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Archive through January 25, 2000

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Jamman what about rights of those Russians killed and raped by Chechens? Did you at least look at 1 of those sites?

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Jamman, one thing Igor posted did intrest me the question what would happen if Texas would succed and become its own country. First all of the people in the US would move to Texas (joke). Really this is something that not going to happen it really is a mot question but for the sake of argument I will induldge. A good was to attack this question would be look at Cananda. Recently one Canada provadences had a vote on wether to become its own country and that region had many many social differences with the rest of Canada. Of course the country stated in tack but Canada did hold a free and open vote on the question. The result of which (ether way would not have ended up in armed conflict). Now take Texas or any other state in the Union don't have the major social differences (there isn't a big chunck of the USA that speakes French). Ah hell this a mot point Texas isn't goning anywhere so never mind.

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Panama used to be Columbia till an AMERICAN sold it to the U.S.American puppet governments: just about every country in Central America,Iran,Israel Saudi Arabia,Kuwait,and the list goes on.As far as colonies go Britain had the most and everywhere they were is trouble now.I really do not have the inclination to explain this to you nor the time to waste.You believe what you want.Thanks

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"""By igor ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 05:12 pm:
Turk if I was running the war in Chechnya I would bomb the bastards into the Stone Age.Then I would start with all the countries that support terrorism Afghanistan,Iran ,Pakistan,Turkey, and if they continue training terrorists they would get the same. Israel and U.S. does not negotiate with terrorists; THEY BOMB THEM!!!!!!! """

Firstly, Chechnya is already bombed to Stone Age.

Secondly, biggest terrorist supporter in the world has always been Russia. Did you forget about Russian support for all those Maoist, Leninist, and other terrorists. Russia always used terror as one of the tools to get what she wants. Russian state is a terrorist state, terrorising the whole world with its nuclear arsenal, and a menace to its neighbours. Don't get me wrong, I am not defending any country supporting terrorism, but you are clearly for state terrorism.

Don't forget, the history is full of brave idiots, who thought they would have an easy victory over their enemies, but been destroyed in the end. Russia doesn't want to push to far to see the folly of this sort of stupid bravodo. Remember Putin said "If we try hard, and lucky enough, we will reach todays Portugal level in 15 years". But don't forget, Portugal will not stand still! It must be real painful for you, but Russia is a joke, with a few aging nuclear bombs in her hands. Otherwise, no one would give a shite to Russia, they would be irrelavant.

Thirdly, I remember a while ago, PLO was branded by USA and Israel as a terrorist organisation, they even tried to assasinate Yasser Arafat a few times, let alone all those bombings. But now Yasser is a good mate of Israel and USA. So your statement is proven false.

Russia will negotiate with Chechens, has no other choice.

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Gonzo that is why Chretaine will change the rules 50 plus one is not good for sovereignty.

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And U.S supported all right wing juntas and death squads.TURK lets not forget that.

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"""By igor ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 05:17 pm:
You probably think Kosovo should be a country too.Well I think Texas and California and Hawaii should be countries also. """

Precisely Igor!. If that is what Texans or Californians want. Remember Qoubec in Canada. Do you think there would be a civil war, if referendum went the other way around. That is called one civilised country, not an Evil Empire.

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One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter unfortunatly Chechens are bandits..

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BTW eta "drachka" s U R N bila iz-za togo chto on menia obvinil vo vranie..tak chto vse pretenzii k etoi "kommynisticheskoi" prostitytke
Cheers 🙂

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Interview with a russian POW:

24 Nov 1999: Russian Prisoner No. 6: Shroiken Dima (Yusuf), Russian Foreign Military Intelligence


Q. Identify yourself

A. My name is Shroiken Dima. I am 27 years old and a resident of the city of Savonova in the outskirts of Moscow. I am unmarried, and was a Christian serving as an officer in Russian Foreign Military Intelligence. Fortunately however, Allah bestowed upon me the mercy of Islam and I have changed my name to Yusuf.

Q. How were you captured?

A. Russian forces sent us, among many others, to gather information about the Mujahideen in Chechnya. We posed as civilians who were coming to work as maintenance men for electrical equipment. I was traveling with a colleague on the train from Moscow to Grozny, with the aim of slipping into the republic and covertly fulfilling my orders. However, upon our arrival to Chechnya, we were searched by Chechen customs guards and asked for proper identification papers. As we did not posses these documents, we were taken into the custody of the Mujahideen.

Q. What were the operations that you were commissioned with? What orders were you issued?

A. To gather information about the Mujahideen bases and to forward any information requested by the Russian military.

Q. Are Russian forces using new tactics that differ from those executed during the first Chechen war?

A. I think the Russian military is trying to imitate the US-led NATO offensive against the Serbs in Kosova. The military is depending on long-range aerial and artillery bombardment of bridges, roads, factories and homes in an effort to pressure the civilian population. The Russian media is not reporting on this (attacks against civilians).

