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Archive through January 25, 2000

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to anatoly: OK there is no one there to negociate with. Still why go to war? They already proved the last time that the russian army could not go there and fight a gurrilla war and win. It is not that they are not strong enough they are not willing to lose the lives that it will take to win. So why not pull out and contain??? Makes sense huh? Don't let them out of chechnya let the people there deal with them. Russia is building itself up for major restructuring. meanig the other repulics that are there are going to see that they can break away as well and mother russia can't afford to contain everyone if that happens.

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The #1 evil empire is States!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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igor if texas california and any other state wanted to become a countrie I don't think that there will be anoter war here. People here are happy with the way the federal goverment works they stay out of the states business??

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WHy does U.S need this?___________

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you said all nations that used to be under Ottoman Empire are free..I am not sure if anyone asked you that, but how about those Kurds? Free yet?

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Igor the U.S.A. needs to be able to refute the attacks from any and all countries in the world. furthermore it seem as though there are more and more countries that are becoming nuclear threats like third world countries and stuff like that.

It also wants to be using the latest technologies. It supports are economy..

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Jamman you are naieve>The enemy is still Russia and China because they stand in the way of U.S. dominating the world.

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Russia is in a pickle over this one. Negotiations don't seem to be much of an option. The government has staked its political survival on success and the Chechens don't seem to mind taking a beating for what they believe. Now wether one referes to the Chechens as freedom fightors or terrorist at this point it does not matter. When you get right down to it, it all comes down to you got a bunch of harden guys with guns in Chechnya that are experienced fighters who don't want to be part of Russia. mean while you have the Russian army with a pride on the line plus the memory of Chechen attacks in the past, add that to the sensitive issue of Russian deaths of its troops in the public eye. What the answer? Well it seems only one of two things are going to happen. One Russia continues on with high losses and eventually occupies all of Chechnya and face for years to come snyper attacks and a distrust of the people arround them in Chechnya or 2 Give up and deal with Chechnya the way they did before this war which would probably lead to small on and off fighting.

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I like Russians. But I think they need to like themselves more. I am of russian decent. I think that russia will get smarter and the people will all revolt and democracy will prevail there. I just hoped that they could do it without the fighting but that is obviously not the case. The russian government oppresses people holds them down like animals and all of the smart russians leave. At least that is the way it seems.

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Igor I think you are confused about the U.S. they do not want world dominace. We want people to be happy with there countries and stay there. We do not like to go to other countries and fight. We definately do not want to run the whole world.
But we chose democracy and it works obviously. When which is now in the world every one looks around them and says to themselve what do they have that we don't. answer is three hundred and fifty million peoples ideas and power running the nation verses one!! it makes it a little bit tougher to make huge mistakes.

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JAMMAN you are very young in age.Study and you will learn. Check out hte sites I left you.

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I agree with you GREAT GONZO. If the russian would have stayed home and defended instead of invading things would be much better there. They say they lost 300 people to the bombings and now how many people have they lost and for what????

They are not making a statement about fighting terrorism. They are doing the same thing. Two wrongs don't make a right. But the thing of it is for me I see it as good thing for russia now that I think about it becuase there will not be a russia if this continues for long because eventually the russian people will get hip the the fact that if theyre going to stop bullets it should be for something that is worth fighting for "DEMOCRACY"

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Igor...What the. The states the evil empire....The states domnating the world. The USA has proved to me more respectfull to other nations than any other country that has found itself with the power that the US now has in the History of the world. Look at NATO no nations were forced to join and can leave at any time on like the old easter blck. Plus look at the empires of yesterday who seized colonys and held them untill they were forced to give them up. Plus look at Panama we built the dam canal, paid for it and there would not be a country know as Panama if it were not for the US yes the states gave the canal to Panama. We didn't give it back because it was not their to begin with. The USA gives more humnatarian aid via the Government and the private sectors than any other nation on earth by a large margin. Look at Honduras. After recent devistating storms who promised and delivered aid plus sent US personel in to help re-build knowing we would not be compinsated. Ask the South Koreans if they wished to live under North Korean rule . They would tell you no. Who made that possible ...The USA. Look at the post WWII period while the USSR put up repressive dictatorships which they controled after the war in the east the USA helped western europe re-build (the Marshall plan) with out putting in pupet goverments. Yes the USA has made mistakes but compared to super powers of the pastits got a good track record. Not to mention the fact the internet was an american invention and everyone is free to complain about the USA on it anytime with out the worry of any type of consequences. Plus if the USA is so evil why are so many people trying to move here....yes jobs...but freedom and capitolism created the jobs plus the fact in the USA no one limits how much and indavidual can prosper at the same time having a mimnum wage and other laws to protect workers from abuse. Something else is going on in the USA this year we are having elections and once again as it has been for over 200 years there will be a peacefull transfer of power from one person to another.

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