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Archive through January 25, 2000

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24 Jan 2000: Interview with Foreign Mujahideen Commander , Ibn-ul-Khattab.

The following interview was done upon the request of all brothers and sisters who have e-mailed the Qoqaz web
site. All brothers and sisters should address any questions to the following e-mail address:

Q.1 What are the latest developments in the Grozny? Are communications ongoing between the Mujahideen in
the capital and Mujahideen who are in outlying areas?

A.1 All praise be to Allah and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet of Allah. After months
of siege and bombardment, Russian forces attempted at the start of this New Year (2000 Crucifix calendar) to
storm Grozny from the vicinity of Khankala, east of the city. They also attacked from the heights of Tapap
(431.8) that overlook the capital from the southeast, and from the southern suburbs of Kai Kalo. At the onset of
the attack, Russian troops advanced a few dozen meters into the city. However, the enemy quickly became
embroiled in a pitched battle with the Mujahideen, the results of which ended with the defeat of Russian forces
who suffered massive casualties.

By the Will of Allah, the Mujahideen also recaptured Khankala and the areas east of Grozny. This forced the
enemy to switch their attack from the areas east of the capital to other areas north and west of the city. All
praise be to Allah, the renewed attacks were also summarily defeated. It is important to note that these defeats
have lead to widespread mutiny and disarray within the ranks of the Russian military. This forced high-ranking
officers to personally lead their units into battle, in hope of maintaining order and discipline amongst the
Russian troops. However, this move has only lead to the death and capture of many of these officers. As for the
status of communications between Mujahideen within Grozny and those stationed in other areas, we thank Allah
Most High who has ensured that all communications remain open and unhindered. We also thank Allah for
having kept the Mujahideen in full and absolute control over all of Grozny until this very moment.

Q.2 How were the Mujahideen capable of standing up to Russia’s massive and modern military machine?
What kind of weapons are you using?

A.2 The success of the Mujahideen in withstanding the Russian military machine and successfully defeating it
in battle is attributed first and foremost to the will of Allah Most High. This is also attributed to the sincerity of the
Mujahideen in fighting for their faith and their homeland – it is a fight that will continue until the oppression of the
defeated Russian government is finished. Our most effective weapon is our faith in Allah Most High, and the
reliance on none other than Allah. We also use stocks of weapons captured from the Russian army in the
course of battle, like the Prophet Muhammad - Peace and Blessings be upon Him - said: "My provision has
been made under the shade of my spear. " [Sahih]

Q.3 Do the Mujahideen have the ability to sustain their Jihad for an extended period of time? If so, for how

A.3 Yes, the Mujahideen are capable of sustaining the Jihad against the Russian Army, otherwise, they would
not have hastened to support their brothers who were attacked by the Russians in Dagestan. In fact, this
question should be asked to the Russian Government. Was it not the Russians whose forces were defeated
that asked for a cease-fire in 1996? Was it not the Russian military that lost Grozny for a third consecutive time
to the Mujahideen? Ask them, do they think they have the ability to continue fighting the Mujahideen? And for
how long will this war continue? We say it will continue until all Russian forces in the Caucasus are annihilated, a
feat that is not difficult upon Allah.

Q.4 All wars require funding. Chechnya is a small and impoverished country, and in the face of the Russian
attacks, expenditures and costs must be considerably higher than normal for a war such as this. From where do
you receive your funding, and what are your sources of arms?

A.4 The Afghans were far more impoverished than their brothers in Chechnya, yet once they took up arms to
defend their religion, they never laid them down until they defeated Russia. The Mujahideen in Chechnya are
receiving all kinds of support from their brothers and sisters in the Caucasus and from around the world. The
support from Muslims everywhere is tremendous, and its positive effects are evident during the course of battle
against the enemy. Most of our weapons are either captured or purchased from the Russian military. In fact, this
defeated army is willing to sell all of Russia for money, just as the loser Putin is selling Russia for his own
personal gain by sending Russian troops to fight a war whose objectives they are unfamiliar with, and whose
duration is unknown to them.

