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Archive through January 27, 2000

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Ultra Russian,

I'm gonna repeat my question to You one more time:

"you have accused me of lieing, when I DIDN'T..can YOU admit that or not?????"

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Woah. Just heard, that Putin is dead serious on ending any and all grain imports. Heck, that means he's real in for a strong agricultural shake-up of Russia.
P.S. Thanks.

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*Putin shot dead...

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Ultra Russian,

in case you're not planning to answer my question to you, just know that when you ask personal questions - DON'T call one a lier(and especially curse one for the answer) just because you THINK that the answer is incorrect..I hope that this is understood by you..

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Dimitri ( -

your the one that lied.

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you're welcome 🙂

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you're really tryin' hard, huh?

good try..

try harder..

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Dimitri ( -

you know im the most popular one here, you and kissie are nowhere near my league. you and kissie have one sided views. and are both traitors to our beloved russia

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Dimitri ( -

dimitri ignore adder hes crazy

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OK I see the gang is still all here. So what this about ending grain imports in Russia? I remember when Carter ended grain exports to the USSR to protest the invasion of Afganastan. That was a dumb thing to do it just took bucks out of U.S. farmers pockets.

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ok, adder, I'll ignore adder(as you wish)

will be back in half hour

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"The UN recognizes the need to fight terrorism, but at the same time we must pay as much attention as possible to defending the
rights of peaceful civilians," Annan said after meeting Federation Council (upper house of parliament) secretary Yegor Stroyev.

What about Freedom to Chechnia, from Russian Terrorism and Brutality? Annan You lost your mind, if you have even little Humanity left in you, you will resign.

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Gonzo ( -

remember when Carter ended grain exports to the USSR to protest the invasion of Afganastan

*wrong carter did not do that

That was a dumb thing to do it just took bucks out of U.S. farmers pockets.

*its not that dumb you just dont get it

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Heres a thought maybe since the cold war is over The Russian could hire Rambo to take care to the Chechens if I remember correctly he took out a whole Russian division with one machine gun in Rambo III. On a different note it is interesting to me on how different this war is played out in the media then Kosovo. In Kosovo if one civilian was killed buy accedent by a NATO bomb we saw film footage from the plane and anti-NATO folks would get in a huff and blame the US for all the evils in the world. Now Russia is bombing (not even trying to miss civilans and not using precision weapons) and the same crowd who was all bent out of shape because the use of force is rather silent. If anyone followed Kosovo discussions on the web you might re-call how anti-NATO people would try to say how the bombing had nothing to do with the Kosovars and everthing to with just about everything else. i remember one guy said it was over some mine. Whatever.

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ChechniaWillWin ( -

i agree with you 100%

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