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Archive through January 25, 2000

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To igor ( if your the somali shite) why do all the factions fight in somalia we sent canadians there yrs ago and no real improvement so whats the somali problem ?

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Zdorov Diman
Kak dela?
da ybludkov mnogo, no oni vse ybludki...syki ebanie...u y mena seichas nastroenie ploxoe...oxoto pary turkov podstrelit'...

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Slovak 88

Hochesh ya teba syky v rot vieby? 🙂
tol'ko ne govori shto ne xochesh 🙂 prostitytki vsegda etovca xoteat 🙂 ya znau shto ti mena ponimaesh 🙂 i ti etova xochesh, ti zje LOX soskychelsea po ryskomy xyu 🙂 bydesh sosat' po polnoi programme 🙂 mydachel...

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well thought i would find real info here but i only find a dirty chat room.hoping for the best to you people. and early end to the trouble over there

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- on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 10:46 pm

Igore keep burking you will still be sub human

hell is your resting final place for you and your gangs.

sorry your chicken are dying before they get to see their sons and daughters.

Boy I will send you some donation, so you can eate before they send you to gorzny meat grinder.


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Hungry russian conscripts beg for food in chechnya.

Asyet, a Chechen woman of 38, commanded a unit of 20 rebels during the last war, but she lost a foot and this time had to stay at home, frustrated and bored. "I would give both feet with pleasure to fight again," she told me. "It's very difficult to wait, and easier to be with the guys."

Originally from Grozny, Asyet now feeds hungry Russian conscripts. "They are begging us to feed them," she said. "One told me they had one egg and two pieces of bread between two of them. Another asked for wood, so we gave him that, too."

Asyet was given her first sub-machinegun by President Maskhadov when she got fed up with cooking and cleaning for rebels in the last war. She does not expect the Russians troops now stationed around her village to do anything except plant mines in the forest. "They don't have the guts to do anything else," she said.

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Even non muslims want to kill russians chickens
read read read read read read read read read

"Hi my name is ****, I am a 16 year old Catholic and am from Louisiana in the United States. I have been following the war in Chechnya and I have decided to write you and tell you how much I admire the Mujahideen's effort to crush the Russian Invasion. Against all odds the Muslim Freedom Fighters are suceeding against the Russian Imperialist through God(Allah).
Although I am Catholic and not a Mulsim, I must say this, the Mujahideen are extremely inspirational, your people's constant faith in Allah is incredible. Your people will suceed through The Lord(Allah) in this war, it is only a matter of time. I will be honest if I could fight among side the Muslim Mujahideen against the russians I would do so in a second.
I would love to take part in this war and fight against the Russian Oppressors and help defend the Muslim people of Chechnya and abroad, but I am only 16, untrained, no military experience, and have no money to travel to Chechnya but I will save my money and send a donation as soon as information how to is posted on your site. I as a Christian will defend the Catholic religion and let you know my people DO NOT STAND BY THE Russian Orthodox Christians that continually persecute your good people. But further more my people condemn the evil actions of the Russian Christians.
I promise you not all Christians are like the Russian Imperalist you face. I have the upmost respect for your relgion and people, and honestly I think the Catholic religion would be stronger as a whole if my people could practice more the dedication and faith your people daily practice."
[BG, USA, 24 Jan 2000]

"Also all the news reports and any person I've talk with or heard say anything about your fight for freedom against Russian has been a 100% on your side not to mention the envy of your fighting sprit. The Chechen rebel fighter will go down in history as one of the toughest fighting men in the world. Good luck in your Fight for freebom and kick a Russian in the ass for me and if I find one over here I will kick him in the ass for you!"
[Dennis from Detroit, USA, 12 Jan 2000]

"I want to ask you to never say: 'We will fight to the last man!', but you better say 'We fight to last Russian soldier, with the help of Allah!'. Allah is with you and He never let you down!"
[Sister GA, Norway, 24 Jan 2000]

"It is with great regret that I continue to gather information on the war in Chechnya - "War" is a situation where mainly those to weak to fight suffer the most. However, being a citizen of Poland, a country that for hundreds of years has had to endure (and still endures) the consequences of being a neighbour of Russia, I must inform of my deep felt admiration for and closely felt kinship with the Chechens, who - although small in number - continue to successfully resist the barbaric onslaught of the Russian forces. I pray for their success and the smallest possible loss of life amongst this gallant people."
[Mr MZ, Poland, 21 Jan 2000]

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y balalaika ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 11:27 pm

Why did you deny, that you don't support chechnia, other day?

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2 cossack,

Are you one of these guys?

Cossacks dance to American tune

IN TIME of hardship, it seems that not even the chance to dance the famous Cossack gopak for a living can keep a Russian in the motherland. Lured by nothing nobler than a massive pay rise, 32 members of the famed Don Cossack Song and Dance Ensemble have deserted their troupe after a North American tour to end a miserable existence that one described as that of "serf entertainers". The city of Rostov, where the group is based, has denounced them as traitors and promised to help US immigration to track them down.

Estimable Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 229 on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 08:07 pm

U armenian zombi the swine where are you.

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Read what a polish has to say.

I am Polish and can tell you that Polish press and people strongly support the heroic fight of the Chechens against the Russians. Russia has been occupying Poland for one hundred years so we know what kind of people they are. They want to control everything and everybody. They lie and they are ruthless killers.
The Polish Goverment is afraid of Russia and hence does not openly support the Chechens, but it supports you in any unofficial way it can. Poland cannot go to war with Rusia since it is much smaller than Russia.
We are not Muslim, but we know the good from bad and we believe that the Muslims in this conflict are in the right and Russians are the invaders trying to steal your country. I have talked to some Americans about Chechnyaa and all of them support Chechen fighters and hope for your victory."
[Mr LW, Poland, 11 Jan 2000]

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