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Archive through January 26, 2000

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Dear kissie I think that adder is just trying to state his opinion. I still think that as long as the rest of the world mixes religion and politics it will be a mess.

God, Allah, Jesus, Mary, Atheist whatever people believe in should keep that for themselves and treat each other with respect. Meaning respect their opinions but at the same time other people have to respect the fact that other people may believe in something else.

And I don't think that is so wrong do you???
So what if I don't believe in god, or if I did So what if I don't believe in this that or the other.
what ever people believe in that is their right!
and we should respect that.

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"Gambrinys" ia ochen' dajze xorosho pomniu :))))
pivo tam klassnoie..i diskoteka riadom bila ochen' krytaia..a lestnicza nazivaetsa Potemkinskoi, no ti tojze prav - tam Eisenshteyn snimal svoi film v 192(?) gody - "Bronenosetcz Potemkin"..xoroshaia pamiat', myzjik 🙂

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broneneosets otchalivaet spat'. o-yasumi...

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Russian military commanders have made it nearly impossible for foreign reporters to see the war in Chechnya for themselves.

But as the war drags on, Russian attempts at news management are increasingly being undermined by a Chechen offensive on the worldwide web.

Though it is difficult for foreign journalists to get the rebels' side of the story at first hand, there are frontline reports from the rebel Chechen news agency Kavkaz-Tsentr. These usually give an account which is fundamentally different from the one circulated by Russian officials.

Internet gives first news of militant successes

While the news often appears exaggerated, and may sometimes be false, the site has provided useful tip-offs about incidents left unmentioned, or denied and only later admitted, by official Russian sources.

In October the Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, acknowledged that his government had some catching up to do if it was to use the web as effectively as the Chechens.

His statement coincided with the launch of the `Independent Information Centre of the Chechen Republic' an English-language website which carries reports written by pro-Russian journalists.

Russia had earlier established a website projecting the government's point of view on events in Dagestan ( during the battles with Chechen guerrillas there in August and September.

Moscow's official Itar-Tass news agency ( also reports the Russian version of events in Chechnya.

In August Russian hackers made the first of several attacks on Kavkaz-Tsentr, though it was quickly repaired.

Wild claims

Chechen hackers have retaliated with similar tricks. For example, on 24 January they put up a front page on one of the Russian sites which claimed, wildly, that nearly a quarter of Russian soldiers sent to Chechnya had perished, and boasted that Western and Russian media were getting their breaking news from the rebel site.

General Malofeyev's posthumous appearance dented Chechen credibility

Someone is also paying to advertise a pro-Chechen site, Ichkerya Online, on the pro-Russian site. Visitors just have to click on the advertisement to get news seen from the rebel perspective.

The Russian authorities have tried to enlist foreign help to close down rebel sites, and in September Interior Minister Vladimir Rushaylo claimed the FBI had assented.

A few days later one California server said it would no longer handle Kavkaz-Tsentr, but Chechnya's semi-official representative in the US, Albert Digaev, has so far been able to find alternatives.

Chechen Holy War

Another pro-Chechen site that has begun recently to be quoted in the Western media is called Jihad in Chechnya.

It provides news and answers questions such as, "How do I go and fight in Chechnya?" and is published by the London-based Azzam Publications in Arabic, Bosnian, English, German, Malay and Turkish.

It also shows gruesome pictures of those who have died in the war, apparently with the aim of inspiring Muslim militants to join the fight.

Paradoxically, the pro-Russian `Independent Information Centre of the Chechen Republic' also offers horrifying images, but presumably with the opposite aim, of convincing visitors that a Russian victory is imperative.

Jihad in six languages on the net

There are numerous other websites which provide publicity and moral support for the Chechen cause based in the US, Turkey, and the Baltic states. Some also provide bank details where donations can supposedly be made.

None have equalled the success of the original rebel website, which in September was ranked the 21st most popular site in Russia by one search engine, "Rambler", which later stopped listing it altogether.

The rebel site's credibility suffered a dent after Russia announced on 23 January it had recovered the dead body of missing General, Mikhail Malofeyev. As of 25 January the rebel site was still claiming that the general was held captive.

Meanwhile the Chechen side, with the help of e-mail, has denied Russian claims to have wounded president Aslan Maskhadov.

Chechen spokesmen have long made regular telephone calls to leading news organisations, but their use of e-mail is a new development.

The message to the BBC was in the name of Mr Maskhadov's son, Anzour, and it said his father was alive and well. Search BBC News Online

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See also:

26 Jan 00 | Europe
Russia admits heavy casualties

26 Jan 00 | Media reports
Russian troops' tales of war

23 Jan 00 | Media reports
Russian TV accuses military of censorship

Internet links:

Kavkaz-Tsentr - Chechen news agency

Russian Government

Chechen Republic Online

The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

Links to other Europe stories are at the foot of the page.

