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Archive through January 25, 2000

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Why should Russians and Ukrainians leave if they lived there as long as every one else you ••••••• clown.Yeah in Kosovo you bombed civilians.Do not address me any more you fuckking idiot.Go change your diapers and wipe milk from under your nose fool.

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Bosna , please enougth with the made up question and answer sections unless you provide the source of the info. It is so obvious that was just a bunch of trype. Igor, yes the US has supported some nasty people and proped up government for all the wrong reasons there is no doubt about it but a lot of that was a direct result of the cold war. But look at the countries today that sided with the USA during the cold war and the ones that sided with the USSR by far the ones that sided with the USA are much better off than the ones that sided with the USSR today. Yes Panama was basically stolen from Columbia via a US back allmost bloodless war but then Rosevelt shot off his mouth about taking Panama and the USA ended up paying off Columbia something like 30 mill.

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Now NATO stands by and watches ethnic cleansing of Serbs. FUCKK OFF ALL YOU FUCCKKING CAMEL JOCKEYS. All I can say is the next time I have altercation with one of you ragheads he will get it more than usual just because you piss me off.

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By igor ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 06:15 pm:
One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter unfortunatly Chechens are bandits..

Agree, but saying Chechens are freedom fighters.

Notice that you said Chechens! Not some Chechens. That is, you are confessing that all Chechens are for independence.

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Turk:"I would be happy to see Kurds to have their own state if that is what they want! Would you say the same for Chechens?"

Yes, Turk, I actually would(that seems to be defenitely a fair deal indeed..)..but what started, must be finished first..and the are also several nuances to it - can they handle freedom without hurting(in a matter of speaking)neighboring regions, or will clan-lords still be doing drug-trading so openly, etc. We're not talking about a very civilized(no offence to them) state, such as Quebec, or Texas(as above mentioned), or even

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were not the early americans terrorists to?
did they not rebel against the british authorities. they used terrorists methods against the british.
how bout isreal,they also used terrorist activities against the british in palestine.
and i ask are not the americans still terrorists .

terrorism = : the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

thats what the dictionary says. so who r are the terrorists?

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See Igor it is people like you that make russia the way it is today. You have total animosity at people for no reason. You think you know everything but basicly the information that you have gotten from russia has been sifted through sorted out and had been given the seal of approval from the dictators that run russia. Take into consideration that we all have open minds and the ones that don't are the dangerous one because they refuse to listen. I'm not here to down play russia I want reform there. Is there some thing wrong with that.

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Igor remember more than half the houses in Kosovo were destroyed by serb forces on the ground. Not what I would call a millatary target....

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Yeah we are reforming.We are starting in Chechnya.I have followed politics for 30 years so I did not fall off the apple cart like you did Turk.I have many reasons for animosity among them being this Somali(muslim) shite in my neighbourhood,So do not tell me anything about you people.You are fuckking garbage

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""""By Dimitri ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 06:37 pm:
Turk:"I would be happy to see Kurds to have their own state if that is what they want! Would you say the same for Chechens?"

Yes, Turk, I actually would(that seems to be defenitely a fair deal indeed..)..but what started, must be finished first..and the are also several nuances to it - can they handle freedom without hurting(in a matter of speaking)neighboring regions, or will clan-lords still be doing drug-trading so openly, etc. We're not talking about a very civilized(no offence to them) state, such as Quebec, or Texas(as above mentioned), or even """"

Yeah! What started must be finished first. After Russia finishes off the Chechens, completing where Stalin failed, then you will consider independence. Too bad that there won't be a Chechen nation left to enjoy the freedom.

And what a concerned guy you are "Can they handle the freedom". So freedom is something dangerous. Handle with care!

You are not far away from having a civilised stance on the issue, but please remove the racist glasses fogging your vision. You don't want anyone to make those sort of comments for you, or for Russians as a matter of fact.

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"""By igor ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 06:35 pm:
Now NATO stands by and watches ethnic cleansing of Serbs. FUCKK OFF ALL YOU FUCCKKING CAMEL JOCKEYS. All I can say is the next time I have altercation with one of you ragheads he will get it more than usual just because you piss me off."""

Igor, that is because you are trying to defend undefendable. Try to take a civilized, humanitarian, and principled approach, and you'll see that it is not frustrating to debate on the issue. Your problem is, you are on the wrong side of the debate.

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jamman said:"Why do you think that we did not go in on the ground in kosovo? We did not want to kill a ton of people to get what we wanted. that would be inoccent people that I'm talking about!!"


that is a very naive statement..even from your point of view, which you should realize would mean heavy casualties on both sides (trust me on that one)..US govenment was smart enough not to send ground troops, because then the mothers of dead american soldiers would go to Congress, Senat,bla-bla ALL THE WAY asking - is this another Vietnam???? What are they dieing for??? To protect???? The are much more important causes for the US to fight for(such as their national threats).

My point of view would be that serbian army is waaaaay mo'experinced than NATO..they(Yugoslavia)suffered enough to become good at fighting..I am more than certain that NATO has taken that into consideration as well

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It is a bad place for anyone to be. A big problem is that there are a lot of people who do not want to be or are not ready to be part of the 1st world western ideals. Some Russians want it, but a lot of the Islamic states do not. Chechnya was pretty much in anarchy before this all kicked off again.
I think maybe Russia should pull out and strengthen their border somewhere inside Chechnya and have the people that want to be part of a Pro Russian Chechnya live there. Basically, have a north/south Chechnya.

I don't see an end to this situation anytime soon. War is terrible but it will always happen. We will not see peace on this earth in our lifetimes.

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to IGOR: Garbage? That is the only thing that has been comming out of your mouth. I don't care how long that you have been getting misinformed. Personaly I don't care that you have a problem with your neibors either if you don't like them move! Who cares if you were there first. It's a big world go live in the country some where will you will not be bothered. Or better yet why don't you talk to them about what is bothering you. Break some beariers it not going to kill you. Set some of your pride aside my friend this is them ninetys not the frieking stone ages. We have brains lets use them!!

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