Q.5 What is the true nature of the relationship between yourselves and President Maskhadov? Is there any truth
to reports that claim there are serious differences between you?

A.5 Aslan Maskhadov is the President of Chechnya, as all people know and acknowledge. We are in full
agreement as to the need to pursue this Jihad until the Russian military is decisively defeated. If there are any
differences between us, they are marginal, and are natural to human nature.

Q.6 How would you evaluate the losses of the Mujahideen and the Russian military during this war?

A.6 As far as we are concerned, any casualties cannot be considered losses, for we are fulfilling the great
tenet of Jihad – the peak of Islam. We also recognise that living according to Allah’s laws and applying them
does not come without being rigorously tested. The enemy on the other hand, has suffered massive casualties.
There are hundreds of destroyed Russian military vehicles across Chechnya. In fact, the Russian military
hastens to remove the destroyed hulls of their armour to conceal the extent of their losses and to attempt to
maintain morale amongst their troops. The enemy has also lost no less than ten thousand (10,000) dead and
many more injured. This number is rising daily as the Russians have to depend increasingly on infantry assaults
around Grozny, as opposed to the earlier stages of the war that were characterized primarily by long-range

Q.7 The Russian leadership has announced that it would not end this war until it wiped out all β€œterrorists”! What
is your response to these statements?

A.7 The methods of destroying terrorists do not involve the destruction of homes, the burning of farms and the
murder of women, children and the elderly. What the Russians are doing amounts to state-sponsored terrorism
that is part of international criminal actions against all Muslims. It is for this reasons that the determination of
Muslims in the Caucasus to rid themselves of the Russian yoke grows stronger day by day. Let the Russians
also know that the Muslims will never relent in their Jihad if they lose members of their leadership; when Jawhar
Dudayev was killed, Chechen feelings became even more inflamed against the Russians, and proved to be
another factor in the continuation of Jihad against the enemy.

Q.8 How would you describe the position of Muslims and the international community towards your cause?

A.8 Undoubtedly, the popular sentiment amongst the Muslims has had a very positive impact upon the Jihad in
Chechnya, as it always has in all Islamic causes throughout the world. We are indebted to our brothers and
sisters for their supplications to Allah that He may grant victory to the Mujahideen, and for the other forms of
support they have offered. We say from our positions here that the victories achieved by the Mujahideen are
attributed first to Allah Most High, and then to the unflinching support received from all quarters of the Ummah
(Islamic Nation) throughout this conflict. On the other hand, the position of the international community is
disgraceful. There have been no concerted international efforts that set deadlines for the end of the war, and
that threaten to implement these deadlines by using force, as was the situation in East Timor. No NATO troops
moved within 48 hours to come to the aid of the beleaguered people of Chechnya, as was the case for other
places around the world. This is because all infidels are but one in their actions, as Allah Most High describes
them: "Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with you unless you follow their form of religion.."
[Quran 2:120]

Q.9 Do you believe there is a possibility of reaching a peaceful solution to the conflict?

A.9 Several commanders attempted to reach a peaceful end to the conflict by following international
resolutions and norms. Despite their efforts, the war continued against the Muslims of Chechnya, as well as
other places, including Dagestan, Karachay, Ingushetia and other Islamic republics. I echo the comments of my
brother Shamil Basayev, may Allah keep him well, on the subject, that the only resolution to the conflict is the
implementation of Sharia Law and the trial of Russia and her criminals of war.

Q.10 We have heard of negotiations between Russian and certain β€œChechen commanders” – what are your

A.10 These reports are untrue. None of the field commanders, all of whom are well known, have made any
announcements in this regard. If, however, certain businessmen like Malik Sayidlev are announcing this through
the media, that is because they are slaves of the Russian government which, in turn, is trying to fool the world
into believing that it is involved in negotiating a peaceful settlement to the war. Common sense dictates the
following question: How could the battles be raging across all of Chechnya when there are peace negotiations

Q.11 Do you have a final statement you would like to make?

