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Archive through January 24, 2000

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1. Combing everything and everyone in one pile is very dangerous and not right.

2. It is a war zone, first of all. Second most of the civilian are going to russian held areas, would you run towards the side which kills? Also, are you saing that terrorists are not doing anything wrong (read Human right group postings) Was not Basaev and his man who started this war by invading Dagestan and declaring war on russian federation.

3. Last time I read news, it said that many generals are on the front line, if I was a chicken I would not be there. Where do you hear/read news from Putin setting the dateline? All the news agencies are reporting otherwise.

Man, this is not the first time I talk to you about dateline and news reporting. Every time you ask question: "why it takes them 3 months to take Grozny, why, why" same question over and over. Every time some one tells you that this (Grozny) fight is going for only a month (not 3) and what russians want to minimize it loses, it is hard to fight urban war with group of people using hit-run tactings, and so forth. And everytime you ask the same question. What is it - a parrot sindrom.

Man you just very very strange debater (if i even can call you that).

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The reason they are not finishing up is the civilians.I just watched history channel and Berlin fell in 2 weeks.Do not tell me Chechens tougher than Germans.

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Salaamu Alaikum my muslim brothers. You see those mother fuckers in chechnya are not muslims. They are terrorists and bandits who use ALLAH's name to commit crimes! InshaAllah they will all be killed soon! AllahuAkbar! AllahuAkbar! Die bandits in Chechnya! Die! Die! Morons need to email me.

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Monday, 24 January, 2000, 03:59 GMT

Chechens cling on to Grozny

Chechen commander Mumadi Saidayev meanwhile denied Russian reports that Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov had been wounded.

Saidayev said he had spoken to President Maskhadov on Sunday and that he was well.

Mr Maskhadov's wife Kusama also denied the Russian reports. She said her husband was in good spirits and committed to crushing the latest onslaught.

"We believe that victory will be ours," she said.

Inshaa Allah, victory will be ours. Allah will never leave his true worshipers without his support.

An army of about 200 000 solider, supported with tanks, airplanes and artillery can not defeat some thousands of fighters who have no tanks, airplanes or artillery !!!!!!!. When we read the islamic history, we can notice easily that muslims never won a battle because of their huge numbers or advanced weapons, no, we only win with the help of Allah, and then with our belief.

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INSHAALLAH victory will be chechen people. Not chechens terrorists in Chechnya! It's true Allah never leaves his true worshipers thats why people of Chechnya are being helped by Russian people and people from all over the worlds. And that's why bandits are loosing ground and will be killed off soon! ALLAHUAKBAR!

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"""By FredLeDingue ( - on Sunday, January 23, 2000 - 09:46 pm:

You, muslims are worshiping textes not God. """

Did you know if what you said were true, we would be committing an unbelievable sin, because the foundation of Islam is based on oneness and uniqueness of God. "YOU ALONE WE WORSHIP, AND YOU ALONE WE ASK FOR HELP". For a person who understands, this has such a great meaning.

I also find amusing the concept of Islamic God vs. Christian God. Unknown to the ignorants, both are the one and the same regardless of what they are called (to pre-empt some, No Jesus is not the God, but one of our prophets!).

Being knowledgeable on islamic matters, and worshipping texts are entirely different things.

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To Igor

"I ask you Muslims when you lose and you will, will you still believe in Allah or will you be convinced that he lied to you and is a FAKE."

Yes, we will still believe in Allah, and we will recognize that we do not deserve vicroty at the moment, and we will try to do our best to go back to the Quran and Sunna, then we will fight again. If we win, we will thank Allah that he was generous to us. Igor, muslims never loose their faith in Allah, I would like to remind you, that our prophet Mohamed ( PBUH )himself, was defeated in the battle of Ohed. He and muslims never lose their faith. On the contrary, Muslims learned a lot of lessons from that battle and for a long time they kept winning and winning. We do not fight for land or glory, we fight for LA ELLAH ELLA ALLAH. I hope you understand that, and I hope you start talking in a decent way too.