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schastlivogo plavania, bal

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"...Al-Fida (Abdulfeda) Astronomy, Geography, History. 1273 – 1331
Ibn Khaldun Sociology, Philosophy of History, Political Science. 1332 – 1395
Ulugh Beg Astronomy 1393 – 1449 "

At this time islamic world was great. Greater than the west. Why is it the contrary now?
Why no persian has not been on the moon or in space station?
Why the Earth is being cartographied by western satellites and not islamic ones?
Why the Large Space Telescope doesn't bear the name of Ulugh Beg?

Because Islam has degenerated in islamist sectes and extremism and fanatism.(just have a look at what AntiRacist wrote up here "of the most powerful Islamic states that will continue to wreck havoc on the evil ie Russian federation and its supporters in west (EU,G7, NATO) ...)

Because the Islamic world refuse to adapt itself.

You would be very surprise to see how Islam has change for 25 years.
And how it's different from your golden age.

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By balalaika ( - on Wednesday,

Don't you understand that everybody here, regardless our opinions on Chechnya, is SICK with you long and, with very few exceptions, IRRELEVANT copy-paste activity?!!

Adder21 is doing so that nobody can read previous messages against his opinion.

Ps: but you; Balalalaïka when you do a copy-paste, please delete unnecessary text and please post just most striking sentances. Sum up!

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By FredLeDingue ( - on Wednesday, January 26, 2000 - 02:48 pm

that was not the point i was trying to make i was merely responding to the contributions we made. not making.
we are living in the dark ages now ie muslims.
and we will eventually arise out of it again. the west cannot remain as powerfull as they are forever. one day they will fall to. and hubble will be a distant memory. like algebra....
the romans,greeks e.t.c. all were great empires. the british use to say the sun never sets on the british empire.and what ever happenned to the mighty mongols, the ottamans. look at russia once a mighty feared nation now been reduced to a mere super pauper state... this of coarse is my opinion you may not agree and i respect that.
anyway this is a golden time for the west.
history will repeat itself

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Democracy is a gross failure all over the world. School-shootings, Hookers, street-sex, phone-sex,zero family-structure, depression and sleep-disorders outcomes of tortured psycological health are all by-products of devilish democracy. Those who practice the evil democracy in earnest pay a equally heavy price with their personal lives inevitably without exception in terms of mental peace and happiness. Drugs-abuse, X-rated way of life are all shameless legacies of the cursed democracy. Islamic way of life is the only way of life that ensures total peace from birth to death both in adversity and prosperity. Drugs-abuse, depression, sleep-disorders, restlessness,X-rated life are absolutely abs

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Dear kissie I think that adder is just trying to state his opinion. I still think that as long as the rest of the world mixes religion and politics it will be a mess.
* Eh, Jamman, neither You, nor me, nor Suleiman, nor any other sane human being want to die because some crazy swiftonian-type mullah pronounced jihad. And in this respect he's an arsonist, an instigator, providing "fossil fuel" for the conflict. Quoting Fenriz, "people shouldn't discuss religion, because they'll part extremely pissed-off." And I'll add - and shouldn't drag Allah, G-d, whoever into affairs, that are just a police matter.

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balalaika is BALABOLKA?

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By Kissie ( - on Wednesday, January 26, 2000 - 03:10 pm

Our use of phrase 'The Dark ages' to cover the period from 699 to 1,000 marks our undue concentration on Western Europe...
"From India to Spain, the brilliant civilization of Islam flourished. What was lost to christendom at this time was not lost to civilization, but quite the contrary...

"To us it seems that West-European civilization is civilization, but this is a narrow view."

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Democracy is a gross failure all over the world. School-shootings, Hookers, street-sex, phone-sex,zero family-structure, depression and sleep-disorders outcomes of tortured psycological health are all by-products of devilish democracy. Those who practice the evil democracy in earnest pay a equally heavy price with their personal lives inevitably without exception in terms of mental peace and happiness. Drugs-abuse, X-rated way of life are all shameless legacies of the cursed democracy. Islamic way of life is the only way of life that ensures total peace from birth to death both in adversity and prosperity. Drugs-abuse, depression, sleep-disorders, restlessness,X-rated life are absolutely absent from Islamic societies. Thus, the need of Islam all over the world.

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It is really unfortunate to see people waste their times on such bb with personal attacks and counter-attacks rather than discussing an issue at hand. There are a lot of people killed daily in Grozny on both sides but no one seems to care to help. I was hoping to join this bb to see some productive discussions/opinions re the war in Grozny. All I found is silly tug of words.

If that's what you want to do with your time, enjoy.

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Islamic way of life is the only way of life that ensures total peace from birth to death both in adversity and prosperity.
* Yeah, like a vegetable. It would be OK by me, but the vegetable "developed" shooting skills ... out of prosperity and adversity, I guess ... .
P.S. Obviously, You're the lucky one with Internet access.

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