A.11 We thank Allah, Most High, the Most Powerful, the Almighty, who defeated the atheists and reversed their
plots against them, and who bestowed victory upon the Mujahideen. We thank Him, for helping the Mujahideen
prove to the world that no military machine and nothing material is capable of obstructing the power of Iman and
absolute conviction in Allah. " Allah will certainly aid those who aid his (cause), For verily Allah is full of
strength, Exalted in Might " [Quran 22:40]

I also remind all those who wish to know the truth of what is happening in Chechnya to visit our sites on the
Internet: and And the last of our prayers is that all praise be to Allah, and may
Peace of Allah be upon you all.

Field Commander Ibn-ul-Khattab, Monday 24 January 2000

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Q.3 Do the Mujahideen have the ability to sustain their Jihad for an extended period of time? If so, for how

A.3 Yes, the Mujahideen are capable of sustaining the Jihad against the Russian Army, otherwise, they would
not have hastened to support their brothers who were attacked by the Russians in Dagestan. In fact, this
question should be asked to the Russian Government. Was it not the Russians whose forces were defeated
that asked for a cease-fire in 1996? Was it not the Russian military that lost Grozny for a third consecutive time
to the Mujahideen? Ask them, do they think they have the ability to continue fighting the Mujahideen?

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Adder21....your post about how warfare has changed was right on.

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By Gonzo ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 12:41 pm:

thankyou! makes alot of sense eh!!

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Ultra Russian Nationalist,

ti staraia voniuchaia pizda- ti nakovo svoi rot otkril?? Tebe PIDARY nado po-polochkam razlozhit? I tebe, soske skazal russkim iazikom (ili ti po-russki ne ponimaesh, potz?) ili Ia tebe ne skazal chto za granitzey rabotaiu? Skazal jze blea..a ti ybliudok, ne zapomnil..nexorosho polychaetsa..teper' vo-vtorix - ia v zhizni ne polzovalsa, tak chto i programist ti xyevii..i voobche - ti kakogo xyia menia takie voprosi spashivaesh - ne nravit'sa otvet - bol'she ne sprashivai -TI MENIA PONIAL -PIZDA COMMYNISTICHESKAIA??? chtob ia tvoi voprosi ko mne bol'she ne videl, suchari - TI BLYA PO-CHELOVECHESKI RAGOVARIVAT' NE YMEESH,
esche ras vieebeshsa - iaitca otorvy, blea πŸ™

a moia compania na poloviny americanskaia - tak chto pishy ia is ameriki - ia NIKOGDA ne govoril chto zhivy v Rossii - I tol'ko skazal chto kampania na poloviny rysskaia - ti xot' eto PONIMAESH, ybliydok ?????

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U R N,

I tebe zabil skazat' chto v jzizni NE polzovalsa AOL..kakoi ti voobche programist , blea? XYEVII TI PROGRAMIST, VASIA...I VIEBIVATS'A BOL'NO LIUBISH..ti y nas sil'no viebistii, da???

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Why do you think that all those Eastern European countries couldn't get away from Russia fast enough? Because Russia "as it is" is not a civilised country. It is an evil empire. Only brings pain & suffering to population, including Russians.
Chechens wants to have their freedom in their own country. Doesn't matter if they are Muslim or not, they are waging an indepence war against aggression, therefore they deserve to be supported.

* Turkish pot calling kettle ...

