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Archive through January 26, 2000

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The end-result of Chechn's conflict ultimately will spell doom not only for the silly Russians but will trigger gradually the demise of the conniving USA as a superpower. As much as it was Afghan muslims by dismantling Soviet Union promoted America as the sole superpower it will be Islam-inspired Muslims again that will precipitate a pathetic obituary of the great America. The process of the beginning of the end is currently in motion in Chechnya.

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An entity created a long time ago in Europe has grown to epic proportions and now has it's claws wrapped tightly around all things ranging from "Democratic" governments to your local ice cream parlor. This entity is known as the Free Masons or Free and Accepted Masons. This underground society has members in powerful positions who see to it that their "brotheren" are kept in good standing and comfortable living. Their most terrifying mission, however, is to bring the world under it's control and under it's strict moral structure. According to their plan of rule by Chaos and Control, they plan to take control of all major facets of society and weild these powers to control all Earth citizens as they please. Obviously many of you out there might not believe that a little known society could possibly overtake all the governments of the world. Please understand that not only is this possible but it has already begun and is nearing completion. It has been estimated that every American president has been a Free Mason with the exception of Bill Clinton. George Washington was himself an active Free Mason member and the same man that Bill Clinton defeated in the recent 96 elections, Robert Dole is a popular Free Mason member.

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Grozny meat grinder is back with a vengeance and churning Russian Army.

It is matter of time now before panic sets in and Russia retreats to its real borders ie Don River.The whole Caucasus will be independent. After all Grozny owe its origin to Yermolov and should be levelled.

A new city and country will emerge from the ashes of Chechnya and will be one of the most powerful Islamic states that will continue to wreck havoc on the evil ie Russian federation and its supporters in west (EU,G7, NATO) who have kept the wounded beast on life support.

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Privet, Di!!

Neohota zanimat'sya "art-podgotovloi", bombit' protivnikoi agitatsiei, osobenno uchityvaya eto zadrypannoe musulmaninskoe okruzhenie. Nu ix vsex koe-kuda... Esli ty iz Odesy na Ukraine, to ya vspomnil chto ya v tvoem gorode raz dazhe vival v 1991, hotya pomnyu lestnitsu Eizenshteina, i pivnuyu Gembrinus. Togda tak napilis' s odnoi damoi tam piva, chto kogda nasha grupa potom otpravilas' v kakoi-to muzei s imostrannymi kartinami, to my s nei ne mogli podnyatsya na vtotoi etazh etogo muzeya, i prosideli/prospali vsyo vremya v holle. horosho chto ne shodili "v rigu"...

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Good exaggeration, dear Suleyman:o)). Being a superpower entails superresponsibilities. Unfortunately, they are not exercised. As a superpower's always a super-egoist. And it would be naivee to expect a superpower (in its present) to act altruistically. Maybe, it stands to reason to have a couple of "powers" more just to compete. I believe in self-preservation instinct to keep'em from destroying one another. What's disturbing is -
As much as it was Afghan muslims by dismantling Soviet Union promoted America as the sole superpower it will be Islam-inspired Muslims again that will precipitate a pathetic obituary of the great America.

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Muslims from
entire Palestine would be exterminated, Masjid Al-Aqsa would be
demolished, Judanisation of this part of Islamic land would be
accomplished, in the second phase Eretz (Greater) Israel will extend
its undefined northern and southern border conquering Syria and
Jazirat-ul-Arab. (Zionists have defined their western and eastern border
from the Nile to Euphrates but not to the northern and southern border!)

To pave the way for the arrival of Dajjaal (a Jew who would be blind in
one eye) his supporters (the Zionists and the Americans) would annihilate
any person in Eretz Israel who will confess to be a Muslim. Prior to
the arrival of Dajjaal there would raze fierce battle between the Muslims
and the Zionists when green, red and yellow coloured rain will fall (a
metaphorical expression to say that the Zionist terrorists would use
chemical and biological weapons against the Muslims which they have
stockpiled with American help).

