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Archive through January 24, 2000

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how is hocky any ways igor? do you use onion before watching a hocky game? the russian tradition, prouda you...

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what a joy. one more russian solder is having a hard time. Let all enjoy, after all that do you care if he is human being or not, what he was send there and not went to chechnya because he wanted to kill (like all those brave majihedars do), yes lets ignore all this and just be happy because other human being is suffering. what a joy.

Questions for you:
1 Please, be kind enough and tell me what is it you see wrong with a picture you posted.

2.So third general is replaced, hm... what could it be? could it be because Department of Defence and Internal Minis. want to improve the overall command and give some battle traing to its senior military staff. Hm.... could that be it?

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Before hockey I beat the shite out of a few Somalis cause it is fun. Then I pretend the puck is a Chechen.And finally when I shite I think of you and how much you stink.

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never heard about onion stuff? hm...
Could you be kind enough and tell me who asked you to learn from russians, or for what matter from anyone else. I heard albainas are the best in drug trafficing, is it true?

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Fred DeLingue

"O Prophet! Incite the believers to the fight! If there are amongst you, twenty patient ones, they will defeat two hundred. And if there are amongst you 100 patient ones, they will defeat 1000 from the disbelievers as they are a people who understand not."[Surah Anfaal (8), Verse 65]

Do you imagine that Muslims when confronted by
oppression and injustice (for example the Crusades
or the Spanish Inquisition, - or today, Chechnya)
would be asked to turn tail and flee by God?
THIS is the context in which Muslims are supposed
to fight. A most honourable and Godly task that
was given to all believers (such as Moses and his
followers) in their respective times, so that they
may be tested and proven true to their commitment
to God.

btw - exactly how does YOUR Christianity go BEYOND
the bible?

Those who play with God's True Revelations are courting a Mighty punishment for small gains.

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1)i am just referring to one of many like it that igor used to brag about, his eagles, and i am just showing him what those eagles are doing. any thing worong with that?

2) yes, i am happy and joyfull to see and hear the suffering of army who is killing, gasing and butchering innocent civilians.

3) could it be that the russian army does not have ANY good commander to lead their troops? could it be that these generals are fearing for their lives and NOt following orders from Putin to advance into grozny? could it be that those generals are so freaking cowards and digusting that with the 100,000 men can not take grozny with 2,000 chechens in three months????

what kind of army is this??? i will tell you, it is an army of chickens, and chickens WILL NOT beat WOLVES, or can they?

Good night.

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hey bosna:
how is weather out there?

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Igor wrote:

I ask you Muslims when you lose and you will, will you still believe in Allah or will you be convinced that he lied to you and is a FAKE.

Igor, why do Arab Christians refer to God as Allah
- or didn't you know?

Do you think that their ancestors who lived in
Palestine wouldn't learn the correct word for God
- and btw, Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus,
peace be upon him, is closest to Arabic and Hebrew
- they are all SEMITIC languages.

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i can sense from what u write that u are another chicken. Use onion, you will get better.

r u another russian with a western name?

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And who decides if cause is just Allah or fanatics(bandits) WOE?

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I agree with part of what you wrote "politician do not give •••• about lifes of ordinary russians.", but not what you said about foreign fighters. They are there not to make money, or have a holiday. They are putting their lives on line for something they believe, and certainly they care about people. Now you may not agree with their beliefs, but you can not deny they are fighting to help Chechens for the sake of an ideal. Maybe you read about the international volunteers fighting in Spain against Franco's fascist army during the civil war. They came from all over the world, including Russia to fight for what they believe. This is exactly what is happening in Chechnya.

If somebody is destroying everthing in the name of God, they are wrong. But there is a difference fighting to defend someone's home and family against invaders. I don't see any fighting in Moscow, but certainly nothing much left in Grozny, so who is destroying whom or what, lets be true to ourselves.

I agree with you on truth becoming the first casualty of a war, any war. But lies always comes to foray, and only brings discredit to the side who is lying, so I find amazing, just to cover up a few details, how people can go great lengths to lie. Maybe they don't know that they are doing a lot of damage to their cause as their credibility sink.

"when did you tell the lie last time??, I bet today"

No I did not lie today, not yesterday, or before. I hate people who lie so easily, at the drop of a pin. What sort of world it becomes if everyone lies? Do you really enjoy living in such a place?

"""So, now again tell me what is they all fighting for? and who is the winner? Because I know that ordinary people are the losers ."""

I think the first part of your question is what we are generaly discussing on this board, with most people having their unique ideas, and not agreeing with each other quite often (this is quite good actually, providing we are true to ourselves).

I couldn't agree more on the second part of your statement. Ordinary people always lose, regardless.

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not as cold as where you are.

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Drake: KLA #1 heroin suppliers in Europe

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Everybody has to make their own judgements as
best they can, given the knowledge they have
and the circumstances they are in. Allah will decide in His Good Time who deserves what, based
on ALL the facts, as only He Knows all. The
results and punishment/reward could happen in
this world or in the hereafter and are entirely
up to Him.

Muslims can only act on their own conscience, and
like everybody else, on what they know to be true from their revelations, and according to their
faith, and will be judged by Him accordingly.

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