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"Ultra Russian Nationalist,

ti staraia voniuchaia pizda- ti nakovo svoi rot otkril?? Tebe PIDARY nado po-polochkam razlozhit? I tebe, soske skazal russkim iazikom (ili ti po-russki ne ponimaesh, potz?) ili Ia tebe ne skazal chto za granitzey rabotaiu? Skazal jze blea..a ti ybliudok, ne zapomnil..nexorosho polychaetsa..teper' vo-vtorix - ia v zhizni ne polzovalsa, tak chto i programist ti xyevii..i voobche - ti kakogo xyia menia takie voprosi spashivaesh - ne nravit'sa otvet - bol'she ne sprashivai -TI MENIA PONIAL -PIZDA COMMYNISTICHESKAIA??? chtob ia tvoi voprosi ko mne bol'she ne videl, suchari - TI BLYA PO-CHELOVECHESKI RAGOVARIVAT' NE YMEESH,
esche ras vieebeshsa - iaitca otorvy, blea πŸ™

a moia compania na poloviny americanskaia - tak chto pishy ia is ameriki - ia NIKOGDA ne govoril chto zhivy v Rossii - I tol'ko skazal chto kampania na poloviny rysskaia - ti xot' eto PONIMAESH, ybliydok ?????""U R N,

I tebe zabil skazat' chto v jzizni NE polzovalsa AOL..kakoi ti voobche programist , blea? XYEVII TI PROGRAMIST, VASIA...I VIEBIVATS'A BOL'NO LIUBISH..ti y nas sil'no viebistii, da???"

Vo pervih, Xoxol Ebaniy, y menya est vapros k tebye, pachimy vse ukraintsi obzivaut drugih Vasyi? Bi xoxli lubiti etu emyu Vasya? Shto, tovarish Vasya vas ebal? Ya skazal shto ya programist, a ne blya s internetom zanimaeus, tak shto tbl lox, ili na aol ili na xueya. Na kogo ya rot otrkil? Na tebya siklo vanuchiya. Na shot tvayu raboty, gnida, tbl ne kamy ne nuzhin za granitsu. Tbl malinkiy pizdun i vso, tbl ne chivo v svayei karotkiye jizne ne vidil, tak shto rot zapri i kluch vibrise. Esli tbl be rabotal za granitsiy, tebye be eti chechensi 100 raz be uje po rezili na pat kusochkov. Togda oni be vzali tvau malinkuy pipisky, i be zasunili eyo k tebye v rot ebaniy! Tvaya kompaniya na polovinu rycckaya i na polovinu amerikanskoya? Tak... tbl malinkiy i tupoi urod, gde tbl naxodishsa vobshe? Za granitsiy ili v Shtatax? Mnogo pizdish fedya, malo misle v slov tvayih.

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Russian Troops Are Sole Source Of Arms For Chechens, Claims Official

UNITED NATIONS, Jan 25, 2000 -- (Reuters) The "foreign minister" of Russia's breakaway Chechen republic, Ilyas Akhmadov, said on Monday the only way Chechen fighters could get weapons was to take them from dead Russian soldiers or buy them from individual Russians or certain army units.

"We are in a state of complete blockade. But at the same time we can always collect our weapons from dead Russian soldiers," he said during a meeting with U.N. correspondents.

"The more close combat with Russians we have, the more chance we get to get supplies of weapons and ammunition," he said, speaking through an interpreter.

Akhmadov said there was "one peculiarity in these so-called Russian-Chechen wars."

"Certain individuals within the Russian army, certain army units, are always ready to sell us weapons. There is no other way we can get weapons or ammunition or food," he added.

Akhmadov said the five-month old "Russian aggression," billed as a counter-terrorist operation, "turned very quickly into an all-out war against the civilian population" of Chechnya.

The latest fighting, a repeat of a 1994-96 war, began after Chechen militants launched attacks against Russia's neighboring Dagestan region.

"Since the beginning of the conflict, more than 10,000 people perished in this war. Practically all settlements, towns and villages have been destroyed," Akhmadov said.

Hundreds of thousands of people had lost their homes and more than 200,000 were refugees in nearby Ingushetia, though international humanitarian organizations could not get access to assess their situation, he added.