During the battle of Syria Muslim forces would be subdued due to the fact
that the Zionists would use nuclear and chemical/biological weapons. To
save from various Islamic lands would join and launch a counter offensive.
During this war the intensity of the battle would be severe. Casualty
would be high. Flying bird will fall dead. A metaphorical expression
saying that the Zionists, the enemy of mankind will use nuclear arms/bombs
which the Americans have stockpiled in occupied Palestine.

Two pronged Zionist assault would be launched. In the south the Zionists
will conquer most of Arabia including Khaibar. Patch of the land of Hijaz
including the cities of Haramain would remain beyond the grip of the
Zionists. In the north 70,000 Zionists will land in Istanbul. The city
will fall to them. Turkish freemason generals, by entering into military
pact with the Zionists have opened that passage!

Judo-Christianic scholars intense reading of Hadeeth literature, (a
unique treasure of knowledge for entire mankind) and painstaking research
thereof, made them both assured and convinced that even with nuclear
weapons the American and their Zionist masters would not be able to defeat
the Muslims completely. For them there would not be a total victory
neither the Heraclious (Roman emperor) of yesterday nor the Heraclious of
today (Clinton, the Zionists made emperor of America) could or would ever
annihilate the Muslims completely. Hence the Zionist cancer was
implanted, two hundred years research went into the creation of the
Zionist entity. It did not come as a result of the Second European Great
War (1939-45) or due to Holocaust. Had it been so the Zionist entity
could have been planted in the Hebrides, Puttgarden, Vladivostock,
Goteborg, Miami or California. There are Muslims who still believe, after
50 years incessant bleeding that Muslim would be allowed to co-exist with
the Zionists !

Anglo-Saxons (the Brit and the Yankees), know that in their Zionists
proxy war against the Muslims. The Romans (Italian and Greeks), the
Christians (French, Germans and the Spanish) would not join them. the
signs are there for the (Li-u-lil-Absars) one with vision to the and
act accordingly.

The basic fact is that without the presence of the forces of Kufr in the
blessed land of Haramain, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain,
Emirate and Kuwait the Zionists would not be able to continue state
terrorism. After Judanising Al-Quds the Zionists would be told to
Judanise Syria and Jazirat-ul-Arab. Like now, every time the world
community will try to stop the Judanisation of Islamic lands the American
government would cast its undemocratic VETO and thus would offer contempt
to world opinion to fulfil their mission.

This shameful state of Affairs cannot be allowed to continue any longer.
Zionists and American governments undeclared war of aggression against
the world of Islam should be responded, must be repulsed.

World governments wanted to stop the Zionists building new houses in East
Jerusalem on Muslims land. America alone challenged the entire world.
By casting VETO it clearly said: Hell with world opinion. We are the lone
super power and do what we want. Judanisation of Jerusalem must go ahead
and continue unabated ....

How much Muslim government (s) summoned the US ambassadors in their
capital and asked for any/any explanation? Alas, none. These Muslim head
of states can kill their own Muslim people (Algeria, Egypt, Bangladesh,
Turkey). Bangladeshi Prime Minister Mrs. Hasina Wajid sent 500 armed male
members of the Police to arrest one non politician Muslim House wife only
because the lady in question happened to be the wife of her political
opponent! When we have this kind of Head of States or governments
governing over the Islamic Ummah can we realistically expect any
honourable action from them? This is the question Muslims should ask

Western culture not only separates state from the church but it also
isolates the governed from the government. Muslim rulers over the decades
have caught up with this disease. There is no cure for this disease. To
save the Islamic Ummah from ignominy, shame and plunder, insult and abuse,
disgrace and humiliation it is an incumbent duty upon every Muslim to
establish Islamic government which will speak and act for the Muslims and
not for America, the IMF or the World Bank.

Ignorance illiteracy and therefore the poverty and conflict thereof would
remain prevalent in the Muslim societies till such time men/women of
Islamic knowledge and education are allowed to govern Muslim societies.

