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Archive through January 25, 2000

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how naive. if would use any illegal (chemical or any other) weapon, international community would be on it's back like nobody's business.

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abd ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 01:03 am:

Whatever, bring it.

Btw, there is no real communism in Cuba ( I lived there as a foreigner for over 4 years)


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if RUSSIA would

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y insha allah ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 01:03 am:

Chechnians brothers did not go to attack Dagestani people. You need to learn form real sources, do not believe kufar media. If you are muslims you should establish khalifa in your heart and your family first and then to your naibor.

Learn the facts and ask for proof.

As Allah said in QURAN, bring the proof adn evidence if you belive in Allah.

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if bandits didn't attack Dagestani people, why Dagestani don't like Chechens anymore? (fact: 200,000+ refugees went to Ingushetia, 7,000+ to Georgia and ONLY LESS THAN 3,000 to Dagestan).

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and it's much easier to get to dagestan than to georgia

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Walex ( - on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 01:06 am:

Regarding weapon itself, chlorine is used against troops in trenches. In absence of any proven
information, it suggests the use against rebels, not by them.

C'mon! As a chemical weapon, chlorine is highly uneffective. The first ever chem. weapon made by germans in 1915 was way more advanced than that.

Before soviet union signed chemical weapon treaty, there were (and probably still are) chemical weapons capable wiping out whole city pouulation with 1 rocket. What chlorine clouds?


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"By insha allah:if bandits didn't attack Dagestani people, why Dagestani don't like Chechens anymore? (fact: 200,000+ refugees went to Ingushetia, 7,000+ to Georgia and ONLY LESS THAN 3,000 to Dagestan)."

Because Ingushis love Chechens approximately 66 times more.

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You should not call us "Monkey’s sons". Take a look on yourself or at Yassir Arafat…
Please go and shave your sister’s legs and knit a nice pullover from her hair for needy but proud Chechen warriors. It is cold up there. Also you can sent her picture with this gift, only do not forget to cover her face.
Yours truly,
P.S. I am Russian Orthodox, but I use 67'War example, because I know how you hate that great battle

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"By Fenriz Culto: Before soviet union signed chemical weapon treaty, there were (and probably still are) chemical weapons capable wiping out whole city pouulation with 1 rocket. What chlorine

Because Chechens definitely have no zarin.

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"By Dimitri ( - on Monday, January 24, 2000 - 05:04 pm:
Ultra Russian Nationalist,

otvet na tvoi vopros - ia ukrainskii grajzdanin, rabotaiuschii na napoloviny russkuiu companiu za granitzei..a ti gde v rossii jzivesh?"

Slish govnuk, tvoi ip = America Online, tak shto xueyli tbl pizdish shto tbl v Ruccie shas dolboyeb. Ya shas v Mockbe i rabotau za Amerikanskuyu Kompaniyu Qualcomm. Po menshe pizdi.

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Because Ingushis love Chechens approximately 66 times more. ******


that's why most of the refugees went to Dagestan in 94-96 WAR and not to ingushetia? facts boy, bring me facts.

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"By insha allah: hahahaha that's why most of the refugees went to Dagestan in 94-96 WAR and not to ingushetia? facts boy, bring me facts."

You got them.

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Speaking of DarkThrone :), here's some lyrics from the latest album "Ravishing Grimness" (for whomever applicable):

The Claws of Time

"...Pretenders of Sorrow
Elder perseverance learns
Fakers of deathyears
Killed by tomorrow

Mind Spoiled, innards corrode
Merciless grind Drone or die
Contradictions snirl (in) hysterical contortions

Witten by Fenriz (the real one) in Dec. 98 for Darkthrone

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"So you call Caucasians "Black" to degrade them, what an idiot are you? Any black is a much better person than you are moron. Ultra Nationalist and Communist and Ortodox. You have no idea what you are talking about, you uneducated idiot, you are bringing shame on your side. Let others with more intelligence do the arguing without your hinderance moron."

What an idiot am i, its my opinion what i call those chechens you understand me? Any black being better than me is your opinion again. When the fuckk did i say i was Orthodox you fuckking moron~!!!!!!, dont ever put words in my mouth because its fuckking makes you look stupid! I never thought you were such an idiot to make such remarks. You ••••••• talking about intelligence you idiot? Go finish your fuckking school first Turkish punk! And "if" i bring shame from your opinion, it would be on me, no one is in support of me so shut the fuckk up!

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