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Archive through January 26, 2000

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It seems odd that the Russians and the Western Media call the Chechens that fight "terrorists" when just about every able bodied male in the country is fighting and every woman and child in that country are supporting the fighters. It seems like the Russians are trying to conquer Chechnya and its army rather then rid it of "terrorists".
These are the same people who were in the russian army when russia helped defeat Hitler in WW2. And the men in the the russian army at that time who were muslims were not recognized for their efforts. The fact is that the russian government has always hated the muslims in Russia and the former soviet union. These attacks are very similar to the serbian massacres in kosovo. The people of Chechnya are dying and all medical supplies coming in from foriegn countries intended for the refugees are being taken by the russians. Someone has to stop the fighting soon or there will be no one left alive in Chechnya.

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balalaika, a tbl shto pizda? Pust etit pidor pridot, vse evo davno uje zhdyt. Esho ne hvatalo shtob tbl svoi ebalnik ot krival.

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Even the website it was posted put a disclaimer on the article "Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management."
* Turk, You really like professing stupidity mixing a legal clause of the provider with/into content.
I am prepared to look at your evidences very carefully, but if these are the best you can come up with, you must not have much to hold to in your argument. Come on, for once act with common humanitarian principles. It is ok to critize Russia despite having a Russian ancestory. After all you are now holding a Canadian passport. You don't have to feel responsible of Russian crime. Be free.
* Since You came on-board with a pre-conceived idea - all Your "lookings" into facts are to be lame. As to the argument, You didn't contribute anything except K-Albanian-like CNN whining, that turned a flop in the end. As for humanitarian principles - weren't those exactly the reason You're in some other country now?
Russian crime.
* Any bandit lover loves the line.
Down with the empires, including the evil Russian Empire.
* You mean the US "Empire", he-he?
You're late, darling, CIS Assembly had already took place in Moscow. Your voice came under the Free Republic legal clause.
Firstly, Chechnya is already bombed to Stone Age.
* After the recent war de-facto independent Chechnia received 2 bln. US for free and enjoyed free electricity, natural gas, and been stealing crude from the Baku-Novorosysk pipeline in hu-u-u-ge quantities. Where's the money? That pisspot of a country could have done something useful with it, they embarked on less effort-consuming road, since "state" banditism requires less. Robbing trains Wild-West style, building "private" gas production jokes of plants, kidnapping "brothers" and not-so-brothers. (The UNHCR Commissioner on Caucasus had been freed for a nice ransom of $5 mln.. Europe's silent, because the agenda now is to try to squash RF to prevent/delay the formation of a competitor to US/Europe.) The money'd gone to finance armed gangs, to make warlords richer, to invite and pay foreign mercinaries.
But now Yasser is a good mate of Israel and USA.
* Turk, You continue to amuse me. Yasser is not even a mate to the Eastern Jerusalem Arabs, which are going to apply en-masse for the Israeli citizenship so not to be the Palestian Authority (or future-if-any-state) subjects and lose the welfare provided by the Israeli Govt.. Clinton badly needs something good (after Kosovo, Somalia, Sudan, Monica) to end his term with.
Russia will negotiate with Chechens, has no other choice.
* Yes, and even negotiates now, but not with basaews and khatabs.
Don't get me wrong, I am not defending any country supporting terrorism, but you are clearly for state terrorism.
* Chose words and events. When did the conflict started?
7 August 1999
The conflict begins with an invasion of the Botlikh region of Dagestan by militants from Chechnya. An estimated 1,000 - 1,200 fighters seize several villages and small towns on the Chechen-Dagestani border
9 August 1999
Shamil Basayev and commander Khattab inspect troops in Dagestan
Russian aircraft accidentally drop air-delivered mines on Georgia, near the border with Dagestan
10 August 1999
Government of "Independent Islamic Dagestan" declared by forces around Shamil Basayev
Newly-designated Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin promises that rebels will be crushed within two weeks
At a press conference Chechen President Aslan Mashkadov denies Chechnya's involvement in Dagestan
11 August 1999
Shamil Basayev claims leadership of the troops in Dagestan, ends uncertainty over who commands the rebel units. Basayev vows to expel "infidels" from north Caucasus
Islamic insurgents claim to have captured several Dagestani villages. Russian forces use helicopter gunships to counter the latest offensive, suffering ten casualties. ...

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balalaika, Dickksukerdima, mi naverno segodnya ne uvidimsya apat po tamushto ya sabiraus eti na raboty, tak shto sidite i zhdite menya kak dve loxi.

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URNa, ne tryndi!!

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Tebye nravitsa vid kak bednoyi ludi stradaut da?
Tbl balnoi parnisha. Dima, kogda pridosh, sloz ne lei, na sveti mnogo parnei,LOL katoroye tebye viebut.

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This is just too funny not to share. Excerpted from an article which appeared in the Moscow Times about a bank robbery on March 2, 1999:Once inside the bank shortly after midnight, their efforts at disabling the internal security system got underway immediately. The robbers (Balalaika and DICKKDIMA), who expected to find one or two large safes filled with cash and valuables,were surprised to see hundreds of smaller safes scattered throughout the bank. The faggots cracked the first safe's combination, and inside they found only a bowl of vanilla pudding. As recorded on the bank's audio tape system, Dima said, "At least we'll have a bit to eat." The pots' opened up a second safe, and it also contained nothing but vanilla pudding. The process continued until all the safes were opened. They found not one pound sterling, a diamond, or an ounce of gold. Instead, all the safes contained covered bowls of pudding. Disappointed, the pidors made a quiet exit, each leaving with nothing more than a queasy, uncomfortably full stomach. The newspaper headline read:

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URNa, nu ty i nahalyuga! Sperm bank, ponimaesh!! s takimi idikami ya ne udivlyus' esli tebe escho net 20 goda. ugadal? mne, kstati, 21 goda.

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Tbl molodoi i ebnitiy mudozvon. Mne 24 goda! Tak shto esli tbl shutki ne ponimaesh, blya daje ne shutki a fakti, togda tbl distvitilno mudack ebaniy.

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Ayatolla, Du sprechst Deutsch oder Dutsch?

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Nein, aber deiner mutter ist eine SOW PREISEN. Und du bist eine SCHWULLER.

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LOL, Und du bist eine stucken scheiste!

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sorry, i may not be totally grammatically flawless or precise there but i think i still got the point across. LOL!!!

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lec me musch

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