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Archive through January 25, 2000

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By igor ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 04:04 pm

well if no one's reading them why are they responding to it...

also you dont have to read them if you dont want to. but for some reason you always do

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pussie pussie pussie, u again baby.

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good point but the problem is you are not a christian anymore......
* ROFL. What an argument. ROFL. A Swiftonian scholar. ROFL.

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>>> zaebalo TYPARIAM vse ob'iasniat' i raskladivat' po polochkam..

Chego udivlyatsya - eti russkie v bol'shynstve - nevezhestvennye i samovlyubluonnye kozly (tipa urny - "KPRF, KPRF". Vot dolbo-zasos!!

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Adder I have not responded to any of your religious crapand I scroll it real fast NOT INTERESTED>

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URNa(da, ti),

ny ti daesh!!! Y tebia taki da ochko vmesto golovi..hmm..compania na kotoroiu ia rabotaoiu napoloviny russkaia..tebe razjzevat ili sam doidesh, doxodiaga?? Ladnen'ko - razjzuiu - eto znachit chto ia predstavliaiu russkie interesi, takje kak i drugie russkie, zdes' rabotauschie...chetvertii raz ob'iasnaiu blea...MUDACHINA TI, PROSTOFILIA...

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By igor ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 04:12 pm:

well if you are scrolling through it then whats the problem with you?

"And if you are in doubt concerning that which we have sent down to our slave (Muhammad) then produce a chapter like it, and call your supporters and helpers besides Allah, if you are truthful!"
(Surah al-Baqarah 2:23)

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About onions, Bosna. Good snipers use onions to clear vision, but Your friends use onions to try to overcome the effect of honestly deserved tear gas.
On the other note, how's Your Euro-begging "country" doing? Enough onions?

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Dimitri the spunk bag

Tbl ne rabotoesh za Rucckuy companiy. Tbl nabarot rabotoesh v McDonalds. Eto ne rucckoya companiya, hvatit pizdet shto tbl tam ne naxodishsa 24/7.

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By igor ( -

"…they do not fall short of inflicting loss upon you; they love what distresses you; vehement hatred has already appeared from their mouths; and what is in their hearts is worse…" (3:118)

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ULTRA-Pidor(Russ.. for "faggot")RUSSIAN-National-ONANIST(Russian for MASTURBATOR),

A ti esche bol'she shrift voz'mi, mojzet esche "kryche" bydesh..hehe..ti blea takoi krytoi kak rogalik, blea..i takoi jze typoi..

ti blea takoi grozni, takim "krytim" matom siplesh...bleaaaa..kak tebia voobsche programistom vsiali???? TI JZE ONANIST(sinonim kommynizma)...ny pososi esli xochesh, ti jze gomosek...sloi i nischii pidar..dajze ne pidar, a tak - pidarochek

ne zabivai ylibat'sa, soska πŸ˜‰ tebe tak polegchaet, zavistnik ti moi

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"O Prophet! Incite the believers to the fight! If there are amongst you, twenty patient ones, they will defeat two hundred. And if there are amongst you 100 patient ones, they will defeat 1000 from the disbelievers as they are a people who understand not."[Surah Anfaal (8), Verse 65]

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"_they do not fall short of inflicting loss upon you; they love what distresses you; vehement hatred has already appeared from their mouths; and what is in their hearts is worse_" (3:118)
* Hey, adder, an excellent description of Bosna et. al., post some more of that.

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To: Adder21

Evidence that I have:

1) It's well known that Basayev and Khattab invaded Dagestan. So well-known that I hope no more proof is needed. Russia requested Maskhadov to deny his link with Basayev, he refused. This one fact is enough. But then Maskhadov appointed Basayev as his main military leader, it's more than enough.
2) When somebody blasted apartment buildings in Moscow, (Official Basayev's site) published interview with Basayev that told about MORE blasts that HE will do. I've personally seen this site.
3) It's widely known that a lot of hostages were exchanged to huge ransoms - and the other side was Chechen. Almost every day somebody is freed now. And everybody freed tells about tortures and so on. One man told "They were kind to me. They gave me anaesthetic drug when they amputated my finger to send it to my relatives. And they gave me cloth and iodine". Source (In Russian)
4) In Urus-Martan was discovered the FACTORY of explosives and CLASS for training terrorists. The technology used there was identical to the one used by terrorists in Russia.
5) A lot of well-known slave-traders were already arrested.
6) There is a documentary film produced by terrorists theirselves. It's terrible. It's SO terrible that Russian embassies show it to doubters, and usually somebody of them falls unconscious. Terrorists produced the film and sent it to victims' relatives to make them collect money faster.
7) Train robbery and planes and buses kidnapping was commonplace before the 1st Chechen war, and then Russia simply sent all transit routes around Chechnya.

I have not heard ANYTHING about any other Caucasian people doing the similar things.


And I've not mentioned ecological and economical crimes... What about gas attacks or 6 meters thick layer of oil waste?

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