Q. How would you describe the morale of the Russian forces?

A. The morale of Russian soldiers does not exist for it to be described. For an army to have high morale there must be clear objectives and a solid ideology to fight for. What I know is that the fighting is done for the promise of cash (Russian troops sent to the Chechnya are promised US$40 per month instead of the usual US$5 per month, most Russian troops have yet to be paid since the start of the conflict). There is no trust between soldiers and their leadership; Officers do not care about the life of the average soldier, nor do they care to ensure provisions of nutrition and clothing for them. Worst of all, if a soldier (of the Russian army) falls captive, nobody asks about him. The Mujahideen on the other hand care for one another and ask about each other; they are also aware that the situation of the Russian army is precarious.

Q. How would you describe the morale of the Mujahideen in Chechnya?

A. Our morale is very very high, that is because we are fighting for Allah. I have seen all of the Mujahideen eager to be martyred, to be killed for the sake of Allah. Compare this to the Russian military that uses the promise of cash to encourage the troops to fight; even this promise of higher wages is not forthcoming! The goals of the two sides differ tremendously, and the scales favor the Mujahideen. I am confident that we will be victorious, by the will of Allah. (note the change in tone, the brother is now describing the Mujahideen as ‘we’ – Subhan Allah, who brings us out of the darkness and into the light)

Q. What are the reasons for the war against the Republic of Chechnya?

A. I believe the reasons are economic and political.

Q. Whom do you expect will win this war?

A. The end of this war is not near. But I am confident that victory will be on our side, by the will of Allah. The Russian military may bomb, burn and destroy, and their armour might roll into all of the provinces. However, that does not mean that they have won this war, for they will never succeed in destroying the Mujahideen, and they will never subdue the faith of the people, nor will they change their ideology (of the Chechens). After all, the Russians have no ideology whatsoever and those who do not posses something cannot give it to others.

Q. What would you like to say to the Russian government and military?

A. I tell them that no matter what you do in the aim of subduing Islam in the Caucasus, you will fail, sooner or later. The people here will live only by the way of Islam. I ask Allah that the Russian people familiarize themselves with Islam; the Russians do not understand Islam, and are mislead in their knowledge of this religion. As for the Russian government, I call upon it to resign and to leave this land, and all of the Northern Caucasus. I also call upon the Russian military to stop this barbaric war before it is too late for them. I also urge any Russian solider who is capable of thinking clearly to join the Mujahideen or to turn his weapons against the criminals and killers in Russia. If this is not done, the Muslims of the Caucasus will not simply forgive and forget about Russian crimes committed in this land.

Q. What have you heard about the Mujahideen?

A. Russian media reports about the Mujahideen are untrue. All claims that that they are killers, criminals and drug addicts are false. The people (Chechens) are fighting to defend their faith and their homeland.

Q. How and why did you become a Muslim?

A. I used to know nothing about Islam, and there were few ways of learning about the Religion when I was in Russia. However, when I was captured, I was taken to the home of Khattab (commander of the Foreign Mujahideen) where I had the opportunity to read different publications about Islam. I also witnessed how the Mujahideen live their lives for Allah. They always pray, are honest, do not use intoxicants, do not steal and have no problems with each other. This is the complete opposite of the Russian military that is plagued by drunkenness, theft, pillage and numerous other problems. I THANK ALLAH WHO BESTOWED UPON ME THE MERCY OF ISLAM, AND PLEDGE TO FIGHT AGAINST THE RUSSIAN ARMY AND SUPPORT THE MUJAHIDEEN I EVERY POSSIBLE WAY.


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Igor...good point (5:59) that the fundamental problem about dealing with terrorist attacks and terrorist in general. The question that leads to that problem is how much force, to what desired results is required to vindacate and prevent terrorist attacks in the future. Plus will the cure to the problem lead to more suffering than the terrorist attacks cause in the first place. Yes I do believe in an eye for eye but at the same time its hard to avoid the eye of guy standing next to the dude your taking the eye from. (hows that for simbolisim)

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"""By Dimitri ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 05:30 pm:
you said all nations that used to be under Ottoman Empire are free..I am not sure if anyone asked you that, but how about those Kurds? Free yet? """

I would be happy to see Kurds to have their own state if that is what they want! Would you say the same for Chechens?

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the russian that were killed and raped by the are exactly my point. why? They should not be there.

don't bomb them send the russian that are there Uhauls by the way that is moving vans. It would be cheaper to move them out of there then try and defend them there set up a border were russia already is controling and pull the troops from grozny and let them come and get russia. If they are terrorist they will eventully come and try to reclaim the territory and walla the come from the mountains and into the open and it is like target practice. It is what they are doing to the russians why not reverse the role. Why do you think that we did not go in on the ground in kosovo? We did not want to kill a ton of people to get what we wanted. that would be inoccent people that I'm talking about!!

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When F.L.Q kidnapped James Cross and killed him Trudeau sent in the army and arrested people under War Measures Act in Quebec.

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By Gonzo ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 05:57 pm:
Igor...What the. The states the evil empire....

Well said GONZO! But I don't think Igor wants to hear the truth. His mind stucked on cold war. He is enjoying the material benefits of the West, but his heart is still with the Evil Empire.

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