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Archive through January 25, 2000

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Adder just watch and see how it happens.It is just a matter of time ,the civilians are in the way.Once the civilians are out of the way POOF and it's all over.

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Even superpowers can be brought to their heels when their enemies employ asymmetric warfare
By Harry Levins

Imagine that nature pits you against a grizzly bear. The bear comes equipped with big teeth and sharp claws. You come equipped with small teeth and dull fingernails.

So you reach for a rifle.

That's asymmetric warfare. Instead of fighting on the enemy's terms, you fight on your own.

The Chechen rebels insist on waging asymmetric warfare against the Russian army. The Russian army seems to be stunned, just as it was stunned in Chechnya in 1994-96 - and just as its predecessor, the Soviet army, was stunned in the 1980s when the Afghans insisted on waging asymmetric warfare.

You'd think that by now, somebody would have learned a lesson. And maybe somebody has. The U.S. Army is finally getting around to putting a dose of asymmetry in its own combat training.

But first, the Russians. They're not training. They're fighting a life-and-death war, and they seem to be doing a bad job of it.

The first time around in Chechnya, the Russians tried to storm Grozny with tanks. The Russian army had built itself around tanks - all the better to roll over NATO with - so the Russians used what they had at hand.

Bad idea. Cities and tanks mix poorly. In narrow streets, tanks get slowed down and bottled up. A gutsy rebel with a few vodka-bottle gasoline bombs can rain havoc from high-rise buildings. Vodka bottles vs. tanks - that's classic asymmetrical warfare. It worked.

This time around, the Russians decided to bomb and shell Grozny from afar before walking in and taking over. Two problems.

First, bombing and shelling turns a city into rubble that makes the going even tougher for attackers. (In 1942-43, the Germans contributed with firepower to their own folly at Stalingrad, which the Russians seem to have forgotten.)

Second, in a CNN age, few nations can afford the public-relations black eye that they get from bombing and shelling civilians. The Israelis still pay a PR price for having shelled Beirut apartment buildings in the '80s.

Now, the Russians have put themselves in a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't dilemma. If they fail to take Grozny, they're a paper tiger. If they take Grozny, the butcher's bill on both sides will run wretchedly high, with frightful PR consequences.

The Russian generals must wish the accursed Chechens would fight back with tanks and artillery pieces - in others words, wage symmetrical warfare. Most generals in most armies feel most comfortable when they fight an enemy like themselves. Everybody plays by the same rules, and if your army is bigger (or smarter), you win.

In Desert Storm, the U.S. Army faced a desert enemy that used Soviet tanks and Soviet doctrine. That made the Iraqis the perfect enemy. For an entire decade, the U.S. Army had trained hard out in the California desert to fight the Soviet army.

That training paid off big time against the Iraqis. But it paid off only once. Generals all over the world watched the war on CNN. Even the dullest among them must have concluded that fighting the U.S. Army on its own terms was madness.

Now, the U.S. Army itself is coming to grips with what it hath wrought. Reporter Richard J. Newman of U.S. News & World Report recently returned to that California training center.

Soon, Newman says, GIs who rotate through for war games will face an asymmetric enemy - one who fights in villages, who uses cheap jammers to befoul the Army's electronics, who tosses chemical weapons around and who has access to such miracles as night-vision goggles.

That's miserable for the GIs. But it's a reassuring sign that their generals may be learning a lesson the Russians seem determined to ignore.

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Congradulations on one of the most factual and creditable postings I have ever read on this board. Indeed, warfare has reached a point as in industry that diversification is a most critical element in assuring survival, promenance and victory. There is no longer a system of just simply rolling in with tanks and expect the opponent to just give up, ie., Prague, Hungry, Afganistan, Timor, Chechnya and the likes both, present and future. NICE JOB.

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By Truthseeker ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 10:39 am:

thankyou 🙂

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By adder21 ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 09:30 am:

By Antonio ( - on Monday, January 24, 2000 - 10:46 pm:

unless they convert to Roman Catholicism, which is the One True Religion established by God Himself

1993, Father Anthony McCallen, 47, jailed for three and a half years for indecently assaulting young boys and taking indecent photographs.
1994, Father Brendan Smyth, 54, jailed for four years in Belfast Crown Court for sexually abusing girls and boys for more than 20 years.

1996, Father Joseph Steele, 67, of Belfast, jailed for two and a half years for indecently assaulting three boys and seven girls over a 14-year period.

