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Archive through January 25, 2000

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>>> ane potomy chto ia s Ukraini(Odessa eto ne Ukraina)


Chto sluchilos', razve Adesa uzhe ne Ukraina?

P.S. "ane", kazetsya, pishetsya razdel'no.

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U R N,

A esli ti ne kumekaesh na internete, a tol'ko "programist" togda nechevo stroit' iz seb'a ymnogo i pizdet' pro AOL.."prgramist" xyev..

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Ultra Russian,

xot' ti blea i spotzoval, no vse ravno, nashet gazetnoi zametki chto ti vistavil, I tcelikom i polnost'iu soglasen - sooo many motherfuckers(from both sides) are making some big bucks on this war..that is •••••••-e-d up

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To: Ultra Russian Nationalist

It's very easy to talk about (absolutely real and terrible) humanitarian catastrophe as Akhmadov does. Especially after it was Akhmadov (et al.) himself who caused it in Dagestan.

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mi prosto ochen' gordie liudi, oddesiti 🙂 V Odesse ochen' malo Ukraintzev(approx.20%) i voobsche do 1960 goda eto bil Rossiiskii gorod, eto dyrak Xryschev otdal evo Ukraine..ny ne dyrik, li, huh? a do 1917 Odessa bila "porto-franko"(sea-port free of taxation)..tak chto y nas s ukraintcami ochen' malo obschego..vot takie vot dela..

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By adder21 ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 11:41 am:

Why is it all right for Russia to subject civilians in Grozy and villages in Daghestan to
indiscriminate and brutal bombardment

By Onlooker ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 12:15 pm:

A.6 As far as we are concerned, any casualties cannot be considered losses, for we are
fulfilling the great
tenet of Jihad – the peak of Islam.

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Kakoi takoi "AOL", URNa?!! Institutional brokerage - on i v amerike lombard...

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to Bal,

da, ti prav "ane" pishet'sa razdel'no(speshka) esli ti takoi grammaticheski pravil'nii to doljzen znat' chto Odessa pishets'a cherez "O" ane (shychy - A NE) "A".

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a chto odesa razve v krymu?naskol'ko menya uchili, Xruschev otval ukraine tol'kao krym. a ostal'nye 80% - eto kro, russkie?

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a chto odesa razve v krymu? naskol'ko menya uchili, Xruschev otdal ukraine tol'kao krym.

btw, a ostal'nye 80% naseleniya odesy - eto kro, russkie?

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Xryschev otdal Odessy vmeste s Krimom..a krome ukraintcev eche jzivyt russkie, evrei,kavkaztsi, greki, tatari i tak dalee..Odessa v printcipe ochen' internatcional'nii gorod...slyshai a ti sam to otkyda?..ili bydesh takim tainstvennim?

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To: adder21

You asked: Why don't Chechens enjoy the right to be independent, as Georgians and Armenians do?

Answer is short: Georgians and Armenians don't kidnap Russians for ransom and don't blast homes in Moscow.

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Antonio wrote:
The True Mass of the Roman Catholic Church is the Latin Tridentine Mass canonized by Pope St.
Pius V and decreed in perpetuity to be the Mass.


How would the prayers of Jesus, peace be upon him,' and that of his followers to God ( and the bible claims that he fell down on his face and prayed, in the garden of Gethsemene, like Muslims today still do!!) in Aramaic, an ancient hebraic language, during all of their lives, suddenly get thrown away, for some unclean, uncircumcised, sabbath-breaking, breaker of the ten commandments
to decide that there must be a mass said in Latin
as a form of prayer instead?

Woe O Catholics, for changing the Holy Words of
God with your own hands for a small price.

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>>> slyshai a ti sam to otkyda?..ili bydesh takim tainstvennim?

tainstvennym byt' interesnei. est' prostor dlya fantazii.

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et'tochno - vek jzivi, vek ychis' 🙂

as s fantaziei y nas vse v poriadke

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