Akhmadov expressed surprise that the United Nations "keeps away from this problem," though he said he understood that the Security Council could not be involved in finding a resolution to the conflict.

This was an allusion to Russian opposition to any move to inscribe it on the council agenda, since Moscow considered Chechnya an internal matter.

Akhmadov said he was nevertheless shocked that the United Nations was not planning to meet anyone from Chechnya.

"People are even discussing whether or not Chechnya is being in a state of humanitarian catastrophe," he said.

"So far as what is going on in Chechnya, this is a disaster, an all-out disaster, and things cannot be even worse."

He said he had met some U.S. State Department officials in Washington as well as some senators, congressmen, members of think tanks and journalists, but gave no details.

Asked if he had tried to get in touch with any Security Council members or other U.N. members, he said: "On several occasions we tried to contact these bodies ... but we received no answer."

Although statistics "have been used by all sides as a propaganda tool," he said the Chechens and Russians agreed that between 25,000 and 35,000 civilians were trapped in Grozny, the embattled Chechen capital.

What do all of you think about this war now? Its just like first one... No one cares, they just want to make there money selling the weapons, and the longer they can keep the war going, the more money those fuckks can make.

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Ultra-PidorRussian National-onanist,

Vasia - eto potomy chto ti potzila, ane potomy chto ia s Ukraini(Odessa eto ne Ukraina) no ti SOSKA..ia vizjy ti viebistii..liubish v ochko, viebistii..TO CHTO TI PETYX ETO TEBE YJZE DO MENIA SKAZALI, ti sam znaesh chto ti petyx, PRAVDA, VASIA???;)A PROGRAMIST TI XYEVII PETOMY TI VSEM PIZDISH CHTO TI NE MATERIALIST - TI ZJE PROST TYPAIA SOSKA, i poetomy tebe zavidno chto Ia delaiu sebe xoroshyiu zhizn', a ti sosesh bolshoi xui( v priamom i perenosnom smisle)..PETYX TI VASIA, petyx..

Typoi petyx tojze..xochesh znat' pochemy typoi?? Pojzalsta πŸ™‚ - ti, potz menya sprosil ochen' typoi vopros : "Za granitsiy ili v Shtatax" TI CHE BLEA DEISTVITEL'NO TAKOI TYPOI ILI PRETVORIAESHS'A??? Shtati eto ne zagranitza???

OK,ok I dlea tebia, POTZA ob'iasnuy - zagranitza eto LIUBAIA strana kotoraia naxoditsa za predelami Rossii..I v tretii ras tebe govoriu - rabotaiu v amerike( tretii razzzz, ti pisiuk povtorrrriau)..esche ne doshlo, potzila??

A sho eto za gniloi pizdezh nashet chechentcev kotorie menia bydyt rezat' na piat' kysochkov????ti che, kozel, v marazm vpal? eto ne detskii sad, ti esche moiu mamy obzovi...hehe..potz

a moia "pipis'ka" te be v rot ne vleset, gomosek ti moi

Smile now πŸ˜‰

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The following is for the stupid people who think Russia will not get financial support:

"Russia's campaign in Chechnya has been fiercely criticised in the West but First Deputy Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov said he hoped the European Union would refrain from carrying out threats to impose mild sanctions on Moscow.

``Our position on Chechnya is based on clear facts and logic,'' Kasyanov was quoted by RIA news agency as saying. ``We would not like to believe that the European Union would anyway take a decision on sanctions.''"


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1. Jesus, peace be upon him, claimed that he was sent "to the house of Israel" - is this the Catholics?

2. Jesus, peace be upon him, said that he came not to destroy the Law but to fulfil it - then how come you Catholics screwed up the law about the Sabbath, about unclean meat, about circumcision, etc.

3. When Jesus, peace be upon him, comes again, he
will drive away some who claim to be his followers
even of those who did miracles in his name saying
they are none of his. Why?

