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Archive through January 26, 2000

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Hey Hooded one: People - women have rights as well here, want to be hooded great but make sure your doing it for yourself and not because your old man tells you to. I had this girlfriend that was palistinian and in there culture the women were treated as dirt. I have read stories that state that muslim women are cicumsized so they do not feel sexual?? is this true if so what gives any person the right to decide ones future. I can make my own decisions and I like that don't you????

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Hey Hooded one: People - women have rights as well here, want to be hooded great but make sure your doing it for yourself and not because your old man tells you to. I had this girlfriend that was palistinian and in there culture the women were treated as dirt. I have read stories that state that muslim women are cicumsized so they do not feel sexual?? is this true if so what gives any person the right to decide ones future. I can make my own decisions and I like that don't you????

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That really made me laugh. I'll bet you a guy wrote this little "monologue". Anyway, you seem to imply that all western women cheat and are abused? And they are our "toys"? You don't get out much, do you? Anyway, if moslem women lead perfect lives, how do you explain sites like rawa?

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If opened your mind a little maybe you would begin to see that democracy is not a problem but a solution. Obviously the muslims do not have it figured out if they did they would live in peace and harmony.

accepting your democracy means slavery.
you just want to control the world.
democracy would never succees.
islam ie true islam is a way of life.
we dont need democracy we need islam.
stop trying to force your ideology on the world.

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To : Kissie
Truth is always disturbing and a bitter pill too. The wicked Americans are bank-rolling the merciless bombardment of innocent Chechen civilians without realising the silly Russians are no Afghans to win a proxy war for them. Perspectives of the pathetic miseries of old, women and children are beyond you.

* As always pathetic BS from "brothers", I've read it already, thanks.

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You know Gonzo: I think that if maybe if we used chemical warfare on them they would began to relize.. Chemical meaning if we burned a million pounds of marijane over there and watch them become freinds. They would be to stoned to fight and maybe they would worry about the nesseties in life eating grow food.

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By FredLeDingue

"Faiz Khan is right about the problem of our society. You are naive."

I know that we have such problems but not on a grand scale. I didn't accuse him of being naive because of this. I told him he was naive because he had said things like depression don't exist in moslem countries.

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( By Steve

a typical western girl sleeps with 25 men before she gets married....

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hey steve lets stereotype all christians shall we?

i guess all you guys rape children .....

1993, Father Anthony McCallen, 47, jailed for three and a half years for indecently assaulting young boys and taking indecent photographs.
1994, Father Brendan Smyth, 54, jailed for four years in Belfast Crown Court for sexually abusing girls and boys for more than 20 years.

1996, Father Joseph Steele, 67, of Belfast, jailed for two and a half years for indecently assaulting three boys and seven girls over a 14-year period.

1996, Father Frederick Linale, 59, jailed for 10 years for sexually assaulting two teenage boys over a period of five years

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according to the Bible:

“If a man happens to meet a virgin
XE "Virgin"
who is not pledged to be married and rapes her
XE "Women, Rape and marriage"
and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives”
Deuteronomy 22:28-30

One must ask a simple question here, who is really punished, the man who raped the woman or the woman who was raped? What is to prevent someone from finding the best looking woman in town, raping her, telling everyone about it, and then having the courts force her to be his wife for the rest of her life?

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adder I am not trying to force anything on you or the muslims. I'm merly trying to give you options. Hey what ever floats your boat is fine with me. I wish that is they way you felt as well.
Because if you did there would not be any conflict would there??? Just becuase my ideas are different than yours shouldn't mean they are bad or mean that I deserve to die because i think differently or look differently??? Think about it for a minute.

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Sorry I didn't mean to sterotype. I have nothing against moslems, honestly. I only dislike religiuos Fanaticism, be it Islamic or Christian. In fact I think I dislike religion in general.

Anyway, I'm outta here.

See you all, its been fun(ny).

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I wish sometimes the Internet were never build ..., or were, at least confined to academic institutions ...

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By jamman


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Joined: 17 years ago
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"You see we're not controlled by a mini skirt".
Do you think all these girls in gray sweetshirt, old blue jeans and walk shoes are controlled by the miniskirt?

"muslim women are cicumsized so they do not feel sexual?? is this true ?"

Yes, it is in some case. It's not generalized but there are many report of that.


Ultra Russian Nationalist

These last days I have been talking a lot about you in your back!
I used a fake name and another computer (diferent IP) so you couldn't recognize me.

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