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To almar from bosnia & h.

Where did you learn ALLAh AKABER ? in the church or in the synagogue ?

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Almar wrote

"You see those mother fuckers in chechnya are not
muslims. They are terrorists and bandits who use ALLAH's name to commit crimes!"

You mean Malak Saidullayev and Bislan Gantimirov, and ?Qadiriyev?

"thats why people of Chechnya are being helped by
Russian people" get to the next life early?

"And that's why bandits are loosing ground and will be killed off soon!"

Please go to the Bosnian Language Website at - you are suffering from
russian brainwashing.

Almar - may Allah guide you to the straight path, of which there is only one. Satan is waiting to
the left and the right, and above and below, to
mislead. Please open your eyes. Do not get
confused by Sufi/Wahhabi debates. There is only
one Islam.

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what a joy. one more russian solder is having a hard time.

This type of news are bringing home the human face of the war. It is not possible not to feel sadness, and not because I'm a soft-hearted. There is no reason for average people to fight with each other or to kill each other. They are pawns on a game played by oligarchs, readily expendable.

Bulk of the Russian soldiers are young, naive people, supposedly their whole life in front of them. They must have families and friends worying about them. They must have dreams and expectations. No one should be left in a position of that poor soldier.

I have no pity for rapists, thieves, or killers, but somehow I can not help feel sory for the average Russian soldier. I hope regardless of which side we are on, we can all share the same feeling for innocent victims.


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Chechen woman Machayev, only the second name available, holds the dead body of her 1-year old daughter, as she talks with a Russian interior ministry officer while waiting to cross the Ingush-Chechen border, Sunday, Jan 23, 2000, to bury her daughter in her homeland. They have lived in the Sputnik refugee camp for four months. Russian troops battled Islamic rebels Sunday in increasingly intense fighting for control of Grozny, military officials said. Cause of the childs death is not known.

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Just look at the "liberated Chechens"!

Machayev, a Chechen woman, holds the dead body of her 12-month-old daughter as her husband adjusts a blanket, covering the child, as they wait to cross the Ingush-Chechen border, Sunday, Jan 23, 2000, to bury her in Chechnya.

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The only thing russians are skillfull:

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IGor, what is that web page, i went there and looked for 30 secs. What is it? Why you want me to see it? Whats your point?

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"By Svoloch ( - on Sunday, January 23, 2000 - 03:37 am:
da ya vsex v zjopu viby ybludki (krome diman. igor, caucasian, georgian)
vi blea ybludki y bas eshe sosat' bydite.
a ti slovak, ya tvoyu mamy evbal yzje raz 10, xyili toly ebat' stayu shluxy, nado bydet u teba viebem, ne somnevaise v etom Slovak. ti zje znaesh mi tvou ncaeu ebali mnogo raz, eshe odin raz ne povredit, shtob ti syka znal kto tvou xazaevi.a to kommynist ebanei past' zakroi, pytin predyshit tvou paretu kommynesticheskyu, on sam znaet shto za nevo ne kto ne progalasyet esli on s kommynistami bydet...tak shto loz shyshi vesla.

ebal vas vsex v rot vasha lubimae Svoloch"

Svoloch, ya odin zdes za Kommynistov, ya na tebya ne chivo ploxogo ne pizdel, i tbl cyka pashol i raspustil svoi ezik. Pachimy kusok dermo kak tbl vso vremya pra menya pizdish? Xoxol ebaniy, ya tebya dam v pizdy za etix slov. Tbl poka esho malinkiy govnuk, tbl ne kamy ne nuzhin. Idi lutshe zakonchi shkoly. Ya tebye ne patcan vchirashniy tbl lox. Mne po xuey shto staboi v zhizne sluchitso, tak shto kher staboi. Bolshe na shot Kommynistov NE PIZDI!!

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