1996, Father Frederick Linale, 59, jailed for 10 years for sexually assaulting two teenage boys over a period of five years

The above-mentioned priests are NOT Roman Catholic, but are Novus Ordoites. The Novus Ordo church began with the Vatican II Council, which was NOT a Dogmatic Council and therefore has no authority in the Catholic Church. The Novus Ordo, which was launched by Vatican II, is basically a Protestant Revolution against the Catholic Church. The True Mass of the Roman Catholic Church is the Latin Tridentine Mass canonized by Pope St. Pius V and decreed in perpetuity to be the Mass. But the Novus Ordoites do not offer the Sacrifice of the Mass, but rather they have "Eucharistic Liturgies", that is, communal meals of their Novus Ordoite believers. And they don't even do their Protestant-like worship services in Latin, but in English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese etc.

Currently, there are only about 6 Roman Catholic bishops in the world, and one of them is not John Paul II, who is a Novus Ordoite. But we, those faithful to the traditional Latin Mass, are the remanant.

And Jesus was willing to die for the salvation of humanity, which was an act of charity and self-sacrifice for humanity. To call this child abuse is to think like a bigot Liberal Supremecist or a Jew.

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A federal judge has ruled that the religious liberty clauses of the First Amendment do not protect the Roman Catholic Church from child-abuse lawsuits.

By Antonio ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 10:56 am:

U.S. district Judge Ernest C. Torres denied motions to drop three child-abuse lawsuits against two Rhode Island Roman Catholic priests, their churches and the Diocese of Providence. The churches and the diocese filed the motions arguing that the religious liberty clauses would be infringed if the courts were allowed to decide if church officials had done enough to keep the priests from sexually molesting children.

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By adder21 ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 11:15 am:

MANILA (AP) – A Roman Catholic nun was sentenced to three to five years in jail Tuesday for beating an 11-year-old student at a Catholic school, court officials said.

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Les lourdes pertes de l'armée russe à Grozny paralysent son avancée

M. Poutine multiplie les nominations en Tchétchénie

Mis à jour le lundi 24 janvier 2000

LE KREMLIN, qui rêvait de « hisser le drapeau russe sur Grozny » avant les législatives du 19 décembre, puis avant le Nouvel An, s'est résigné, dimanche 23 janvier, à organiser une cérémonie de ce type dans un quartier excentré du nord-ouest de la capitale tchétchène, à Starypromyslovskii. Mais des journalistes étrangers, qui devaient assister à l'événement, n'y furent finalement pas admis : un officier russe leur a avoué que la sécurité n'est pas assurée dans cette zone, dite « libérée » déjà en décembre, puis début janvier.

Les combats, au prix de pertes de plus en plus lourdes pour l'armée russe à mesure que celle-ci s'engage dans la ville, se poursuivaient par ailleurs, dimanche, dans tout Grozny, « surmontée de colonnes de fumées et secouée en permanence par les explosions des tirs d'artillerie, des bombes et des missiles largués par hélicoptères et avions », selon Radio Svoboda.

La place centrale de Minoutka, annoncée par l'armée russe comme prise la semaine dernière, restait dimanche aux mains des milliers de combattants tchétchènes présents dans la ville, a constaté un correspondant de l'AFP. Ce dernier, qui a interrogé plusieurs militaires russes, a estimé à « cinquante morts au moins » les pertes qu'ils ont subies dans Grozny au cours des trois derniers jours. Les chiffres officiels donnés, dimanche, étaient, eux, de « quatre morts et neuf blessés » en 24 heures, soit, comme toujours, inférieurs à dix. Un journaliste de la télévision NTV a annoncé, dimanche, que cette chaîne privée est désormais interdite de déplacements avec l'armée, punie pour avoir cité un officier russe annonçant une autre cinquantaine de soldats russes tués dans les montagnes du sud.

Ces pertes soulèvent un vent de fronde. « Qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire en ville avec des chars ? Tenez, les rebelles viennent d'endommager un blindé. Nos soldats y ont laissé leurs armes », a ainsi déclaré à l'AFP l'officier Maxime, vingt-quatre ans, en soulignant que les soldats envoyés en première ligne sont des conscrits sans formation. « On a déjà fait la guerre ici en 1994-1996. Avec quel résultat ? Faire mourir des soldats. Et maintenant, la situation est exactement la même », a-t-il ajouté.,2320,seq-2037-39755-QUO,00.html

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By adder21 ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 11:19 am:

March 25, 1998 - A former West Texas altar boy, identified in court documents as John Doe, has sued the Roman Catholic Dioceses in Lubbock and Amarillo, alleging that church officials either knew or should have known a now-dead priest abused him for ten years.
In his suit, the plaintiff alleges Rodney Howell, who died from cancer in 1992, began sexual abusing him in 1982 in O'Donnell, about 40 miles south of Lubbock. Complicating the case, court records show the plaintiff did not recall any of the alleged assaults until 1996, four years after the priest's death. According to the suit, the plaintiff says he is suffering from chronic post traumatic stress disorder from his experiences.