Because they accepted the false prophet Saul aka
Paul, who never even met Jesus , peace be upon him, in his earthly life, despite being warned by Jesus, peace be upon him, about false prophets.

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By Antonio ( -

St. Paul), a man who never met Jesus (pbuh), a man who by his own admission persecuted the followers of Jesus (pbuh) by every means within his power and presided over their execution (see below), comes along. Suddenly one day St. Paul receives a vision from Jesus (pbuh), and his whole life is turned around. He now takes it upon himself through the authority of his visions to spread the word of Jesus to the whole world and to explain what Jesus really meant. Paul claims that the law of God through Moses
XE "Moses"
(pbuh) is worthless, decaying and ready to vanish away and faith in the crucifixion is the only requirement for a Christian to enter heaven (Romans 3:28, Hebrews 8:13...etc.).

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To: Kissie and all.

Sorry, Ladies and Gentlemen. You there in Western hemisphere think that Chechnya is a good new democratic country. Well, think it if you like. It enjoyed the souvereignity in 1996-1999 years. Results are the following: the slavery - more than 10000 slaves, mostly Chechens, more than 1200 hostages, the slave-trading _industry_ (Urus-Martan being the slave market). People were kidnapped from neighbouring republics. The criminals amputated hostages' fingers and sent to their relatives in order to get money faster. Russia transferred to Chechnya all the needed pensions, but no pensioners received them (Where are they??). A lot of people ran away (There are more Chechens in Moscow than in Chechnya itself) We saw all this and were silent, because it was de-facto independent country. And then Chechnya invaded Dagestan and Chechen terrorists blasted homes in Moscow and elsewhere. Sorry, Ladies and Gentlemen. It's enough. Either we Russians clean up this serpentary - or all the Caucasus will become one big slave market. We simply have no choice - as well as you Americans had no choice in your civil war many years ago. We lost 33'000'000 lives (unoficially) in WWII, and we will lose as much as needed now. The only alternative is to mourn our relatives lying under ruins of their homes or receive fingers of our beloved ones attached to ransom requests.

Now - about civilians in Grozny. Yes, there are civilians. The honest enemy should simply let them go. But we face not the honest enemy as Slobo that took 3 S-For soldiers, interrogated them and let them go. We face the enemy that ALWAYS uses the human shield. And in such conditions we try to save as many civilians _plus_ soldiers (Both are Russian citizens) as we can. We are not gods.

Then - about your right to teach us Russians the civil rights. I am thankful to you for the conceptions of civil rights. You fought for Civil Rights in your Civil War against slavery. Maybe now you will be so kind to hide your deep concern somewhere and let us fight our Civil War against our homebrew slave-traders? Otherwise, you would lose as you lost in Kosovo where you fought for democracy and civil rights and as a result created a monoethnic state and 350'000 refugees - and your enemy Slobo still rules. Or as you lost in Iraq where the hunger and diseases caused by your sanctions killed 1'200'000 Iraqis - and Saddam still rules. Number of your victims totals 1'550'000 dead and exiled - their blood is on your hands - and you still reserve the right to measure others' civilisedness.

And the last: foreign credits. Be there a referendum about the foreign credits, I'd vote to take NO MORE credits. At least, Russia took in 1999 less than $1000'000'000 and paid back more than $5'000'000'000. And I hope we shall pay the rest and never more be your hired Monica.

I rarely visit this board. If you want to flame - write


PS I HATE COMMIES. But it has no relation with Chechen theme.

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By Antonio ( -

according to the Bible:

β€œIf a man happens to meet a virgin
XE "Virgin"
who is not pledged to be married and rapes her
XE "Women, Rape and marriage"
and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives”
Deuteronomy 22:28-30

One must ask a simple question here, who is really punished, the man who raped the woman or the woman who was raped? What is to prevent someone from finding the best looking woman in town, raping her, telling everyone about it, and then having the courts force her to be his wife for the rest of her life?

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