev as the senior-most commander in Chechnya
after the Russians invaded.
Mashkadov was willing to talk with the Russians but once they invaded
Chechnya even though he tried to tell them that the Chechen people had
nothing to do with the explosions in Russia, he understood the treachery of
the Russians and began to support the Mujahideen to drive out the Russians.
There are, however, self-appointed Chechen 'officials' travelling through
the World speaking about Wahabis and major differences on the ground. These
individuals are also calling for peace to compromise and give concessions
to the Russians. Their own actions are the proof against them, that maybe
they are hypocrites working for Russian Intelligence, whose job is to
deliver lectures to Muslims around the World and create divisions amongst
them. Muslims should ignore official statements by these people and only
believe the statements released on our web-sites.
9. How close are the Muslims to winning this War?
Insha-Allah, with the Help of Allah, then the support of the millions of
Muslims around the World who have been following our news everyday, we are
very close to winning this War in the same way that we won the last one.
Even if the Russians take Grozny, how long will they keep it: one month?
One year? Ten years? The only way for them to win this War is to kill each
and every Mujahid (both Chechen and Foreign) in Chechnya. Since they number
several thousand, who are fighting for Islam not Chechnya, insha-Allah the
Russians will never be able to achieve this.
Back in 1979, the Soviet Government made the biggest mistake of the 20th
Century by invading Afghanistan. That war lasted for ten years and led to
the break-up of the Soviet Union. They tried to destroy Islam again by
invading Tajikistan and Chechnya in 1994, where they were driven out in
shame. Sadly for them, this War will be the end of Russia. Many sleeping
Muslims around the World have been awaken due to this War. Hundreds of
fresh foreign volunteers have arrived in Chechnya. This is not a war about
personalities. Even if Khattab is killed, there are many other foreign
commanders to take his place, such as Commander Abul-Waleed Al-Ansari
(Arabian Peninsula), Commander Yaqub Al-Ghamidi (Arabian Peninsula),
Commander Abu Jafar Al-Yemeni (Yemen) and others, not to mention the many
Chechen and Dagestani commanders.
This War has ignited Muslims all over the World, who will continue to
support their brothers in Chechnya until the Russians are driven out, even
if the War lasts a hundred years and costs a hundred thousand lives.
"If Allah helps you, NONE can overcome you. And if He forsakes you, who is
there after Him that can help you? And in Allah Alone let the believers put
their trust." [Quran 3:160]
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keep dreaming unfortunatly yours will be a nightmare

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By igor ( - on Sunday, January 23, 2000 - 01:00 pm:

"And never will the Jews and Christians be pleased with you until you follow their religions." (2:120)

"…they do not fall short of inflicting loss upon you; they love what distresses you; vehement hatred has already appeared from their mouths; and what is in their hearts is worse…" (3:118)

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Russian dead chicken (headless) found

SLEPTSOVSK, Russia, Jan 23 (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on  Sunday rescue teams had found the body of a Russian general  killed in fighting in Grozny last week

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TV station punished for reporting Russian losses

One TV network that deviated from state reports is Russia's main commercial television station NTV, which said on Sunday it had been kicked out of the military's journalists' pool for showing an interview with a Russian officer describing significant losses.

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i think you said it's evening where you are, more or less.

axually, i'd've been more correct to say "ohaya, k-san" as it was still morning here when i posted.


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You will have heard much about DAJJAL - THE ANTI-CHRIST the Anti-Christ from the Christian and Jewish authorities. But what did The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) say about Dajjal (The greatest Fitnah(Evil, test)) that will ever befall mankind.

When shall Dajjal appear? Most of the signs prevalent before the coming of Dajjal can now be observed. One thing though is for certain, if you are fortunate enough not to witness the Anti-Christ, then your children certainly shall. Before the Anti-Christ shall appear we have been told there shall be a SYSTEM, a Dajjal- system, that is up and running, that shall await his arrival. This Dajjal-system, will be the most evil and most corrupt satanic, kaffir force in history

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This system shall promote mass immorality (Homosexuality, Adultery, Fornication), Atheism, Devil-worship, use of USURY, Intoxication, (Alcohol & Drug abuse), Crime, Injustice, Oppression, Fitnah of the Pen(Pornography magazines etc.), cause wars, Famine, Massacres, Rape and suffering on an immeasurable scale.

The Dajjal-system is of course as we know is FREEMASONRY. Every single position in the United Nations, The EEC and every position in the British Parliament is held by people who are Freemasons. Freemasonry has something in the region of 700,000 members in England and Wales, yet the British public hardly know anything about them. Freemasons secretly worship a Devil-God, known as JAHBULON

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When a russian born, they donot know who is their father? Their mother will lie and the kids grow up with lie and he will parctice what had preached to him.

Look at the out come of all the russians leader ZOMBI the boris and HIs foster kid Putin the monkey.

Read their lies
The fear has left many kids deeply distrustful of the Russian  government, and some seem extremely cynical for their age.  

"What if the Russians unexpectedly launch rockets at us here?"  asked 13-year-old Murtaz Tashayev. "They launch them where they  want to, and they could do it here, saying, 'Those weren't ours,  the terrorists did that."'

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Dajjal will emerge from a place between Syria and Iraq, and his emergence will become known when he is in Isfahaan at a place called Judea (Yahudea). He will be of Jewish origin. He will have caused his Jewish parents much distress and pain. The Jews will accept him as ‘ The Messiah’ and become his main followers. He will also have a great number of women followers as well. The entire secular world (Jews/Freemasons, Atheist, Christians, Hindus Etc.) shall unite under the banner of the Anti-Christ against Islam. Islam will be the only force standing between him and the total world domination.

Huzaifah (RA) says, ‘Dajjal wil be blind in one eye’. This blind eye will be swollen like a grape : There will be a thick finger-like object in his eye. The letters “K”, “F”, “R” will be written on his forehead (meaning - Unbeliever). Every Muslim will be able to read these letters whether he is literate or illiterate. He will travel at great speeds by means of a gigantic animal-like a mule.....(MUSLIM & AHMAD).

Note : On the US one Dollar, There is a Masonic sign implicating Dajjal, a pyramid with one eye - check it out, if you don’t believe me !! Underneath it which is written ‘ Novus Ordo Seclorum’ - Translated as ‘NEW SECRET ORDER’.

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2,000 Russians died in past five days


KABUL, Jan 21: A senior Chechen commander visiting Afghanistan said on Friday the that the guerillas had killed 2,000 Russian soldiers and destroyed 70 tanks in just the past five days.

Zelimkhan Yanderbiyev, who was in Kabul to win the support of Taliban, said in that time Russian troops had gained just 100 metres.

His figures of Russian casualties were far worse than those released by Moscow.

"Fighting is still going on for the sixth day. The Russians are trying to take Grozny, but they have failed," Yanderbiyev told a joint press conference here with Taliban Foreign Minister Mawlawi Wakil Ahmad Mutawakel.

He said Chechens had lost only 25 fighters while 78 others had been wounded.

"In five days, they have advanced only 100 meters towards Grozny," he said.

He said the fighters had captured a Russian general whom he identified as deputy chief of Russia's interior forces in Chechnya. He did not say whether the general was still alive.

"Russian planes are dropping nine-ton bombs in order to destroy the buildings completely," Yanderbiyev said.

The Chechen official arrived in Afghanistan last week to ask the Taliban authorities to recognize the breakaway republic

Taliban offered them recognition and allowed them to open a political mission in Kabul. On Friday, Mutawakel said Afghanistan was ready to give the Chechen fighters all-out backing, describing the fighting as a "holy war" against Russians.-AFP

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