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By Antonio ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 10:56 am

Sisters allege sex abuse by priest uncle

Journal staff writer

Three women yesterday said their uncle, a Roman Catholic priest of the Jesuit Order, sexually assaulted them on hundreds of occasions when they were children living in New Carrollton.

The women during a news conference in Washington said their uncle - a 74-year-old priest on administrative leave from a position as a researcher at the Jesuit-funded Woodstock Theological Center on the campus of Georgetown University - repeatedly subjected them to sexual abuse when they were between the ages of 5 and 14.

The priest has been ``forbidden to exercise any public pastoral ministry," the Rev. James R. Stormes, head of the Jesuit Order in Maryland, said in a statement. That means he cannot perform a public Mass or hear confession.

Sources familiar with the internal policies of the Jesuit Order said the suspension of public priestly duties ``is a very serious step."

The priest - who has not been identified here because neither criminal charges nor a civil lawsuit has been filed against him - has been undergoing counseling at St. Luke's Institute in Adelphi since being recalled two years ago from a mission in China, said the Rev. Tom Economus, a priest with the Reform Catholic Church and head of the Chicago-based Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse Linkup Inc.

The women's names also have been withheld because they are relatives of the priest.

Stormes, who acts roughly in the capacity of a Roman Catholic Bishop, refused to comment and referred all questions to a Maryland Province of the Jesuit Order spokesman, who did not return telephone calls.

The Maryland Jesuits are bound by confidentiality requirements similar to those between doctors and patients, and leaders cannot reveal whether the priest has made any comments in response to the allegations, sources said.

The sisters - with two others who were not present yesterday - tried to bring charges of child abuse and sexual assault against their uncle in Prince George's County Circuit Court in November but were told the statute of limitations had expired, Economus said.

Assistant State's Attorney Tonia Belton-Gofreed said four of the sisters met with Prince George's County sexual assault detectives and discussed filing charges. But during the time the assaults took place, between the mid-1940s and early 1960s, there were no statutes in Maryland law pertaining to child sexual assault, Belton-Gofreed said.

The women came forward after a relative in January 1996 received from the priest - then a missionary in China - a letter that they say suggested the tendencies of a pedophile.

After the Jesuits recalled the priest from China, the women say that in July 1996 he confessed to another member of their family that he had molested them when they were children.

The women in 1996 approached the Baltimore-based Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus and asked that the group pay for psychotherapy costs and initiate a more thorough screening process for men who attempt to join the order, said Denis L. Ventriglia, a Wilmington, N.C., attorney representing the women.

The priest is not employed and has never lived on the Georgetown University campus, according to a university release

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By Antonio ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 10:56 am

Priest pleads guilty to three counts of molesting boys

DALLAS (AP) - A suspended Roman Catholic priest admitted in court Tuesday that he sexually abused altar boys, pleading guilty to three of eight counts against him as his molestation trial started.

The Rev. Rudolph Kos, 52, could be sentenced to between two and 20 years in prison for one count of sexual assault of a child and two of indecency with a child. Prosecutors are still seeking convictions on three counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child and two indecency counts.

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Accused priest removed from church

By Antonio ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 10:56

Stinner sent to unidentified facility,
away from children
Staff Writer
((Published March 5, 1997))
A priest accused of sexually abusing boys while he served in Orange County during the 1960s and '70s has been removed from his Westchester County church.
The Rev. Francis Stinner, who had been serving at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church in Bronxville

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Why is it all right for Russia to subject civilians in Grozy and villages in Daghestan to indiscriminate and brutal bombardment in an effort to forcibly retain territories in the Caucuses but not for Indonesia to try and hang on to East Timor? If you recall, India too had invaded and occupied the Portuguese enclaves of Daman, Deu and Goa in 1964. Why single out East Timor alone for liberation? Seventy thousand Kashmiris have been slain and countless others raped, maimed or incarcerated, in a brutal suppression by India that has lasted over ten years.
The United Nations does not recognise Kashmir to be a part of India and is committed to holding a plebiscite in the state. Why should it so actively involve itself in East Timor and not even talk about Kashmir? If it is right for Georgia and Armenia to gain independence from Russia, why is it wrong for the Chechens and Daghestanis to nurture similar aspirations?

Why should the plight of innocent Kashmiri, Chechen and Daghestanis women and children be any less desrving of our sympathies than the East Timorians? The reactions from the western governments as well as the media, in each of these cases, have been so different and contradictory as to smack of gross hypocrisy. Not so long ago, we witnessed similar similar double standards when former Yugoslavia broke up, with horrendous consequences for the Bosnians and Kosovars

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Hey every one, listen:
the general is speaking, so little fart russians LISTEN:

we russians all have been fvcked up by the chechens and we lost the war. i am sorry russians, chechens even fvcked up our Mother, russia. i feel so humiliated to face u, you SOB's.

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