Allah Subhanahu wa Taala and His noble Prophet Muhammad , Peace and
salvation upon the blessed soul, have condemned cowardice. Muslim rulers
who are coward and subservient to the Zionist oligarchy are condemned in
this world and they would be condemned in the Hereafter. They have died
many times before their death. these dead people are governing the Muslim
states now !

With American encouragement Zionist set fire on Al-Aqsa (1969), they dug
tunnel under the Al-Aqsa (1996) and now they are on the process of
demolishing the Al-Aqsa. Allah forbid, when that will happen. King Hasan
of Morocco will convene another meeting of the dead Muslim head of
states, form another Jerusalem Committee and will appeal again to the
world community to resist the Zionists! Zionists have (recently) said
that they would not hesitate to assassinate Abu Ammaar if he fails to obey
the Zionists command. Earlier they warned that no matter wherever the
Islamic terrorists reside Zionists long arm will reach them and kill

If any Muslim had said the same against the Zionists then by now grapes
of wrath or desert storm would have visited the Muslims. On American,
Zionist and British government's order we were harassed by the British
Special Branch. Our only crime being that we asked for the ejection of
the forces of Kufr from our blessed land of Al-Haramains! It was a
shameful episode. Because we could not be termed as Islamic Terrorists
hence it was alleged that we were racialists, in as much as we demanded
the ejection of the Americans from Jazirat-ul-Arab and removing the cancer
of implanted Zionists entity.

Those learned members of the Muslim societies of Hijaaz and Najd and those
brave and honourable members of the ruling Al-Saud family who have agreed
with Islamic Ummah, both inside and outside Jazirat-ul-Arab that the
forces of Kufr must be ejected from the land of Al-Haramain and other
Islamic lands deserve our hearty congratulation. This message must be
spread among the Muslim pilgrimage during the Hajj. American intention to
leave Al-Hijaaz (excepting Jiddah and Tabouk) and concentrate in Najd
cannot be acceptable to the Islamic Ummah. Fahd, Sultan, Naif, Bandar,
Turki, Saud and Muhammad must be told that every American occupation
soldier must vacate Jazirat-ul-Arab, else Zionists expansion, oppression,
exploitation of terrorism would not come to an end.

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2 adder21,

Don't you understand that everybody here, regardless our opinions on Chechnya, is SICK with you long and, with very few exceptions, IRRELEVANT copy-paste activity?!! I will greatly appreciate if you stop dumping garbade on this message board, and provide more space to others.

Thank you.

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2 adder21,

Don't you understand that everybody here, regardless our opinions on Chechnya, is SICK with you long and, with very few exceptions, IRRELEVANT copy-paste activity?!! I will greatly appreciate if you stop dumping garbade on this message board, and provide more space to others.

Thank you.

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By balalaika ( - on Wednesday, January 26, 2000 - 02:02 pm:

well dont read it then you fat ugly pig!!!

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hi everyone its me the big stupid commie ruskie peice of turd i just want to tell everyone im gay and a son aof a slut

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Look who is calling Grozny- MEAT GRINDER

Russian General himself

"We cannot say that we will complete this war by a certain date, but we should lead things to the end in the memory of those killed," said interior ministry Colonel-General Arkady Baskayev, in charge of Moscow region troops in Chechnya.

"But the military tactics and even the government's strategy towards Chechnya must be different," he said.

Alexei Arbatov, deputy head of parliament's defense committee in the State Duma for the past four years, stressed that Russia must open peace talks with the leaders of Chechnya.

Arbatov called Grozny "a meat grinder." He added that Moscow could no longer negotiate with Chechnya from a position of strength.

Such public comments are unparalleled in Russia. Putin's administration and the military in Chechnya had tightly choreographed coverage of the war

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adder21 !

In my first message to you i did not use any expletives, unlike you, stupid MUSLIM PIG. OK, enjoy your posting, and stay in the same company with abdullah, who is also the primary muslim clown here.

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By Anti Racist ( - on Wednesday, January 26, 2000 - 02:13 pm:

yes i agree with you

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now i see that you are as idiotic as that "armenian", who also used the low trick of using other's nickname.

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