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Archive through January 26, 2000

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jamman...look at the above posts it is getting very old reading things like "by the grace of Allah 15 Russians were killed." There is nothing wrong with Islam but once again people try to tie religious beliefs to situations to make them feel better as if some all mighty god is up there going . yea baby kill kill kill. You know it is so silly for someone to think there religion is the best one and all people should follow it at the same time thinking the god of that religion wants you to go out and wack people. Another type of religious thing that bothers me is when one gets in a discussion with a real heavy duty bible thumper and they start each one of there arguments with something like.."Well the bible says..." Ok thats fine but what do you think..."I think what the bible says." Now once again I am not saying there is anything wrong with religion but I do believe there is point where some people take it so far that they become less of an individual.

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to b


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Patriot and b...first off Patriot b is simply typing in made up stuff other wise he would post sources of is info so they could be better judged. But on the other hand Russia is having problems and there tactics have not been working. The army of the old U.S.S.R. would have been done with this mess a couple months ago. At that same time that army would not care how many guys it lost which is not a good thing. b are you up to entering a discussion or you just gonna keep on posting endless "allah is great stuff."

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the only possible source that "b"(bosna) is getting his info from, would be the "famous" don't see where else such fanatic passages would be coming from(other than his own head)

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Dimriti...thats one thing that is funny to me about the web. If some people read something on the WWW they think it has be true especally if it supports there views. I remember during the air war over Kosovo the Serbian news site had stories on it like 53 NATO planes shot down including one 2 billion dollar B-2. It even showed an A-10 with the caption A-10 hit by AAA. The picture clearly was one of an A-10 releasing a flair. Sometimes I wonder if the web spredes more lies and usless info than facts when it comes to conflicts.

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Who was it who said muslims didn't suffer from depression? And what was that you said about Islamic women being treated so equally? For you poorly informed, below are real statistics and real facts with references.

Women in Afghanistan suffer from depression

The Times of India, Nov.6,1998
By T V Parasuram

WASHINGTON: At least 97 per cent of the women in Afghanistan are suffering from major depression, 86 per cent have significant symptons of anxiety and nearly a quarter frequently think of committing suicide, a report said.

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), in a report on the plight of Afghan women under the Taliban also found out that 42 per cent have post traumatic stress disorder. It was based on the findings of investigators it sent to Kabul for an in-depth study. They surveyed 160 women and also interviewed 40 other women.

PHR also said that while malnutrition among women is rampant, only six per cent of the women interviewed reported receiving humanitarian assistance. Eighty seven per cent reported a decrease in access to health services because no chaperon was available, a report published in The Washington Post said.

Hospitals refused to admit them as they did not own a veil or there was no female doctor available (male doctors are severely restricted in treating women). The report said these restrictions are also condemning children to death. The Post said that 120 women's organizations in the U.S. have begun a signature campaign, led by the Feminist Majority Foundation, urging the U.S. and UN to help restore women's rights in Afghanistan and to pressurise Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to stop funding the Taliban.

It said the heightened campaign has had at least one result: UNOCAL, a California-based multinational consortium, has pulled out of a scheme to run a pipeline through Afghanistan, which could generate as much as $100 million for Afghanistan. Elenor Smeal, president of the Campaign to Stop Gender Apartheid said the U.S. has a responsibility to stop the "unmerciful'' treatment of Afghan women under the Taliban because the Islamic militia emerged from forces armed and supported by the U.S. against the Soviets.

The Post said that a state department official claimed the U.S. leverage against the Taliban is "very slight'' because "they believe God is on their side and they are not sympathetic to arguments to the contrary.'' (PTI)

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"Judah fornicates with his daughter-in-law: Ta'-mar... "

"In Italy a Stripteaser is an honorable democratically elected member of the Congress "
I fully agree it's disgusting but it doesn't mean I'm going to bend on a carpet 5 times a day.
I have other ways, more constructive to react.

Ultra Russian Sovietunionist

Lukashenko is definitely the last crazy man who want to join Russia and he is not recognized by his population.

Let's give Ultra Russian the exclusivity to answer to "Mr." Bosna.

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yea, man, it can all be described in one frase:
"everyone is an interested party"..interested in one point of view or another, which influences their opinion, consciously or subconsciously and therefore it makes practically impossible to find a trully independent and neutural source of info..speaking of which, do you know any?

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Good night all

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your proposal is accepted 🙂

I had no intentions to discuss it with "misterious" "b" anyways...

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Good night, Gonzo

I am taking off in a few too..

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Posts: 397 I don't. Would like to say CNN but that doesnt wash with some because its American so they imedately don't accept its info. What raises a flag in my mind about posts and their info that gets me to thinking it is full of half truths and false info if the post itself and the information is presented in a way in which it seems to be trying to make one side look good at the same time demonize the other in a propaganda type of way instead of just printing information and let the reader decide which side they think is the good one. Posts with stuff like "The great freedom fighters of Allah killed 15 Russians invaders" Plus ones that say The Chechen terrorist baby killers are the type I speak of. Instead of posting information to try to convice others of their views of a situation, they post there views in a manner as to stop any sort of discussion before anyone replies.

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Good night, me too I'm off.
Today was pretty bad: many losses acknowledged, more losses supposed, mujahedeen back to Minutka (or so), western sanction on the way... I hope news will be better tomorow.

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